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12. Answer the questions:

a) What is colour?

b) What physical properties of colour can you name?

c) What features of the composition of light are typically included to the colour physical specification?

d) What is chromatics?

e) What is a "visible light"?

f) What are spectral colours?

13. Say whether the following is true or false:

a) Colour derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light energy versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors.

b) Colours can be identified either by their RGB or HSV values.

c) The physical or physiological quantifications of colour fully explain the psychophysical perception of colour appearance.

d) Chromatics includes the perception of colour by the human eye and brain, the origin of colour in materials, colour theory in art, and the physics of electromagnetic radiation in the visible range (that is, what we commonly refer to simply as light).

e) Electromagnetic radiation can be characterized by its frequency.

f) Although the spectrum of light arriving at the eye from a given direction determines the colour sensation in that direction, there are many more possible spectral combinations than colour sensations.

g) The familiar colours of the rainbow in the spectrum were named using the Latin word for appearance or apparition by Isaac Newton in 1971.

14. Translate into English:

В 1676 году сэр Исаак Ньютон с помощью трёхгранной призмы разложил белый солнечный свет на цветовой спектр. Подобный спектр содержал все цвета за исклю­чением пурпурного. Существуют и другие физические пути образования цвета, например, связанные с процессами интерференции, дифракции, поляризации и флуорес­ценции. Если мы разделим спектр на две части, например - на красно-оранжево-жёлтую и зелёно-сине-фиолетовую, и соберём каждую из этих групп специальной линзой, то в результате получим два смешанных цвета, смесь которых, в свою очередь, также даст нам белый цвет. Два цвета, объединение которых даёт белый цвет, назы­ваются дополнительными цветами. Каждый цвет является дополнительным по отношению к смеси всех остальных цветов спектра. Различные цвета создаются световыми волнами, которые представляют собой определённый род электро­магнитной энергии.

15. Grammar revision (for more information, see appendix 1)


  1. Anne is a fashion designer; she … to the opening of every new fashion show in the city.

  1. is going

  2. has gone

  3. has been going

  4. goes

  1. Her family … from town to town since she can remember.

  1. is moving

  2. has been moving

  3. has moved

  4. moves

3. Look here! I simple refuse to believe what you … me now.

  1. are telling

  2. have been telling

  3. have told

  4. tell

4. As far as I know Mike … Italian for quite some, but he still doesn’t understand much.

  1. is learning

  2. has been learning

  3. has learnt

  4. learns

5. Jake is a good footballer. Do you know since when … football?

  1. he has been playing

  2. he plays

  3. has he been playing

  4. is he playing

6. There! … this big heavy cloud in the sky; I’m sure it’ll rain in a minute.

  1. do you see

  2. have you seen

  3. are you seeing

  4. have you been seeing

7. Do you remember me? – Of course, I do. We … several times before.

  1. have met

  2. meet

  3. met

  4. have been meeting

8. For many years American schools … federal aid for special purposes.

  1. receive

  2. have received

  3. have been receiving

  4. are receiving

9. The government is worried because the number of people without jobs …

a) increases

b) has increased

c) is increasing

d) has been increasing

10. Jerry promised to come to work in time. He is not here, and he even …

a) isn’t calling

b) hasn’t called

c) hasn’t been calling

d) doesn’t call

11. Today the world … so rapidly; things never stay the same.

a) changes

b) has changed

c) is changing

d) has been changing

12. David is quite an athlete. He wants to be strong and healthy, that’s why he … every morning.

a) is jogging

b) has jogged

c) jogs

d) has been jogging

13. I have read this chapter in my chemistry text three times, and still I … it.

a) don’t understand

b) understand

c) haven’t understand

d) have understood

14. A group of scientists are travelling around Africa. How many countries … so far, I wonder?

a) have they visited

b) have they been visiting

c) they have visited

d) do they visit

15. Jeremy … basketball this season; he wants to concentrate on his studies.

a) doesn’t play

b) hasn’t been playing

c) isn’t playing

d) hasn’t played

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