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7. “Purple” in names and acronyms – match with the explanations:

1. purple heart

1. a medal given as an honour to be worn by sol­diers of the US wounded in battle

2. Purple Heart

2. (BrE) a small pill containing a drug (ampheta­mine) that causes excitement; it is often taken by drug ad­dicts

3. purple passage (also purple patch)

3. a) a splendid or too grand-sounding part in the middle of a piece of writing. b) a speech or writing full of ornate or flowery language

8. Make up little dialogues, using different word combinations with “purple”.

9. Remember other colour idioms with “purple” in your language.

10. What do you know about:

a) Deep Purple (1968)?

11. Read the following text.


She arrived on time, wearing a raincoat, a gray skirt, and a white sweater. “Don’t you ever wear anything that resembles color?” asked Roddy. (Laurie Colwin (1944-1992)Passion and Affect)

When light and shadows broke through the obscurity of nothingness, the world came forth from chaos. Emptiness, the end of time, returned to the shadows. But without a doubt, they also took in part of the primordial chaos because, in the human mind, darkness, far from being nothing, is actually full of life.

The concept of the dark, with all its lurking dangers, is etched deeply in human consciousness, and it arouses a universal fear. The color black evokes the perpetual night of death.

The Sudanese vocabulary of signs depicts a motif describing “black space.” It has three meanings: an exhalation from the mouth, an exhalation from the nose, and flatulence. The dark is also the physical gravity and shadowy part of each person’s soul.

Ultimate Dark: Considered the negation of color, black is conservative, goes well with almost any color except the very dark. It also has conflicting connotations. It can be serious and conventional. The color black can also be mysterious, sexy, and sophisticated.

Nature of Black: Black is the absence of color. In clothing, black is visually slimming. Black, like other dark colors, can make a room appear to shrink in size and even a well-lit room looks dark with a lot of black. Black can make other colors appear brighter.

Culture of Black: In most Western countries black is the color of mourning. Among young people, black is often seen as a color of rebellion. Black is both positive and negative. It is the color for little boys in China. Black, especially combined with orange is the color of Halloween. In early Westerns the good guy wore white while the bad guy wore black. But later on good guys wore black to lend an air of mystery to themselves.

Good black

  • Black tie - formal (as in formal party attire)

  • Black belt - expert (especially in martial arts)

  • Blackwash - bring things out in the open In the black - having money, doing well in business

  • Men in black - government agents

  • Black box - equipment or apparatus

  • Pitch black - dark as night, very black

Bad black

  • Black out - Loss of consciouness or the act of erasing something

  • Blackout - loss of electricity or turning out the lights

  • Black eye - damage such as damage to one's reputation, slander, unpopular

  • Black-hearted - evil

  • Blackguard - a scoundrel

  • Black sheep - an outcast from a family or from society

  • Black market - illegal trade (goods or money)

  • Blackmail - obtaining something by threat

  • Blacklist - list of people or organizations to boycott, avoid, or punish

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