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Ex. 4 Make and do

A. Look through the text and find all the expressions containing "make" or "do". Make a list of them.

Pamela Royale and her partner Edith Clark are the owners of the Sea View Hotel in Brighton. As much of their business is seasonal, they do a good deal of the work themselves. In order to make a profit, it is necessary to keep down the cost of extra staff. Although they will never make a fortune, for the last ten years they have a reasonable living from the hotel.

They work extremely well together, each one having certain duties. In general, Pamela does the book-keeping and makes decisions about money. She is excellent with figures and seldom makes a mistake. She also takes care of the decorations, particularly the flower-arranging, which is her hobby. Edith, on the other hand, makes all the staff arrangements and, when necessary, does the cooking. She is a very patient woman, and if guests occasionally make complaints, she makes every effort to give them satisfaction. However, the two ladies do not do all the work themselves. There are usually college students to do the cleaning and washing up. Old Albert, a retired policeman, goes in two hours a day to do the gardening and take care of the swimming pool.

Both ladies are very popular. They believe in having an informal relationship with the guests and often make friends with their regular visitors. Last month was their tenth anniversary in Brighton, and they had a dinner for their friends to celebrate. Pamela made a speech and everyone wished them lots of success for the future.

Profits are better than wages.

Wages make you a living;

profits make you a fortune.

(Jim Rohn)

  1. Now collect any new expressions you can find using "make" or "do" from the dialogue below. Put them on your "make and do" list.

Susan Mack is talking to Lynn, one of her friends at the squash club. Lynn does not go to club, as she has two small children.

Iynn: I really don't know how you make time to play squash.

Susan: I only play twice a week.

Iynn: But when do you do your housework?

Susan: Well, to begin with, there are only two of us, and, because I work too, Paul does quite a lot in the house.

Does he do the washing up?

Susan: Oh yes, he often does the cooking, too. He makes the beds, he does is own ironing... .

Iynn: Mine doesn't even do the gardening!

Susan: Doesn't he do anything to help?

Iynn: No, he always makes an excuse. He doesn't even like me doing the

hoovering when he's at home. He says it makes too much noise.

Susan: Can I make a suggestion?

Iynn: Please do.

Susan: Don't make a fuss. Just don't do any shopping for a few days. He'll soon get hungry.

Ex. 5 Complete the following sentences, using one word for each space. All the expressions have appeared in the text and the dialogue, but try to do them before you look back.

1. Сlive Sutton's business________, a good profit last year.

2. Every company needs someone who will________decisions.

3. Children ________ friends more quickly than adults do.

4. Kin Brown_____his living as a taxi driver.

5. His daughter always_____the washing up on Saturdays.

6. Jet engines______a terrible noise.

7. Some children never_____their own beds.

8. Who is_____the speech at the dinner next week?

9. If you don't want to go to the party,____an excuse.

10. Children can help their parents by_____the shopping.

11. Can computers _____ mistakes?

12. Jeff Wilson is going to____a few odd jobs around the house tomorrow.

13. Everyone enjoyed the camping holiday last summer because I____all the cooking.

14. Alan Coppell has already____ the arrangements for their holiday in Malta.

As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.

Ex. 6 Complete each sentence with correct form of "make" or "do".

Make sure you use the correct tense! Remember many expressions

containing "make" or "do" are word partnerships - you need to learn the whole expression.

1. What do you____for a living? - I'm a dentist.

2. He______a big mistake when he changed his job.

3. You look very tired. Would you like me_____you a cup of coffee?

4. What have I____with my handbag? I can't find it anywhere!

5. I haven't got a $20 note. Will two $10 notes_____? .

6. Why does it take them so long____decisions?

7. They____fun of him whenever he wore his new hat.

8. That will____, children! You're giving me a terrible headache!

9. Why does she _____ such a fuss of him?

10. What have you_________ to this table cloth?

11. Don' t forget to______ your hair before you go out.

12. Could you____me a favour? Please drive me to town.

13. This car is very economical. It____40 miles to the gallon.

14. He had difficulty ____________ his way through the crowd.

15. It's very important to ___a good impression at this meeting.

16. Please ___ sure you've switched off all the lights before you leve.

17. This room could____with a good clean.

18. Please sit down and_______yourself at home.

19. Don't have anything to____with him. He can't be trusted.

20. When he was younger, he____a fortune selling clothes.

21. I think the answer is 2,367. What do you_____it?

22. How would you like your steak____? - Medium, please.

23. He_____so much noise that he woke her up.

24. She wasn't very happy about_____without sugar in her coffee.

25. The new manager____some changes as soon as he arrived

26. It doesn't matter if you don't come first as long as you____your bost.

27. I want to____a phone call. Have you got any change?

28. How did you_____in your exam? - Quite well, I think.

29. Have a nice cup of tea. It will____you good. .

30. Таке this medicine. It will____you better.

31. What time do you____it?-Nearly six o'clock.

32. Be quiet! Don't____a sound!

Task 1

Read the text and say if you ever behave like Mr. and Mrs. Turvey do.

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