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21. General English skills – an idea for general discussion: “The Black Death”, - modern illnesses and their treatment.

22. Have fun!

Fig.12 Look for some time at the black point in the center of the picture. The coloured spots will disappear in a few moments.

Fig. 13 The diamonds are of the same colour. There are no variations in tone value.

Fig. 14 Abraham Lincoln’s portrait.

Find a wolf, a horse, a snail, a mouse, a bird, a praying man, a clown and a fish.


1. Grammar Summary

In English, tenses are formed by conjugating an auxiliary verb plus a standard form of the principal verb (the base form, the gerund form, or the past participle form). It is import to focus on the variations in the auxiliary verb to properly use English tenses.

Symbols Used:

S (subject) Aux (auxiliary verb) O (objects) ? (question word, i.e., who, what when, etc.)


In general, using the following patterns to construct sentences in active sentences.

Positive: S + Verb + O Negative:S + Aux + Verb + O Question:(?)+ Aux + S + Verb + (O)

Present Simple

Use the present simple to express regular routines and habits. The present simple is often used with adverbs of frequency.

Auxiliary: DO


He often arrives late for work. When do you do your homework? They don't take the bus to work.

Present Continuous

Use the present continuous when something is happening at or around the present moment in time. The present continuous is often used with 'now, at the moment, currently, today'.

Auxiliary: BE


Jack is working on the report at the moment. What are you doing? Go ahead and take it. She isn't reading that book currently.

Present Perfect

Use the present perfect for:

  • Something which has happened up to the present moment

  • Something which has happened at an unspecified point of time in the past

  • Something which has recently happened

Auxiliary: HAVE


They haven't done their work yet. He's worked at this company since 1978. Have you every been to Rome?

Present Perfect Continuous

Use the present perfect continuous to express the duration of an activity that begins in the past and continues up to the present moment. In many cases BOTH the present perfect and present perfect continuous can be used.

Auxiliary: HAVE BEEN


We've been driving for three hours. How long have you been sitting at that table? They haven't been working here long.

2. Additional texts for quick reading


Relaxing Neutral: Ivory is a soft neutral color that isn't quite white and has some of the earthiness of light browns. Ivory represents quiet, pleasantness with a touch of luster.

Culture of Ivory: The ivory tusks of elephants have long been prized and used in jewelry and the decoration of housewares and furniture. Pearl and opal, shades of ivory, are also precious stones. Ivory is the traditional Fourteenth Wedding Anniversary gift while pearl is for the Thirtieth.

Language of Ivory: The use of ivory in familiar phrases can help a designer see how their color of choice might be perceived by others, both the positive and negative aspects.

Good ivory

  • Ivory dome - intellectual or teacher

  • Ivory tower - refuge, place of seclusion from the world

Bad ivory

  • Ivory tower - often used in a derogatory manner to indicate someone who has been physically or mentally in a place out of touch with reality or the real world

Ivory Words: These words are synonymous with ivory or represent various shades of the color ivory. Milk white, pearl, off-white, opaline


Dependable and Flexible: Beige is a chameleon, taking on some of the attributes of stronger warm or cool colors it accompanies. On its own, the color beige is a calm neutral background.

Nature of Beige: Beige is a neutral color with a bit of the warmth of brown and the crisp, coolness of white. It is sometimes seen as dull and boring unless coupled with other colors. It can be a relaxing color for a room.

Culture of Beige: Beige has traditionally been seen as a conservative, background color. In some cultures, beige garments might symbolize piety or simplicity. Traditional Saudi Arabia dress include a flowing floor-length outer cloak (bisht) made of wool or camel hair in black, beige, brown or cream tones.

Beige Words: These words are synonymous with beige or represent various shades of the color beige. Buff, camel, oatmeal, tan, sand, biscuit, cream, ecru, mushroom.

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