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5. Speaking

Group work. Role-play.

Choose roles of film crew members. Role play a scene of shooting a film.


1. Listening

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer, А, В or С

  1. You hear a woman being interviewed on the radio. What role did she have in a recent film?

A) an extra

В) a bit part

С) a main part

  1. You overhear a woman in a video store. What does she want?

A) a film on video

В) a DVD

С) a blank video cassette

  1. You overhear this exchange in a film on TV. What does the man want the woman to do?

A) press a button

В) pull a lever

С) turn a dial

  1. You hear someone talking about a film. What kind of film is it?

A) a comedy

В) a western

С) a love story

  1. Listen to this person talking about a film they worked on. What was their job?

A) actor

В) scriptwriter

С) director

  1. You hear two people talking about a film. What is their relationship?

A) colleagues

В) neighbours

С) brothers

  1. Listen to this woman on TV talking about a man. Why is she talking about him?

A) She's going to interview him.

В) She knows him personally.

С) He's a well-known actor.

  1. Listen to this director talking to an actor. How does she want him to do the scene?

A) exactly as before

В) slightly differently

С) very differently

2. Speaking

Group work. Project.

Make a film. Think of an idea and a message of the film. Decide about its kind.

Choose roles of crew members. Discuss all stages of it: pre-production, filming, post-production. Make a presentation of your film.

List of recordings

    1. IO I - Inside Out Intermediate (Class Cassettes)

    2. IO U – Inside Out upper-Intermediate (Class Cassettes)

    3. SE – Survival English (Class Cassettes and CD)

    4. SL – Macmillan Exams Skills for Russia: Speaking and Listening (Audio CDs)

    5. PT for RSE – Practice Tests for Russian State Exam (Audio CDs)


Введение 3

Unit 1. SPORTS 4

Topic 1. We do sports 4

Topic 2. Extreme sports 13

Topic 3. People in sports 15

Topic 4. Sport events 18

Consolidation 26


Topic 1. Pastimes, hobbies 26

Topic 2. Funfair 36

Topic 3. Parties 38

Topic 4. Reading 43

Consolidation 49

Unit 3. MOVIES 50

Topic 1. Cinemas 50

Topic 2. Kinds of movies 52

Topic 3. Discussing a movie 55

Topic 4. Filming 60

Consolidation 67

List of recordings 68

В авторской редакции

Компьютерная верстка: М.Н. Авдюхова

Л ицензия А № 165724 от 11 апреля 2006 г.

Подписано в печать 20.01.12. Тираж 10 экз.

Уч.-изд. л. 2,6. Формат 60´84 1/16. Усл. п. л. 4,1.

Гарнитура Таймс. Заказ

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