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Тема 2: «Appearance and Character»

Список слов “Character”

1. patient

2. talkative

3. rude

4. selfish

5. responsible

6. generous

7. friendly

8. narrow-minded

9. ambitious

10. impudent

11. shy

12. intelligent

13. polite

14. sociable

15. lazy

16. jealous

17. tactful

18. responsible

19. kind-hearted

20. hot-tempered

21. extroverted

22. introverted

23. stupid

24. broad-minded

25. funny

26. arrogant

27. mean

28. impatient

29. sensitive

30. hard-working








с узким кругозором











с добрым сердцем





с широким кругозором







Список слов “Appearance”

1. good-looking

2. slim figure

3. to be of medium height

4. well-built

5. plump

6. overweight

7. fresh complexion

8. round/long face

9. long/short/thick/straight/curving


10. pretty

11. thin/full/well-cut/painted lips

12. black/dark/fair hair

13. to wear hair loose

14. to wear hair cut

15. bald-headed

16. special features

17. freckles

18. wrinkles

19. a dimple on the chin

20. a mole on the cheek

21. a scar

22. even/uneven teeth

23. double chin

24. to wear a beard

25. to wear a moustache

26. to look elegant

27. to wear glasses

28. well-dressed

29. charming

30. smart


стройная фигура

среднего роста

хорошо сложенный


с избыточным весом

свежий цвет лица

круглое/длинное лицо

длинные/короткие/густые/прямые/ загибающиеся ресницы


тонкие/полные/красивой формы/ накрашенные губы

черные/темные/светлые волосы

носить волосы распущенными

носить стрижку


особые приметы



ямочка на подбородке

родинка на щеке


ровные/неровные зубы

двойной подбородок

носить бороду

носить усы

выглядеть элегантно

носить очки

хорошо одетый



Грамматический справочник

Таблица времен: Present, Past, Future Simple

Present, Past, Future Progressive

Present Simple

Past Simple

Future Simple

+ V/Vs

- do/does not V

? Do/Does __ V?

+ Ved/2

- did not V

? Did __ V?

+ will V

- will not (won’t) V

? Will __ V?

Present Simple употребляется для выражения:

* постоянных действий и состояний;

* повторяющихся и повседневных действий;

* законов природы и непреложных истин;

* действий, происходящих по программе или расписанию

(движение поездов, автобусов)

Past Simple употребляется для выражения:

* действий, произошедших в прошлом в определённое время;

* повторяющихся в прошлом действий, которые более не происходят.

* действий, следовавших непосредственно одно за другим в прошлом;

* past simple употребляется также, когда речь идёт о людях, которых уже нет в живых.

Future Simple употребляется:

* для обозначения будущих действий, которые, возможно, произойдут, а возможно, и нет;

* для предсказания будущих событий;

* для выражения угроз или предупреждений;

* для выражения обещаний и решений, принятых в момент речи с глаголами hope, think, believe, expect, etc, с выражениями Im sure, Im afraid, probably, perhaps

Маркерами present simple являются:

usually, always, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never, every (week/ day/ year, etc), on (Mondays), in the (morning/ evening,etc), at (night/ weekend, etc)

Маркерами past simple являются:

yesterday, last (night/ week/ year/ Monday, etc),

(two day/ weeks/ years, etc) ago, then, when,

in (1992, etc)

Маркерами future simple являются:

tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next (week/ year/ month, etc), tonight, soon, in (a week/ two days/ three months, etc)

Present Progressive

Past Progressive

Future Progressive

+ am / is / are Ving

- am / is / are not Ving

? Am / Is ? Are __ Ving?

+ was / were Ving

- was / were not Ving

? Was / Were __ Ving?

+ will be Ving

- will not (won’t) be Ving

? Will __ be Ving?

Present Progressive употребляется для выражения:

* действий, происходящих в момент речи;

* временных действий, происходящих в настоящий период времени, но не обязательно в момент речи;

* действий, заранее запланированных на будущее

Past Progressive употребляется для выражения:

* временных действий, происходивших в прошлом в определенное время или период времени;

* временного действия, продолжавшегося в прошлом в момент, когда произошло другое действие (прерванное действие);

* двух и более временных действий, одновременно продолжавшихся в прошлом;

Future Progressive употребляется для выражения:

* действий, которые будут происходить в будущем в определённое время или период времени

Маркерами present progressive являются:

now, at the moment, at present, these days, tonight, still, etc.

