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1. Listen to the conversation. 2.32

Travel Agent: Good morning. Can I help you?

Nancy: Yes, I'd like to reserve a seat for a flight to Hong Kong.

Agent: Hong Kong? Would that be a round-trip ticket or one-way?

Nancy: Round-trip, please. Agent: And for what date?

Nancy: The eighteenth of this month, if possible.

Agent: Friday, the eighteenth? What about the return date? Do you have a fixed date in mind, or do you want an open ticket?

Nancy: I have to return on the 30th. Fixed.

Agent: Non-stop? There are some cheaper flights via Canada, Japan or Korea

Nancy: Definitely non-stop.

Agent: What class?

Nancy: Coach. I can't afford the others!

Agent: OK. What time of day do you want to depart?

Nancy: What's available?

Agent: Well, both Cathay Pacific flights are late departures, 11:45 p.m. and 1:40 a.m., so you could sleep. It's a fifteen-hour flight. United leaves in the morning at 11:30 a.m. and it's a daytime flight.

Nancy: Mm, I have a United frequent flyer card, but I'll take the Cathay Pacific 11:45 one.

Agent: OK. If you'll bear with me, I'll check availability. Yes, that's fine. Do you have a seating preference?

Nancy: Window. How much is that going to be?

Agent: Two thousand three hundred and forty-two dollars, please

2. Ask your partner these questions:

  1. What's your favorite airline? Why?

  2. Do you belong to a frequent flyer program?

  3. Do you collect air miles on a program?

  4. Do you choose an airline because of air miles?

  5. Have you ever traveled in business class?

  6. Has an airline ever upgraded you to a better seat?

  7. Where do you prefer to sit?

3.Read the text Travelling on Business

Nowadays businessmen go on business trips by train, by plane, by boat and by car. All means of travel have their advan­tages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and destinations. Most businessmen are interested in speed, comfort and safety.

When I go on business I decide what kind of transport to choose and make all travel arrangemen. It's rather difficult to get tickets on the day of departure and I book a ticket at least a week in advance. As I prefer travelling by train I get to Minsk railway terminal. There are crowds of people there: at the time­table, at the inquiry-office, at the booking-office, waiting for trains at the platforms, having a snack at a cafeteria, seeing off their friends and relatives. They are in a hurry not to miss their trains (to catch the trams). I get all the necessary information at the inquiry office before buying or booking tickets. Usually I prefer a return ticket to a single one, a lower berth to an upper one. I like to travel by an express train as it's more comfortable than a passen­ger train. There's a buffet-car and a carriage hostess brings me tea and bedclothes. The fare are reasonable and the trains are al­ways in time. They leave and arrive without delay. When I get on the train I go to my compartment. Here I put my lug­gage on the track and make myself comfortable. I'm very glad to have one or two other passengers in the compartment of my carriage for it's very pleasant to travel in a good company. I always have a nice trip by train.

Very often I go on business to London by air as it is the fastest way of travelling. I ask my secretary to check flights to London as I want to take the earliest flight I can. She finds out the time of flights to London and reserves me a seat. Usually it's a direct non-stop flight, business class, non-smoking. The secretary ar­ranges everything for me (makes all necessary reservations for the flight) and I go home to pack a bag. I can't waste my time because passengers must arrive at the airport two hours before departure time on international flights and an hour on domestic flights. There must be enough time for them to complete all necessary airport formalities. Passengers must check in for flights: register tickets, weigh and register their luggage. My secretary also ar­ranges for a car to take me to the Airport Terminal and phones me to inform about the latest check-in time. At the check-in desk I put my luggage on the scales and pay an extra charge if it's necessary. Together with other passengers I wait at the departure lounge and on hearing the announcement about the flight I collect my hand luggage and go to gate. I show my boarding pass to the steward­ess and get on the plane.

Planes to London leave and land there without delay and when I get off the plane in London Mr. Smith meets me at Heathrow Airport.


1. Read the words to the text. Pronounce them correctly and learn their Russian equivalents:






Конечная станция

check in -

проверять, регистрировать



boarding-pass -

Посадочный талон



scales -




departure lounge -

Зал ожидания



extra weight -

излишний вес


багажная полка

announcement -


inquiry-office -


extra charge -

Дополнительная оплата

to have a snack


without delay -

без задержки

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