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5. Speaking

1) Think of a good party you've been to or one that was a disaster. You are going to tell your partner about it. Choose from the list the things you want to talk about. Think about what you will say and what language you will need.

- Whose party was it?

- What was the occasion?

- Did you take a gift for the host?

- Who did you go with?

- Where was the party?

- Were there any decorations?

- Were there a lot of people there?

- Did you know most of the people there?

- What sort of food and drink did you have?

- What was the music like?

- Did you dance?

- Did you meet anybody nice there?

- What time did it finish?

- Did you stay to the end?

Tell your partner about the party.

2) Work in groups. You are going to take part in a competition to organise the best party. Decide on the following:

• budget • formal or informal dress

• date and time • decorations

• who to invite • entertainment (music, fireworks, etc)

• place • food and drink

Tell the rest of the class about your party. Try to convince them to come.

Topic 4. Reading

1. Warm-up

Pair work.

Ask and answer:

Do you like reading?

What kind of books do you read?

Do you have a favourite author?

How do you choose a book to read?

How do you prefer to read books?

Do you borrow books from the library?

How would you describe yourself as a reader?

2. Listening for gist

1) Listen to five speakers (PT RSE: T14 1). Match each statement with a speaker. One statement is odd.

A. She reads more now than she used to.

B. She doesn't buy books very often.

C. She reads on the way to work every day.

D. She's teaching her children to read at the moment.

E. She prefers reading books for children.

F. She wants to write a book one day.

2) Listen to five speakers (PT RSE: T11 1). Match each statement with a speaker. One statement is odd.

A. I like this writer because he/she has unusual ideas.

B. I have read all this writer's books more than once.

C. I think this writer understands how young people feel.

D. I like this writer because his/her books are very funny.

E. I like this writer because his/her books have helped me at school.

F. This writer has helped me choose my future career.

3. Listening for details

1) Listen to the conversation between a librarian and a reader (PT RSE: T17 2). Decide which statements are True / False / Not mentioned in the conversation.

l. The woman has used this library before.

2. The woman usually carries her passport with her.

3. The woman has something with her that can be used as identification.

4. You have to pay if you keep a book for more than two weeks.

5. The library only has books.

6. You can borrow a maximum of six things at the same time.

2) Listen to the interview with a popular author (PT RSE: T16 3). Choose the best answer.

A. Catherine mainly gets inspiration for her novels from

1) things that happen in her personal life.

2) unimportant news stories.

3) major events in the local area.

B. The example of the shopping centre shows that, before writing, Catherine

1) interviews a lot of people.

2) does a lot of background research.

3) imagines a complete story.

C. Catherine says her characters

1) can be identified by the people they're based on.

2) are exact copies of people she has known.

3) are only loosely based on real people.

D. Catherine is most likely to create a character based on a real person's

1) history.

2) appearance.

3) view of the world.

E. There is a chance that

1) Catherine will give a talk about making films.

2) a company will buy the film rights to Fire At Dawn.

3) there will be a film version of Fire At Dawn.

F. Catherine does not want

1) to be involved in making the film.

2) someone else to write the screenplay.

3) the plot to be altered in a major way.

G. Catherine believes that

1) the stories in the book and film should be the same.

2) film and literature are extremely different media.

3) films based on books are usually annoying.