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2. Answer the following questions before you read Text a.

  1. What is the official name of Great Britain?

  2. What are the four political divisions of Great Britain? Name their capitals.

  3. What is the ruling political party in Great Britain at pre­sent and who is the Prime Minister

3.Read the text and fulfill the tasks which follow. Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles and consists of four parts: Eng­land, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The capital of England and the UK is London, the capital of Wales is Cardiff, the capital of Scotland is Edinburgh and the capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.

The English Channel and the Straits of Dover separate Great Britain from the continent. The territory of the UK is about 244,000 sq. km. The population is about 60 mln. About 80 per cent of the population is urban.

The UK is a constitutional monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state. But the monarchy is a mere formality. In practice the country is governed by the elected government with a Prime Minister at the head.

There are three main political parties in the UK: Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrats.

Great Britain is not rich in natural resources. Many of Bri­tain's most valuable and accessible deposits have been worked out. The absence of high-grade iron ore, manganese, chrome, nickel and many other rare metals has always made the British economy greatly dependent on imported raw materials. There are significant amounts of coal, zinc, copper, lead and tin. Many non-metallic minerals are found in Britain: clay, chalk, sand and gravel, limestone, slate, dolomite, gypsum, common salt, rock salt and others.

With the discovery of oil and natural gas in the North Sea the country has become self-sufficient in energy.

In spite of the lack of some important raw materials and problems connected with the balance-of-trade deficit, the UK is one of the most highly industrialized countries in the world.

4. Match the words on the left to those on the right. Make 10 word partner­ships and translate them into Russian.

1. urban

a. formality

2. constitutional

b. resources

3. rare

c. government

4. significant

d. deposits

5. natural

e. population

6. elected

f. monarchy

7. mere

g. materials

8. valuable

h. salt

9. raw

i. amounts

10. rock

j. metals

5. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian colloca- tions.

1) расположено на Британских островах; 2) конституци­онная монархия; 3) простая формальность; 4) страной управ­ляет; 5) самые ценные и доступные залежи уже выработаны; 6) имеются значительные запасы; 7) страна стала обеспечи­вать себя энергией; 8) несмотря на недостаток сырья; 9) де­фицит торгового баланса; 10) делали экономику зависимой от ввозимого сырья.

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