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1. Answer the questions:

  1. At what ages must British children stay at school?

  2. What groups are state schools divided into?

  3. What is a private school?

  4. What do many young people do after leaving school?

2. Compare British and Belarussian Education.


A Hairdresser With a Passion For Styling

Vera Satina is 30. She has spent the past 25 years cutting people's hair, 17 of which she has worked as a professional stylist In response to statements that hers is not a serious vocation, she says, "What can I do if I enjoy cutting people's hair? It is like becoming an artist when you create something beautiful. And it is not something abstract, it is a person you work on."

Vera's passion for styling began at an early age; ever since she was a child, Vera dreamed of becoming a hairdresser. At first, she just cut her own hair, keeping it secret from her parents, but gradually she took to experimenting on her neighborhood friends. She would sit them down in an armchair, comb and style their hair and even clip off some locks. Her volunteers found the experience amusing and enjoyed the free services, but their parents were less appreciative. Vera's parents also disapproved of her hobby, disregarding hairdressing as a worthwhile profession. They hoped that she would eventually graduate from high school and study law or economics. But they calmed themselves with the thought that it was just a hobby and that she would outgrow her interest in hair.

But her passion did not fade. When Vera learned that if she left high school to attend a hairdressing college for two years, she would be qualified as a broad specialist (a hairdresser for both male and female clients), she did so despite her parents' protests. And now that she works in one of Moscow's most fashionable salons, the Axle, located on Leninskii Prospect, Vera's parents are content.

"They know that as long as I have a pair of scissors, I'll have money," Vera says.

And then she found Axle, where she has worked for the past year. There her salary is considerably higher and she feels much appreciated by her clients.

Some stylists are popular only with either female or male clients, but Vera is popular with everyone. The salon has a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, and it is typical for the regular customers to become good friends with their stylists.

Though Vera enjoys working at Axle, she has set her sights on more. "I'm happy with everything here, but I want some new prospects," she says. "I want to make a good career and start a business of my own."

Though it is usually recommended that a stylist stay with one salon for long enough to build up a large clientele, Vera is not worried and already has plans to open her own salon. Ideally, she would like to open it somewhere in the city center and she wants it to look attractive but not pretentious or too expensive. She envisions a staff of four stylists and plans to target the middle class.

"One day, I will have my own business under my own name. Oh yes," she says. "I am not planning to get old still clicking my scissors."

Passion -страсть, страстное увлечение; предмет страсти,

clip off состригать

stylist ['stailistj стилист, модельер

In response в ответ

comb [кэигп] гребень; расческа

appreciative [a'prkjjativ] восприимчивый; умеющий ценить, благодарный

disapproved ['disa'pru:v] не одобрять, осуждать (что-л.), неодобрительно относиться.

disregard [,disri'ga:d] неуважение, пренебрежение, игнорирование.

worthwhile стоящий, дающий результат

eventually [i'ventfuali] в конечном счете, в итоге, в конце концов; со временем

calm [ka:m] успокаивать; умиротворять; нормализовать

fade [feid] ослабевать

broad [brD:d] широкий

despite [di'spait] несмотря на, вопреки чему-л.

content [kan'tent] удовлетворенность, довольство

scissors ['sizaz] ножницы

salary ['saelari] жалованье, заработная плата; оклад

considerably [kan'sid^rebli] значительно, много

clientele [,kli:a:n'tel] клиентура, клиенты

envision [in'vi3(9)n] воображать что-л., представлять себе, предвидеть

staff [sta:f] штат служащих; служебный персонал; личный состав; кадры

target ['ta:git] выбирать в качестве целевой аудитории, предназначать

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