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It needs doing, to have smth done, to do smth.

Most rooms very small, not enough light in them (small windows), but some rooms have a large fireplace.

Next to railway, but noise not really noticeable.

Some floorboards are missing or rotten, windows are broken, and some ceilings have fallen down. Water comes in through the roof.

Large garden but very overgrown, and full of old junk.

Faulty electric wiring, dripping pipes.

Only one toilet. Inside doors tend to stick. It’s difficult to open some of them.

Some stairs are dangerous. There are no carpets, of course! Most walls have wallpaper but it's filthy, and there are too many dark colours.

The whole place is in generally dirty condition.

Ex. 20 A. Imagine you are moving into a small unfurnished flat. There is torn flowery wallpaper in the main room,the paint on the ceiling is peeling.

Discuss with your partner how you would redecorate it.

Discuss colours and complete the table.







Main room




B. Now discuss what needs to be done, and who will do what.

Ex. 21 Think about a room that you really like either in your own home or

someone else's house or flat. What do you especially like in it?

Consider these features:

the colours, e.g. pale and restful, bright and exciting, dark and mysterious

the windows, e.g. small, pretty, large, arched

the furniture and furnishings

the way the room is arranged

the room's general effect, e.g. restful, peaceful, exciting, vibrant, friendly

Ex. 22 A. Put the words in the following in the correct order to make famous saying and lines from songs about home. Are there similar sayings and quotations in your language?

a) where/ is/ home/ is/ the/ heart/ there

b) wish/homeward/were/bound/I/I

c) home/ keep/ fires/ burning/ the

d) no/home/like/there's/place

e) heart/ absence/ the/ fonder/ makes/ grow

B. Make or recollect stories illustrating the sayings.

Class Communication

What would your ideal home be like?

First, work in pairs, then in or four. Use the following to help you:

type of home people who live there location

Revision and Consolidation

Translate from Russian/ Belarusian into English.

1. Нужно прибить книжные полки.

2. Ты не поможешь мне повесить эти картины?

3. Какая ужасная квартира. В потолке - дырка, окна разбиты, обои отходят, в полу гнилые доски.

4. У Смитов я была как у себя дома.

5. Мы собираемся сделать ремонт на кухне.

6. Анна увидела объявление о квартире. Она связалась с агентом по недвижимости и сказала, что хочет посмотреть квартиру.

7. В комнате много мусора. Его нужно выбросить.

8. - Как квартира отапливается? -Здесь есть камин, но его можно убрать и установить центральное отопление.

9. Прошлые владельцы не смотрели за домом, поэтому он в плохом состоянии.

10.В доме необходимо поменять всю


11.В комнате очень душно, нужно

установить кондиционер.

12.Тот старый стол нужно выбросить.

13.Пол у нас покрыт линолеумом,

стены поклеены обоями, потолок


14) Трубы протекают. Их нужно pемонтировать немедленно.

15) Когда потолок трескается, его нужно побелить.

16) Кто у нас занимается домашним хозяйством? Мама, но я обычно помогаю ей: мою посуду, подметаю, хожу в магазин.

17) Крыша в плохом состоянии. Она протекаем. Ее нужно отремонтировать.

18)Пол нужно поремонтировать. В нем некоторые доски отсутствуют, некоторое сгнили.

19) Кресло скрипит. Его нужно посмотреть.

20) Мы бы хотели въехать в квартиру


21) Что-то случилось с плитой. Ее нужно посмотреть.

22) У Смитов очень старый дом. Его нужно отремонтировать. В доме нет центрального отопления, к тому же скрипят полы и протекает крыша.

1. Трэба прыбiць кнiжныя палiцы.

2. Цi ты не дапаможаш мне павесщь гэтыя карцiны?

3. Якая жудасная кватэра!! Вокны павыбiваныя, шпалеры адыходзяць, у падлозе -гнiлыя дошкi.

