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Тема 1: «My family»

Список слов.

  1. to be engaged

  2. a wedding day

  3. a bride

  4. a bridegroom

  5. to get married

  6. marriage

  7. just married

  8. a baby

  9. a toddler

  10. a child (children)

  11. to bring up children

  12. twins

  13. triplets

  14. an only child

  15. a teenager

  16. to adopt a child

  17. an orphan

  18. grown up children

  19. an elder brother

  20. a younger sister

  21. to separate

  22. to divorce

  23. one-parent family

  24. wife

  25. husband

  26. God mother

  27. step mother(step father)

  28. step son (step-daughter)

  29. step-sister (step-brother)

  30. mother-in-law (father–in-law)

  31. son-in law (daughter–in-law)

  32. aunt

  33. uncle

  34. niece

  35. nephew

  36. cousin

  37. grandparents

  38. great grandparents

  39. ancestors

  40. descendants

  41. relatives

  42. generation

  43. head of the family

  44. bachelor

  45. a spouse

  46. a pensioner

  47. to be under age

  48. to be of age

  49. a widow (a widower)

  50. kin

быть помолвленным

день свадьбы






ребенок, младенец

ребенок в возрасте 1 года

ребенок (дети)

воспитывать детей



единственный ребенок




взрослые дети

старший брат

младшая сестра



неполная семья



крестная мать

мачеха (отчим)

пасынок (падчерица)

сводная сестра (брат)

теща, свекровь, тесть, свекор

зять, сноха





двоюродный брат/ сестра

дедушка и бабушка

прабабушка и прадедушка





глава семьи




быть несовершеннолетним

быть совершеннолетним

вдова (вдовец)


Контрольная работа №1 Вариант 1

Задание 1 Прочитайте и переведите тексты. Составьте словарь незнакомых слов.

Text 1 Family life in Britain

1 A typical British family used to consist of mother, father and two children, but in recent years there have been many changes in family life. For example, since the law made it easier to get a divorce, the number of divorced people has increased. In fact, one marriage in every three now ends in divorce. This means that there are a lot of one-parent families. Society is now more tolerant to unmarried people, unmarried couples and single parents.

2 Nevertheless, marriage and the family are as popular as they once were. The majority of divorced people marry again and take responsibility for the second family. All members of a family – grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins keep in touch, but see each other not very often. This is because people move away from their home town to study or to work, so the family becomes more scattered. Christmas is the traditional season for reunions. Although the family group is smaller nowadays, relatives travel many miles in order to spend the holiday together.

3 In general, each generation is keen to become independent of parents in establishing their own family unit, and this fact can lead to social as well as geographical differences within the larger family group. Relationships within the family group are different now. Parents treat their children more as equals than they used to. Children have more freedom to make their own decisions. The fathers become more responsible for bringing up their children, often because the mothers go out to work.

4 There are a lot of leisure opportunities now in Britain so people can take part in activities outside the home. They go in for sports, attend fitness centers or travel in the country or abroad. Now many children have holidays away from their parents, often with school friends or other organized groups.

Text 2 Me and my family

5 As most people I have a father, a mother and a sister. Her name is Jane. She takes after mum and people say that I take after my dad. My mother works as a barmaid in a cafe and she is quite attractive. She works hard because she has to support me and my sister. She runs her house very well. She has green fingers: there are a lot of flowers in her house. She collects orchids and takes part in flower exhibitions.

6 My dad is a travel consultant and he has his own business. He is always friendly. From time to time he takes me and my sister for a holiday. My parents are divorced but they get on quite well. I live with my dad. I get on brilliantly with him – we can talk about everything. He is very easy-going and not strict, but he keeps everything under control. Every week he gives me some spending money to buy some necessities. His advice is always very helpful to me.

7 My sister Jane is very funny. She is interested in fashion and changes the way she dresses every week. That’s why she has a lot of clothes. As for me, I like my jeans and old clothes. When we were small we had fights about silly little things. It was fantastic. She sometimes hit me so I ripped up her posters and threw her clothes on the floor.

