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IV семестр

Тема: «Languages»

Грамматика: The Infinitive and the Gerund

Инфинитив и -ing форма (герундий)

The Infinitive and -ing form (The Gerund)


Различают два типа инфинитива:

а) to” инфинитив (to infinitive) – это корневая (основная) форма глагола с частицей to,

Например: to stay, to go, to study

б) инфинитив без to, или голый инфинитив (bare infinitive) - это корневая (основная) форма глагола.

Например: stay, go, study

Мы употребляем “to” инфинитив:

* после глаголов advise, agree, decide, expect, hope, manage, offer, promise, refuse, seem, want, attempt, fail, afford, dare, arrange, forget, tend и т.п.,

Например: He refused to answer my question. They agreed to lend me some money.

* после be + прилагательное (glad, happy, nice, sorry и т.п.),

Например: It is nice to be back home. They will be glad to see you.

* после таких глаголов, как know, learn, remember, ask, want to know и т.п., если за ними следует вопросительное слово (who, what, where, how и т.п). В утверждениях после why следует не инфинитив, а подлежащее + глагол,

Например: I don’t know how to answer this question.

Нo I didn’t know why he was crying.

* со словами too и enough,

Например: It’s too cold to go outside. John isn’t old enough to drive a car.

* для того, чтобы выразить цель.

Например: I went to the shop to buy some souveniers.

Мы употребляем инфинитив без to:

* после модальных глаголов (can, must, may, should и т.п),

Например: They can go home no. You should be more polite with her.

* после глаголов let и make (в значении “позволять” и “заставлять”).

Например: My parents let me have a party for my birthday last month.

When I was five years old my parents made me go to bed very early.

-ing” форма (Герундий)

“-ing” форма (ing form) – это форма глагола, оканчивающаяся на –ing.

Например: Sam likes fishing.

Мы употребляем “-ing” форму:

* как существительное

Например: Walking is a good form of exercise. Dancing is my favourite hobby.

* обычно после глаголов like, love, dislike, hate, enjoy, prefer, start, begin, stop, finish

Например: He likes going for a long walks.They started talking.

* после таких глаголов, как avoid, admit, confess, deny, look forward to, mind, regret, risk, spend, suggest, fancy, involve, imagine,

Например: Tony avoid answering my question. She spent all day shopping.

* после выражений be busy, it’s no use, it’s no good, it’s (not) worth, what’s the use of ...?, there’s no point in, be/get used to, can’t help, can’t stand,

Например: My brother is busy repairing the car. It’s no use waiting for them.

* после предлогов (in / about / at / with / of / by / without / for etc)

Например: He is not good at learning languages. They accused me of telling lies.


1 После глаголов start, begin, continue, like, love, prefer, hate можно употреблять как “-ing”-форму, так и “to” –инфинитив.

Например: He started writing/ to write his speech last night.

2 После выражений would love / would like / would prefer употребляется только “to”–инфинитив.

Например: I would love to have my own house one day.

Тема: «Languages»

Список слов

1. widespread

2. various

3. to spread

4. enormous

5. to be represented

6. to borrow

7. borrowings

8. meaning

9. mother tongue

10. origin

11. to predict

12. to simplify

13. to communicate

14. communication

15. universal language

16. to create

17. global

18. foreign

19. official language

20. trade

21. politics

22. science

23. diplomacy

24. to invade

25. invasion

26. to establish

27. mixture

28. majority

29. power

30. indigenous language

31. to be good at languages

32. to occur

33. to exist

34. to add

35. necessary

36. government

37. variety

38. local

39. independence

40. to extend

41. to preserve

42. community

43. economical ties

44. national identity

45. lingua franca

46. cultural identity

47. majority languages

48. minority languages

49. die out

50. vernacular tongue

1. широкораспространенный

2. разнообразный, различный

3. распространять(ся)