Маркерами past progressive являются:

while, when, as, all (day/ night/ morning, etc), at this time yesterday, at ... o’clock yesterday, from... to... yesterday

Маркерами future progressive являются

at this time (tomorrow/ the day after tomorrow),

from... to... (tomorrow/ the day after tomorrow)

Контрольная работа №2 Вариант 1

Задание 1 Прочитайте и переведите тексты 1, 2 и 3. Составьте словарь незнакомых слов. Выполните письменный перевод одного текста на выбор.

Text 1 Claudia Schiffer

Claudia Schiffer is a very successful German supermodel and actress. She was born in August 25, 1970. She is a daughter of Gudrun and Heinz Schiffer, a lawyer. She has two brothers and a sister. Schiffer said that she was popular in high school, but felt shy because she was very tall and didn't want to be noticed. At school she became fluent in English and French. She originally wanted to become a lawyer as her father. But in 1987 when she was seventeen the boss of Model Agency noticed her in a night club and invited her to be a model. She completed her education and began to work as a model.

During the 1990-s she reached the height of popularity and appeared on over 500 magazine covers. Karl Lagerfeld selected her to become the face of Chanel. Her popularity is due to striking resemblance to a famous actress Brigitte Bardot. She is a very beautiful woman. She has a slim figure with thin waist and long legs. Her most stunning feature is her attractive face with her blue sparkling eyes, straight nose and plump lips. She has long hair but her style and colour are often changed to suit each modeling assignment.

Not only Claudia is a professional model, but she is also a very talented businesswoman. Schiffer has appeared in a number of films, music videos and talk shows. She released four fitness videos which were successful and reached the bestsellers list. Claudia is a hard-working woman. With her fellows supermodels she owns a chain of fashionable restaurants called the Fashion Cafe. She is also kind-hearted and responsible. She spends a lot of time working with charity organizations, helping children in need. Claudia remains a prominent figure in German society.

Text 2 Jenifer Lopez

Jenifer Lopez is an actress, a singer, a record producer, a dancer, a fashion designer and a television producer. She was born in July 24, 1969 in New-York. She grew up in a Puerto-Rican family. Her mother was a kindergarten teacher and her father was a computer specialist. She has two siblings- Lynda and Leslie. Her mother said that from the very beginning Jenifer was a very hard-working girl. She was fond of singing and dancing. She remembers the days when she worked in a jeans store in Bronx and at a perfume store just so she could pay the bills for taking dance and voice lessons.

Jenifer Lopez was named as one of the most beautiful people in the world in 1997. She is a slim brunette with dark brown hair and wide hazel eyes, which means that she is a friendly person and very gentle, too. Her lips are full and bright. She was the first Latina actress to receive million dollars for the role in a film.

Jenifer is a very ambitious person. She started her career as a backup dancer for rap music videos. Then she appeared in TV programs. In 1995 she broke into the big screen in the film "My family". She is a very creative person. She played many roles in action films, dramas, comedies, reality series.

Today, Jennifer Lopez is also a recognized singer. She has sold over 48 million albums worldwide. In February 2009 she released her greatest hits album. J. Lo as many call her, is one of the movers and shakers in showbiz. She gets $20 million for a movie role, sells platinum CDs and designs both fragrance and clothes lines. J. Lo is so busy, she can hardly take a breath. Advice from J. Lo: "If you work hard, then you can achieve anything in life."

Text 3 Whitney Houston

Whitney Huston is a person one cannot fail to admire. Over the past years she has become a famous singer and actress. We all remember her role in the film "The Bodyguard" (1992), where she starred as an actress. The film's soundtrack became a massive hit breaking many records. Whitney Huston was born in New Jersey in 1963. She is the third child in the family of John and Gissy Houston. She has two elder brothers. Her mother, cousins and God-mother are all notable figures in rhythm and blues singing. At the age of eleven Whitney began to follow in her mother's footsteps. She started to perform as a soloist in the junior gospel church singing. She was a talented girl with an unusually strong voice.

She became a world famous singer. Looking at Whitney it's not difficult to say why she is so popular. She has gorgeous black hair, kind brown eyes and a beautiful smile which lights up her face. The elegant clothes she wears always complements her perfect figure. Whitney has a reputation for being a very generous person. At the same time she is very determined and can be strong-willed. But this comes from her desire to do things well. Being sociable she can be seen in her free time at glamorous Hollywood parties. Whitney is an incredible woman. She always managers to look fresh and beautiful for cameras.

Задание 2 Письменно ответьте на вопросы 1-10.

