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  1. Speaking

Tell other students about a movie you watched. Let them guess the type of a movie.

Topic 3. Talking about a movie

  1. Warm-up

Pair work. Ask and answer.

How do you choose a film to watch?

Do you read reviews?

Do you watch trailers?

Do you sometimes feel disappointed after watching a film?

What makes a good movie?

  1. Listening for gist

Listen to the conversation (PT for RSE: T20 1). Match each speaker with a statement. One statement is odd.

A. I prefer watching films at the cinema.

B. I'm not keen on films with special effects.

C. I have seen several very good films recently.

D. Cinemas are too expensive for me these days.

E. Watching films at home seems more fun to me.

F. I am not influenced by film reviews in newspapers.

3. Listening for details

1) Listen to the conversation once again. Put down expression, which mean the following:

a) a small shop selling videos nearby

b) a very profitable movie

c) made with the use of the computer

d) considering

e) people who write about films

f) be not worth the money spent

g) things that disturb you

h) be active in taking part

Put down adjectives which were used for describing a movie.

2) Six people (IO U: 56) were interviewed as they went into the cinema to see The Blair Witch Project. Listen and choose the option which describes how they were feeling.

a) a bit / totally / extremely nervous

b) distinctly / utterly / a little uneasy

c) scared / nervous / frightened to death

d) scared / afraid / bored stiff

e) completely / terribly / quite apprehensive

f) absolutely / quite / very terrified

3) Listen to the same people being interviewed after the film (IO U:57). What was the general reaction to the film?

On the recording, the speakers use similar words to the ones in bold in these comments. Try to remember the exact words used by the speakers. Listen and check your answers.

a) (1) Terribly disappointing ... it does not live up to (2) expectations

b) (3) Utter rubbish

c) it was a (4) huge letdown

d) I feel (5) thoroughly disillusioned

e) I don't think I've ever been so bored in my (6) whole life

f) A (7) complete waste of time

4. Lexis

  1. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box

Special effects suspense dubbed thriller sci-fi blockbuster multiplex a bit westerns nail-biting subtitles

I love going to the cinema and I'm lucky because there's a big new _____ close to where I live. I always enjoy a good ______ - the ______ type where there's lots of _______ and you find yourself gripping the arm of the chair. I'm not very keen on _______ or war films - they usually involve ________ too much violence for my taste. But I enjoy ______ ________ movies, especially if the _______ are well done. I really like to watch foreign films too, although I hate it if they've been _______ - I prefer the original versions with _______ .

2) Read these extracts from different pieces of writing about films. Make a list of a) formal, b) informal words and expressions for describing a movie.

  1. I saw a great movie last night with Helen. You'd have loved it! It's called The Score, and it's about a robbery. De Niro is fab as one of the robbers, and Edward Norton - as usual -is really cool! Great twist at the end, too. I reckon it's gonna win loads of Oscars.

  2. I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know how long I will have to wait from the date of my order until the satellite dish and programme decoder are installed.

3. Although there may well be some kind of connection between violence on TV and violence in society, it's really not clear what that connection is. It certainly is not the case that the majority of people, after watching a violent film, feel an increased need to commit violent acts. In fact, possibly quite the opposite.

4. As requested, I have visited the three outdoor cinemas currently taking part in the film festival. I have compared them in terms of ticket pricing, facilities, comfort, sound quality and picture quality. My findings are outlined below.

To conclude, cinema appears to be increasing in popularity amongst younger age groups, despite the availability of high-quality video and DVD. The evidence suggests that this is due partly to the social element involved in going to the cinema, and partly to the benefits of a large screen and state-of-the-art sound system.

  1. 'Oh, I really don't fancy going to the cinema tonight. Can't we just stay in and watch a movie on TV or something?' said Kyle. His tone of voice revealed that he was hiding his real reasons for wanting to remain at home.

6. Furthermore, your advertisement stated that the DVD contains interviews with the stars and the director. The copy which I received unfortunately contains the film and nothing more.

  1. As you will see from my C.V. (attached), I have worked as an extra on a number of films. I believe that my references from those films demonstrate that I am professional, reliable and hardworking.

3). Fill in an appropriate word from the box in the correct form.

Play be based comic amusing original equally brilliantly direct release adaptation screenplay star enable capture appeal act

Several of Roald Dahl’s children's books, including James and the Giant Peach and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, have been made into successful films.

The film Matilda, _______ by and starring ______ actor Danny DeVito, _______ on the Roald Dahl book of the same name and is perhaps the most successful ______ of them all.

Mara Wilson ______ as Matilda, a sweet and intelligent six-and-a-half-year-old girl whose parents (Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman) treat her terribly. When they're not ignoring her, they're mean and rude to her, and make her life a misery, as does her horrible brother Mikey (_____ by Brian Levinson).

Matilda is desperate to go to school and eventually her parents send her to Crunchem Hall, where the evil headmistress Mrs Trunchball (______ played by Pam Ferris) treats her worse -if that's possible - than her family does at home.

Matilda has friends at school, though, including her kind teacher Miss Jenny Honey (played by Embeth Davidtz), and she soon discovers she has some strange powers which ______ her to fight back against the people who want to harm her.

Although Matilda, which was originally ______ in 1996, is a highly ______ children's movie, much of the humour will ______ to adults too and the film is extremely well directed and _______ . As a director, DeVito manages to ______ completely the tone and style of the ______ book. Indeed, this is one of the rare occasions where the film of a book is ______ good, if not better. The _______ was written by Nicholas Kazan, son of the famous film director Elia Kazan.

The film is also known as Roald Dahl's Matilda in some countries.