4. огромный

5. представлять, быть представленным

6. заимствовать

7. заимствования

8. значение

9. родной язык

10. происхождение

11. предсказывать

12. упрощать

13. общаться

14. общение

15. универсальный язык

16. создавать

17. всемирный, всеобщий

18. иностранный

19.официальный,официально принятый

20. торговля

21. политика

22. наука

23. дипломатия

24. вторгаться

25. вторжение

26. устанавливать

27. смесь

28. большинство

29. сила

30. местный язык, диалект

31. быть способным к языкам

32. происходить, случаться

33. существовать

34. добавить

35. необходимый

36. правительство

37. разнообразие

38. местный

39. независимость

40. распространять(ся)

41. сохранять, оберегать

42. общность, сообщество

43. экономические связи

44. самобытность нации

45. смешанный язык, служащий для общения многих народов и стран

46. самобытность культуры

47. языки многочисленных народов

48. языки национальных меньшинств

49. вымирать, исчезать

50. родной, местный (о языке)

Контрольная работа №5 Вариант 1

Задание 1 Прочитайте и переведите текст, составьте словарь незнакомых слов.

The Spread of English

1. The English language was born out of foreign invasion and later spread across the North Sea to England. They were Angles, Saxons and Jutes and came from present-day Germany and Scandinavia. They established themselves and their languages in the territory the Celtic speakers had occupied. The resulting mixture of Germanic and Scandinavian languages became the earliest form of English.

2. In 1066, William the Conqueror led the Norman French invasion of England. For a period of nearly 300 years French became the official language, ___1___ by the majority of common people. Modern English has its main origins in the mixture of these two languages, Anglo-Saxon and French.

3. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, British navigators sailed across the seas with the aim of extending Britain’s power and prosperity. They colonized new territories around the world, taking their language with them .

4. Through the centuries, ___2___, English spread throughout the world. Five hundred years ago they didn’t speak English in North America: the American Indians had their own languages. So did the Eskimos in Canada, the aborigines in Australia, and the Maoris in New Zealand. The English arrived and set up their colonies.

5. By 1897 the British Empire had possessions in all five continents. English was imposed ___3___ , but often words from the local languages started to trickle into the English of the colonisers. This occurred most frequently where an equivalent word did not exist in English.

6. Today, English is represented in every continent and in the three main oceans – the Atlantic, the Indian and the Pacific. 400 million people speak English as their first language. For the other 600 million people it’s either a second language or a foreign language. English is the first language in the United Kingdom, the United Srares of America, Australia and New Zealand. It is one of the official languages in Canada, the Irish Republic and the Republic of South Africa. English is the language of politics and diplomacy, science and technology, business and trade, sports and pop music.

7. English is mixing with and marrying other languages around the world. It is probably the most insatiable borrower. Words newly coined or in vogue in one language are very often added to English as well. There are words from 120 languages in its vocabulary, including Arabic, French, German, Greek, Italian, Russian and Spanish.

8. Other languages absorb English words too, ___4___ . So many Japanese, French and Germans mix English words with their mother tongues that the resulting hybrids are called Japlish, Franglais and Denglish. One of the many “Englishes” spoken and written today is Euro-English. Euro-English has its origins in the political arena of the European community.

9. A century ago, some linguists predicted that one day England, America, Australia and Canada would be speaking different languages. However, with the advent of records, cinema, radio, and television, the two brands of English have even begun to draw back together again.

10. People have long been interested in having a global language, a sort of linqua franca, that ___5___. Such a language would help to increase cultural and economic ties and simplify communication between people. Over the centuries, Greek, Latin, Spanish, French, Malay, Swahili and other languages have been used as international instruments for trade, diplomacy or religion.

11. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. Learning a language is not an easy thing. It’s a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But it’s a must. We all need to understand each other. To do that we need an international language, and that’s English.

Задание 2 Соотнесите пробелы в тексте 1-5 с частями предложений A-F. Одно из заданий является лишним.