Which of the celebrities:

1. is the youngest child in the family?

2. liked to sing and dance in childhood?

3. appeared on the covers of most glossy magazines?

4. receives 20 million dollars for a film role?

5. was good at languages at school?

6. has the longest legs?

7. followed in her mother's footsteps?

8. took part in TV reality series?

9. owns some restaurants?

10. is very generous?

Задание 3 Найдите в текстах эквиваленты следующих слов, выражений или словосочетаний. Выучите их. Составьте и напишите собственные предложения с этими словами в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. бегло говорить по-английски

2. закончила образование

3. достигла пика популярности

4. у нее стройная фигура

5. благотворительные организации

6. оплачивать счета

7. яркая брюнетка

8. вырвалась на большой экран

9. признанная певица

10. нет времени передохнуть

11. нельзя не восхищаться

12. была звездой

13. следовать по стопам родителей

14. шикарные черные волосы

15. очень щедрый человек

Задание 4 Восстановите вопросы и письменно ответьте на них.

1. when/ be /born /Claudia Schiffer?

2. languages /speak /she /what/?

3. what /most /stunning /be /her /feature?

4. many/ fitness/ how/ she/ release/ videos?

5. where/ grow/ Jennifer/ up/ Lopez?

6. work/ when/ she/ was young/ where/ she?

7. kinds of/ what/ she/ films/ play/ in?

8. how many/ Jennifer Lopez/ sell/ albums?

9. brothers/ Whitney Huston /how /have /many?

10. when /Whitney /to sing /start?

Задание 5 Поставьте подчеркнутые в текстах предложения в отрицательную форму. Определите их время.

Задание 6 Раскройте скобки. Выберите правильный вариант: Present Simple or Present Progressive.

  1. Vegetarians are people who don’t eat / are not eating meat.

  2. Look! Your friend is coming / comes towards us.

  3. I read / am reading the Morning Star every day.

  4. A chocoholic is a person who eats /is eating a lot of chocolate.

  5. On Sundays I go / am going to the sport center.

  6. Hei! What are you doing/ do you do with my car?

  7. I am learning / learn English words at this moment.

  8. The telephone is busy now. My sister speaks / is speaking with her friend.

  9. Many birds fly / are flying south every autumn.

10. Does it rain / Is it raining? No, look. It is sunny.

Задание 7 Подберите соответствующие слова из рамки к следующим определениям:

impatient, rude, selfish, bossy, generous, shy,

friendly, narrow-minded, ambitious, impudent

1. ____means that you only care about yourself.

2. ____means that you are not polite with other people.

3. ____ means that you like to tell everybody what to do.

4. ____means that you get angry when you have to wait for something.

5. ____means that you are kind and helpful to other people.

6. ____means that you show no respect to people around you.

7. ____means that you are not intelligent.

8. ____means that you want to be very successful.

9.____ means that you feel nervous about meeting people.

10.____means that your share what you have with other people.

Задание 8 Выучите 25 слов по теме «внешность» и 25 слов по теме «характер».

Задание 9 Напишите письменно и подготовьте устный рассказ о вашем друге с подробным описанием внешности и характера. (15-20 предложений.)

Задание 10 Подберите текст для дополнительного чтения (10 тысяч знаков) и выполните соответствующие задания (см. контр. работу №1, вариант I):

Контрольная работа №2 Вариант 2

Задание 1 Прочитайте и переведите текст «Meet the Clarkes”.

Составьте словарь незнакомых слов.

1 The Clarkes are true Londoners. Even Charles’s and Mary’s parents were born in this city. When I met Charles I liked him at once. Charles is a quiet man, rather silent and shy. He is a good listener and often encourages people to speak. He is not much of a talker himself. His wife Mary says:” He spends more time thinking than talking. He is a physicist, you know.”

2 Charles is in his early forties, a little above medium height, with regular features and fair hair, slightly grey at the temples. He has brown eyes and arched eyebrows. Charles is indeed a man of great intelligence who has an outstanding reputation among his colleagues. He is extremely fond of music and devotes a good deal of his spare time to it. He has a good collection of discs and records. He is also fond of books and tries to develop interest in reading in his children. He started to read “Alice in Wonderland” to his son Bobby long before the child could understand it.

3 Mary Clarke is a woman of forty, tall and slim, with a lovely face and large grey eyes. She has dark fair hair always carefully arranged. She makes up very little, if at all. Charles is proud of his wife. He thinks the world of her. Mary runs the house well. She is a good house-keeper and cooks perfectly. Charles, however, likes to remember Mary’s first attempt in cooking and the short dialogue between them one morning.

