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4. Match the words on the left to those on the right. Make 10 word partner­ships and translate them into Russian.

1. moderate

a. woods

2. coniferous

b. resort

3. total

c. state

4. favourable

d. transition

5. independent

e. enterprises

6. economic

f. relations

7. health

g. population

8. industrial

h. conditions

9. market

i. parks

10. national

j. climate

5. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian collocations.

1) создают благоприятные условия; 2) расположена на перекрестках торговых путей; 3) смешанные лиственные и хвойные леса; 4) жители героически сражались; 5) в настоя­щее время претерпевает; 6) суверенное независимое государ­ство; 7) имеет большой потенциал для преодоления; 8) про­мышленные предприятия; 9) главная здравница страны; 10) шла тяжелая борьба; 11) переход к рыночным отношени­ям; 12) несмотря на экономические трудности.

6. Get ready to discuss the following.

The Republic of Belarus possesses great potential for develo­ping tourism in the country. What do you think should be done to attract more foreign tourists?

Тема: Белорусская экономика (BELARUSIAN ECONOMY)

1. Memorize the words.

advance v — продвигаться, идти вперед

deposit n — залежь, месторождение

potassium n — калий

amount n — количество

peat n — торф

balneological а — бальнеологический

balneary n — лечебный минеральный источник

raw material — сырье

fertilizer n — удобрение

slate n — сланец

dairy products — молочные продукты

joint-stock company — совместное предприятие

engineering n — машиностроение

consumer n — потребитель

rubber n — резина

property n — собственность

entrepreneurship n — предпринимательство

2. Answer the following questions before you read Text a.

  1. What natural resources does Belarus possess?

  2. What are the main industries of the Belarusian economy?

  3. What countries are the main trading partners of Belarus?

3.Read text and fulfill the tasks which follow. Belarusian Economy

The Republic of Belarus is one of the most economically ad­vanced regions among the CIS countries. More than four thou­sand deposits of 30 different minerals have been found in Belarus. A special place among them belongs to potassium and rock salts.

The country is rich in construction materials. It has great reserves of peat and sapropel. Tt also possesses unique reserves of mineral waters for drinking and balneological purposes. Pe­troleum and gas reserves are not very large, deposits of brown coal and slates have also been explored in Belarus.

There are deposits of rare metals, aluminium and soda raw materials, phosphorites and gypsum. The country has large for­est reserves. One-third of the territory is covered with woods.

Industry is the basis for the country's production potential. The structure of industry is represented by mechanical engi­neering and metal-processing, chemical and petrochemical in­dustry, electric power industry, light industry and food-pro­cessing industry. Belarusian agriculture is moving in the direc­tion of creating 'agritowns'.

A great amount of goods produced by Belarusian industries and agriculture is oriented towards the CIS countries' markets. The main trading partners of Belarus are Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Italy and China,

Belarus exports transport equipment, machinery, refrigera­tors, TV-sets, chemicals, fertilizers, wood and paper products, meat and dairy products.

It imports petroleum, natural gas, industrial raw materials, textiles, rubber, sugar, fruits and some consumer goods.

In 1990 market .oriented reforms were initiated in Belarus. The tendency of transition to the positive model of structural reorganization has taken shape. But still Belarusian economy 26 faces certain problems connected with the transition to market economy.

At present there are two forms of property in Belarus: state and private. Various forms of business exist in the Republic of Belarus: state enterprises, open joint-stock companies, limited companies, private firms and entrepreneurship.

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