A) mixing some other languages

B) as the official language of the new colonies

C) often giving them new forms and new meanings

D) although English continued to be spoken

E) as a result of various historical events

F) that could be spoken throughout the world

Задание 3 Прочитайте текст еще раз и определите, верны (В) или не верны (Н) следующие утверждения:

1. Invasions of England started from the fifth century.

2. About three centuries French was the official language of England.

3. Britain brought prosperity and independence to its colonies.

4. People in Canada, Australia, New Zealand still speak English of Shakespeare’s time.

5. There are a lot of borrowings from other languages in the English language.

6. American and British English are the brands of two different languages.

7. English has always been used as a lingua franca.

8. People need a world language as an essential part of their national identity.

9. Different epochs used different languages for trade, diplomacy and religion.

10. Invasions caused the origin of the English language and its later spreading in all five continents.

Задание 4 Образуйте вопросы для нижеприведенных предложений.

1. What/ the English language/ be born out?

2. What/ the earliest form of English/ be?

3. Who/ lead/ the Norman French invasion of England?

4. Which languages/ modern English/ have its modern origins in?

5. Why/ words from the local languages/ be borrowed/ by the English language?

6. What languages/ be spoken/ in America, Australia and New Zealand/ before the arrival of the English?

7. Other languages/ absorb /English words?

8. Why/ people/ be interested/ in using one language?

9. How many universal languages/ be used/ through the years?

10. People/ really/ need/ a word language?

Задание 5 Определите грамматическую форму слов и выражений, подчеркнутых в тексте.

Задание 6 Выполните задание, выбрав правильный ответ: a, b, c или d.

1. About 300 million people _____ in more than 60 countries use English as a second language.

a) having lived b) living c) being lived d) lived

2. The girl _____ Esperanto is my cousin.

a) being known b) having known c) knowing d) known

3. _____ the text about the history of the English language, she could finish her homework

a) Having read b) Reading c) Read d) Being read

4. The population of Australia and New Zealand uses the language _____ by the British five hundred years ago.

a) having brought b) brought c) bringing d) being brought

5. Very often words _____ from other languages have new forms and meanings.

a) having borrowed b) being borrowed c) borrowing d) borrowed

6. _____ English and French, he could find a good job in embassy.

a) Learning b) Being learnt c) Having learnt d) Learnt

7. Do you know the girl _____ German with the professor?

a) spoken b) having spoken c) being spoken d) speaking

8. No doubt that today the language widely _____ in diplomacy, politics, business and trade is English.

a) having used b) using c) being used d) used

9. _____ to speak English they started to learn the Italian language.

a) Teaching b) Having taught c) Being taught d) taught

10. _____ her report at the English language history at the annual Student’s conference, she published a big article on the university newspaper.

a) Made b) Making c) Having made d) Being made

Задание 7 Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму: infinitive oring form.

Dear Jessica,

How are you? I’m busy 1)___(study) for my exam which is next week, but

I have decided 2)___(take) a break and 3)___(write) you a letter.

4)___(read) so many notes and 5)___(learn) so many facts is making me

very tired. I can’t wait 6)___(finish) my course! Then, I can start 7)___(look)

for a good job.

Sophie started her new job last month. 8)___(work) at the hospital suits

her– she loves 9)___(look) after people. She hopes 10)___(stay) in this job

for a couple of years and then she intends 11)___(try) for a promotion.

By the way, how are you getting on now that you are a manager? I forgot

12)___(congratulate) you when I saw you.

Anyway, I’ve got to go now. Write soon and tell me all your news, won’t you?

Best wishes,


Задание 8 Выучите 50 слов по теме «Languages».

Задание 9 Составьте краткий рассказ (20-25 предложений) на тему «Английский язык в современном мире»

Задание 10 Подберите текст для дополнительного чтения (10 тысяч знаков) и выполните соответствующие задания (см. контр. работу №1, вариант I):

Контрольная работа №5 Вариант 2

Задание 1 Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст Long live the book!