4. У Смiтау я была як у сваей хаце.

5. Мы збiраемся рабiць рамонт на кухнi.

6. Ганна пабачыла аб'яву пра кватэру. Яна звязалася з агентам па нерухомасцi i сказала, што хоча паглядзець кватэру.

7. У пaкoi шмат смецця. Яго трэба выкiнуць.

8. - Як ацяпляецца кватэра? - Тут ёсць камiн, але яго можна прыбраць i усталяваць цэнтраяыае ацяпленне.

9. Папярэднiя гаспадары ну глядзелi дом, i таму ён у кепскiм стане.

10. У доме неабходна змянiць усю


11. У пакоi вельмi задушлiйва. Трэба

усталяваць кандыцыянер.

12. Той стары стол трэба выкiнуць. 13. Падлога у нас пакрыта

лiнолеумам, сцены паклееныя

шпалерам, столь павапчаваная.

14. Трубы працякаюць. Iх трэба

тэрмiнова рамантаваць.

15.Калi столь iдзе шчылiнамi яе трэба


16. Хто у вас вядзе хатнюю гаспадарку? - Матуля, але я звычайна ей дапамагаю: мыю посуд, падмятаю, раблю закупы. 17.Дах у дрэнным стане. Ён цячэ. Яго

трэба адрамантаваць.

18.Падлогу трэба падрамантаваць. У ей не хапае некалькiх дошак, а некаторыя прагнiлi.

19.Фатэль скрыпiць. Яго трэба адрамантаваць.

20. Мы хацелi б пераехаць у кватэру

адразу ж.

21.Нешта здарылася з плiтой. Яе

трэба паглядзець.

22.У Смiтау вельмi стары дом. Яго трэба адрамантаваць. У доме няма цэнтральнага ацяплення, да таго ж скрыпiць падлога i працякае страха.


Living Out

Focus Vocabulary

advertisement (for a room)

host, hostess


landlady, landlord





to have privacy

to keep to house rules

to let a house/flat/ room

a house/flat/ room

to let to rent a house/flat/ room

to live apart from smb

on one's own

to room together with

to share a room

A Place of Your Own

Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living away from home when you are a student?

Words in Ex. 1 Tony is a student. He has recently moved into his own flat. Context He wrote to his friend Paul to tell him about it.

When you have read Tony's letter, answer the questions below.

Dear Paul,

I've done it! I've got a place of my own at last! I found it through an agency a couple of weeks ago. I was looking through the paper, when I came across an advertisement for flats, so I gave the agency a ring and went to see what they had. I saw several good flats, but I could 't make up my mind about them. Then I saw one I really liked. I was in two minds about taking it because the rent was rather high, but I thought it was time I became more independent of my parents, and I'm sure I was getting on their nerves - they said they couldn't put up with the noise from my stereo system any longer! So I moved out and here I am in my own flat!

It's in the suburbs on the outskirts of London, and it's very convenient for the shops. It's on the second floor and consists of a bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom. It's nothing out of the ordinary, but it's in quite good condition.

I moved in last week and I've already put up some shelves and new wallpaper in the living room. At present the kitchen is painted dark brown and has a small window, so it needs brightening up. I haven't finished doing up the bedroom yet. I'm going to convert it into a study and paint it blue so that it will go with the curtains my mother has promised to give me. There's a lovely view from the window - it looks out onto the garden, which I share with four other people.

I get on well with the people living above me, but unfortunately I'm not on good terms with the landlord at the moment. We had an argument about sticking pictures on the wall - he said it would damage the wallpaper. And the people below me say they are fed up with the noise from my stereo!

The good thing is that? I've got somewhere I can call my own. I can easily put you up any time you're in London. So don't hesitate - you can drop in any time.

All the best, Tony

I'm thinking of having a house - warming party at the end of the month, so if you'd like to come, drop me a line or give me a call.

How did Tony find the flat?

Why did he decide to take it?