-“Darling, I have won a medal at the cookery school,”-Mary said.

- “Wonderful!”- Charles said. “But tell me, what is it I am eating.”


-“Your medal,”- answered Charles.

So, when her children, Bobby and Kitty, happen to dislike what they are eating they say:”Mummy, that is another of your medals, isn’t it?”

4 Mary never takes offence. She is pleased with her children. Her daughter Kitty is a pretty girl with blue eyes and chestnut hair. She is seven years old. Her brother is fifteen. He is a tall strong boy broad at the shoulders and slim at waist. When he smiles he shows very regular white teeth. Bobby does well at school. He is mainly interested in sciences and his parents expect a lot of him. But Bobby is a teenager and teenagers are sometimes difficult. From time to time he shocks his parents especially when it comes to football. Bobby is crazy about football.

5 Mary tries hard to be a wise mother. She believes in bringing up her children in the strict British manner. She gives much thought and care to their education. Mary’s views on modern education are clear-cut. Though a bit old-fashioned, perhaps. She says:” A child who goes to a ballet class and then to a piano lesson after school never has a chance to learn to do anything really well.” All she wants of her children is that they make good progress at school. Mary herself is in favour of regular hard work. She has a part-time job as a teacher at a local primary school. She teaches children practical skills in sewing and knitting and feels quite happy when they show her small items made with their own hands. The children adore her.

Задание 2 В каком из абзацев говорится:

- about Mary’s views on upbringing children;

- about Charles Clarke’s occupation;

- about Charle’s hobby;

- about Kitty’s appearance;

- about Bobby’s success at school?

Задание 3 Правильно составьте специальные вопросы к тексту и письменно ответьте на них.

  1. how / Charles / does / look like / Clarke?

  2. he / what / is / in character / like?

  3. what / kind of / is /a / he / father?

  4. interested in / what is he?

  5. what / Mary / look / Clarke / like / does?

  6. are / Mary’s / what/ on upbringing / views / of children?

  7. how /children /many / they / do / have?

  8. is / what / profession / Charles /Clarke / by?

  9. does / work / Mary / where?

10. what / Bobby/ is / about / crazy?

Задание 4 Поставьте подчеркнутые в тексте предложения в отрицательную форму.

Задание 5 Заполните пропуски в тексте, выбрав подходящие прилагательные из списка.

slim, moustache, well-built, wavy, scared, ponytail, sunglasses, strange, taller, height

I was getting out of my car, when I saw those two … (1) people, a man and a woman. They were running fast down the other side of the street from me. The man was a bit … (2) than the woman. He was wearing black … (3) and he had a long … (4). He was carrying a big red bag. He had long black hair, a beard and a …(5) . He was quite … (6) and muscular. The woman was of medium … (7) and very …(8), but she could run as fast as the man. She had … (9) shoulder length hair and was probably in her late teens. She was wearing a dark blue T-shirt and jeans. They both looked quite … (10) .

Задание 6 Подберите к следующим прилагательным слова с противоположным значением.

  1. clever

  2. rude

  3. sociable

  4. silent

  5. hard-working

  6. cruel

  7. hot-tempered

  8. narrow-minded

  9. brave

10. generous

a/ broad-minded

b/ quiet

c/ kind-hearted

d/ lazy

e/ talkative

f/ shy

g/ unsociable

h/ polite

i/ mean

j/ stupid

Задание 7 Раскройте скобки. Поставьте глаголы в правильном времени. (Past Simple или Past Progressive)

Last year, Tom and Fiona …(1 decide) to buy a house. They …(2 live) in a flat at that time but Fiona … (3 want) a house with a small garden. They …( 4 look) for a two-bedroom house with a garden. At last they …(5 find) such place. It was lovely! Unfortunately, the owner …(6 ask) much more than they … (7 be) ready to pay. Tom and Fiona …(8 decide) to look more closely at the interior and they …(9 find) out that it was an absolute mess. After long debates they …(10 agree) to find another house.

Задание 8 Выучите 30 слов по теме «внешность» и 30 слов по теме «характер».

Задание 9 Напишите письменно и подготовьте устный рассказ о вашем друге с подробным описанием внешности и характера. (15-20 предложений.)

Задание 10 Подберите текст для дополнительного чтения (10 тысяч знаков) и выполните соответствующие задания (см. контр. работу №1, вариант I):