8 Jane loves modeling. If you are a woman you can earn a lot of money, but this job is not good for men. I would prefer to pay football professionally or manage a hotel. I suppose I’m quite ambitious. I have a dream. I want to succeed.

Text 3 How close are you as a family?

9 In France a family is a small group of people who live in the same house: mother, father and the children before they get married. Most children leave home when they get married and not before. I lived in Marseilles with my mother and father until I got married. But there are people who want to lead independent life and they find a flat as soon as they start their first job, even before they get married. The main problem is that flats are very expensive to rent,and we simply have to live with our parents.

10 We usually see each other at least once a month. We have lunch together on Sunday if we haven’t got anything special to do. Usually my grandmother and my uncle and aunt come there too. They live in close vicinity from my parents. We are quite a large family. The meal usually takes about three hours. We spend a lot of time chatting and there is always lots of news.

11 There is no one we call the head of the family, although my father’s opinion and advice are very important in any decisions we take. My uncle is in fact elder than my father, so I suppose he is a real head of the family. When my grandmother was alive he liked to think that the whole family organized itself around him, but these days it is different. But we all try to discuss things and solve our problems when we meet.

Задание 2 Найдите в тексте 1 и выпишите прилагательные в сравнительной степени.

Задание 3 Найдите в текстах и выпишите эквиваленты следующих фраз. Употребите их в собственных предложениях или ситуациях.

  1. Каждый третий брак заканчивается разводом.

  2. Все члены семьи поддерживают отношения.

  3. Родители относятся к своим детям как к равным.

  4. У нее талант - разводить цветы.

  5. Мы отлично ладим друг с другом.

  6. Я рвал ее плакаты.

  7. Я хочу добиться успехов.

  8. Квартиру очень дорого снимать.

  9. Они живут неподалеку от родителей.

Задание 4 Напишите пять специальных вопросов с глаголом to have к подчеркнутым предложениям из текста 2 и пять специальных вопросов с глаголом to be к выделенным предложениям из текста 3.

Задание 5 Напишите следующие слова из текстов 1-3 во множественном числе.

family, child, marriage, parent, uncle, opportunity, house, problem, aunt, head, center, group, country, woman

Задание 6 Степени сравнения. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав правильное слово под буквами a,b,c,d.

  1. My mother is … woman in the world.

a/ the good b/ the best c/ a good d/ the better

  1. I am 17 years old. My brother is 25. He is eight years … than me.

a/ younger b/ older c/ the youngest d/ the oldest

  1. Philology is much … than chemistry for me.

a/ interesting b/ more interesting c/ the same interesting

  1. I can read fast. You read … than me.

a/ the fastest b/ more fast c/ more faster d/ faster

  1. My grandfather is … person in the world.

a/ the most intelligent b/ more intelligent c/so intelligent

  1. My father is five years … than my mother.

a/ older b/ the old c/ as old as d/ more older

  1. I’m sorry, I can’t buy this book. It’s … than I had expected.

a/ as expensive b/ too expensive c/ more expensive

  1. A lot of people are losing their jobs now. The situation is getting … .

a/ less and less b/ better and better c/ worse and worse

  1. You live very far from university. I live much … .

a/ further b/ less far c/ father d/ as far as

10. Only our … friends were invited to the wedding.

a/ closest b/ more close c/ as close as d/ enough close

Задание 7 Заполните попуски в предложениях подходящими по смыслу словами из рамки.

daughter, mother-in-law, bride, relatives, housewife,

takes after, children, twin, engaged, husband,

  1. Jane got married to her … John four years ago.

  2. They haven’t got any …, but they want a large family.

  3. Jane’s … Mary was born half an hour after her.

  1. Lena and Max have been … for three years, but they haven’t decided to get married yet.

  1. David and Diana have two sons and one … .

  2. I look like my mother, but my sister … my father.

  3. Anny doesn’t work. She has always been a … .

  4. At that day Janet was the most beautiful … in the world.

  5. I have a lot of … . Most of my aunts and uncles live in the same village.

10. I wonder if you can get on with your future … . She is a very tough woman.

Задание 8 Подберите по смыслу предложения a-d к текстам 1-4.