What are his plans for the flat?

- What offer does he make?

- What invitation does he make?

Ex. 2 A. Now underline the phrasal verbs in the letter and try to work out what they mean.

B. Match the verbs in A with the definitions in B.

1. to look through something

2. to come across someone/ something 3. to put up with someone/ something

4. to move out (of somewhere)

5. to brighten something up

6. to look (out) onto something

7. to go with something

8. to put someone up

9. to drop in (on someone)

a. to give someone accommodation

b. to have a view of somewhere

с. to visit someone informally, to pay a casual visit

d. to match or suit, to make a good combination (for example, of colours)

e. to read something quickly and briefly

f. to find something or meet someone by chance

g. to leave accommodation and take everything with you, to vacate a house or flat

h. to make something brighter, less dull, and more full of light

i. to tolerate something, to accept something unpleasant or difficult without complaining

Ex. 3 Listen and respond to the prompts.

Ex. 4 Fill in the gaps below.

I live_______(a) my own (b) the suburbs_________(c) the outskirts of London. My flat is. (d) the second floor and it's ____ (e) good condition. It consists(f) four rooms and is very convenient _________(g) the shops. The bedroom looks out onto a garden, which I share __________(h) four other people. I want to convert the bedroom____________(i) a study. I found the flat_____________(j) an agency.

Idiomatic expressions

Ex. 5 Complete the following sentences so that they illustrate the meaning of the idiomatic expressions in Tony's letter.

Example: I thought the play was nothing out of the ordinary, but my friends thought it was great.

a) He really gets on my nerves. He is always …..

b) I'm not on good terms with the people who live next door ...

c) I'm fed up with my job because…….

d) She was in two minds about accepting the job in America because ...

e) She couldn't make up her mind about the party. On the one hand ...

Ex. 6 A. The particle up can be used with some verbs to give the idea

of improving something:

I haven't finished doing up the bedroom yet.

Look at the sentences and say what you think the verbs in italics mean.

a) I'm going to work in Paris next year, so I really need to brush up my French. I studied it at school several years ago but I think I've forgotten a lot of it.

b) Her job is to train up people to become clerks or accountants

c) He didn't know very much about computers, so he decided to read up on the subject in preparation for his job interview.

d) He was told that if he wanted to continue working for the company he would have to smarten up his appearance.

e) She managed to build up the reputation of the company in a very short time.

B. What is the difference between to put someone up and to put something up?

Ex. 7 All the phrasal verbs below are connected in some way.

What is the connection?

drop in (on someone) drop by drop round drop over

call in (on someone) call by call round call over call (on someone)

Ex. 8 Complete the following with appropriate words from the box, using a dictionary if necessary.

let rent (v) rent (n) deposit evict landlord landlady owner tenant contract/ agreement host guest hospitality agency

We spent six months in London in 1988. Finding a home was hard. For the first week, we were a)____________of the parents of a friend of mine. They were very kind and showed us great b)_____________. Our c)________ also helped us look for a place to live and put us in touch with an d)________which specialises in short-term accommodation. On the fourth day we went to visit a two-bedroomed flat in I ulham which was to e)___________. We liked it a lot, but the f)________ told us ilut she had promised to g)_________it to another couple the day before. They had tumble with the h)_____of the flat where they were living: he wanted to increase i)_______________by 30 percent, and they were refusing to pay, so he was filing g)________ them. That's why they needed another home. We were worried when we heard this, and we learnt that it is very important to read your I k) ______or lease carefully before signing it. Then your rights as a l)_________ hi be protected. Anyway, the next day we heard that the flat in Fulham was available after all, so we hurried back to the agency, checked the m)______ carefully, and paid a n) ________of £600, as well as the first month's o)_________ another £ 600. Living in London was going to be pretty expensive.

Skill Ex. 9 Very often people look for accommodation.

Developing Use the advertisements below to help these people to find

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