  1. I grew up in a huge family and I helped my mother look after the younger children. I never crossed my mind to complain about having to do this. As kids, we all knew we had to help out.

  1. I was an only child and my parents gave me everything. They worried about me all the time and they were very selective about the children they would allow me to play with.

  1. When I was a child we lived really well. We had a beautiful house, a maid and expensive foreign holidays. My parents never saved money. Then my father lost his job. After that, we were always terribly short of money and I couldn’t go to college because I had to go out and get a job.

  1. I was very close to my grandparents when I was small. They used to take me out and buy me things and tell me kinds of stories which I loved to listen to.

  1. All that made me rather nervous and selfish person, if I’m honest.

  1. This is why I feel it is very important that my children should spend time with my own parents.

  1. That’s the kind of up-bringing, which teaches you to get on well with other people and to be unselfish.

  1. That experience showed me how important it is to look after money.

Задание 9 Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. What is your name?

  2. How old are you?

  3. Where do you come from?

  4. Are you married or single?

  5. Do you live together with your parents?

  6. What are your parents?

  7. How many brothers and sisters do you have?

  8. Are they older or younger than you?

  9. What are their occupations?

  10. Do you have any children?

  1. How old are they?

  2. What do they like doing?

  3. Do you have any other relatives?

  4. Where do they live?

  5. Do you often get together?

  6. Who is the head of your family?

  7. Whose advice is important to you?

  8. Do you help your parents?

  9. How often do you visit them?

  10. Do you like your family?

Задание 10 Выучите 50 слов по теме “My family”.

Задание 11 Составьте рассказ о своей семье (20-25 предложений). Расскажите его.

Задание 12 Подберите текст для дополнительного чтения (10 тысяч знаков). Выполните следующие задания:

А. Переведите текст с помощью словаря.

Б. Составьте словарь незнакомых слов в соответствии с абзацами.

В. Подготовьте хорошее чтение отрывка (две тысячи знаков).

Г. Подготовьте письменный литературный перевод этого отрывка.

Д. Составьте 10 специальных вопросов к тексту и подготовьте ответы на них.

Контрольная работа №1 Вариант 2

Задание 1 Прочитайте и переведите текст «Three generations». Составьте словарь незнакомых слов.

The grandfather (65)

When I see my son and his son together, I think they have a lovely relationship – it wasn’t like that in my days. My father was very strict, and we had to obey him without any question.

When I was a boy, I had to walk five kilometers to school. There was no other way of getting there. At home we didn’t have a television, so we had to make our own entertainment. I spent all my free time outside playing football. But we couldn’t play football on Sundays because we had to go to church.

I left school when I was fourteen and went to work in a bakery. That’s where I met Mabel. We couldn’t bring girlfriends home in those days. We had to meet at public places. I suppose that’s why so many people got married so young. I was only nineteen and Mabel was eighteen.

The son (44)

When I was growing up, my father was always at work, and when he came home we couldn’t disturb him because he was very tired.

Because my father left school very early and regretted it afterwards, he wanted me to do well at school. I had to show him my homework every night and I could watch television only at weekends. When I was eighteen I got a place at university. My parents didn’t have to support me financially because the government gave me a grant to study.

I didn’t go home very often, even during the holidays. I preferred hanging out with my friends. In my last year at university I met Louise, and we got a place together. We had to get married when Louise found out that she was pregnant.

The grandson (19)

I’ve always had a very close relationship with my dad and I don’t have to hide anything from him. When I was at school, I had a lot of freedom. When I went out, I didn’t have to come home at a certain time – my parents trusted me.

I am at college now, and my parents have to pay fee for my studies, but I have to work at the evenings to pay for any luxuries I want. I think colleges and universities should be free for everybody.

My girlfriend always stays at my parents’ house, and I sometimes go and stay with her parents. Both our parents think we should get married one day, but we’re definitely not in a hurry.

Задание 2 Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы. Запишите их.

  1. Whose father was always busy and tired?

  2. Who says that young people should not pay for education?

  3. Who started working when he was very young?

  4. Who lived far from school?

  5. Who could do what he wanted when he was at school?

  6. Who got higher education?

  7. Who was not in close relationship with his father?

  8. Who worried much about his son’s studies at school?

  9. Who has to work to pay for everything he wants?

10. Who didn’t watch much television?

Задание 3 Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих выражений. Употребите их в своих собственных предложениях:

  1. У них были прекрасные отношения.

  2. Не было другого способа добраться туда.

  3. Он сожалел об этом.

  4. Проводить время с друзьями.

  5. Платить за обучение.

  6. Мы развлекали сами себя.

  7. Он хотел, чтобы я учился хорошо в школе.

  8. Нам пришлось пожениться.

  9. Мои родители доверяли мне.

10. Мы не спешили.

Задание 4 Найдите в тексте пять предложений с глаголами “to be” или “to have” и поставьте к ним общие и специальные вопросы.

Пример: My father was always at work.

Общий вопрос: Was my father always at work?

Специальный вопрос:Where was always my father?

Задание 5 Заполните пропуски в предложениях в тексте прилагательными в соответствующей степени сравнения.

Two weeks ago I went into town to buy a birthday present to my … (1-old) sister. You couldn’t meet a … (2- wonderful) person than her in the world. She is one of the …(3-charming) and …(4-funny) women I know. She is also …(5-generous-hearted) person I have ever met. …(6- bad) thing is that she has a …(7-quick) temper than me. Mother says that she could also be a bit …(8-tidy) than she is. Anyway, the present I wanted to buy her had to be …(9- good) than I could afford. Eventually, I came across …(10- beautiful) scarf I had ever seen. It was … (11- long) than the scarf she had and much … (12-colourful). Imagine my disappointment when I discovered the next day that she was wearing exactly the same scarf.

Задание 6 Заполните пропуски в предложениях соответствующей формой глагола “to be”.

  1. Sugar… bad for my teeth.

  2. Darts … a popular game in Britain.

  3. His luggage … extremely heavy.

  4. There … a lot of children in the garden.

  5. This information … correct.

  6. Two miles … not a long way.

  7. Where … my red gloves?

  8. Fifty dollars ... a pretty good sum.

  9. Her hair … the longest in the group.

10. Physics … my favourite subject at school.

Задание 7 Заполните пропуски в тексте подходящими по смыслу словами из рамки

engaged, bridegroom, consent, wedding, bride, civil, reception, honeymoon, propose, toast

One evening, although he was nervous, Joe decided to (1)_____ to his girlfriend, Linda. She accepted his proposal, they became (2) _____ and he gave her a ring. After a year they had saved enough money to get married. They were both over 18 so did not need their parents’ (3) _____ . Some people have a religious ceremony with a priest, but Joe and Linda decided on a (4) _____ceremony in a registry office. On the day of the (5) _____ Linda, the (6) _____, was very calm, but Joe, the (7) _____ , was nervous. Afterwards, at the (8) _____, speeches were made and the guests drank a (9) _____ to the happy couple. Finally, the newly-weds left for a (10) _____ in Spain.

Задание 8 Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:
















Задание 9 Выучите 50 слов по теме “My family”.

Задание 10 Составьте рассказ о своей семье (20-25 предложений). Расскажите его.

Задание 11 Подберите текст для дополнительного чтения (10 тысяч знаков) и выполните соответствующие задания (см. вариант I):