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Савельева, Астапенко_методичка для переводчиков...doc
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Упражнения на закрепление материала

1. Переведите предложения, объяснив значение (оттенок) модальных глаголов.

1. When father gave me the money and tried to talk me out of the thought of marriage, I would not listen.

2. She offended people right and left, made silly mistakes and wouldn't let herself be told.

3. "What's happened to sister Agatha?" I asked my nurse when she came in. - "Can't say," "Won't say," I said. No answer.

4. "We can as well stay here for the night." — "We could."

5. "You are so careless. You might have broken the cup."

6. When Mini unleashed her frustration in a rage, demanding an explanation for the way she was being treated, the woman paid no heed, and might well have been deaf and mute.

7. She must not expect to do two jobs well, to be a good mother and a good novelist.

8. Somebody had to be controlled more or less; and I pulled myself together.

9. It was to be expected that something would happen to Sir George. But who could have guessed what?

10. I do not claim I can tell a story as it ought to be told. I only claim I know how a story ought to be told, for I have been almost daily in the company of the most expert story-tellers for many years.

11. "Why do you live in the woods if you belong to the squadron?" the chaplain inquired curiously. "I have to live in the woods", the captain replied crabbily, as though the chaplain ought to know.

12. "It's my fault — it's my fault!" Doris suddenly sobbed out. "I shouldn't have loved you; I oughtn't to have let you love me."

13. Lyn Siddon's case should - and must - increase the gathering momentum for reform.

14. When I was in concentration camp, I resolved that, if I was to live through the horrors of that experience, I would never again shed one tear of regret for whatever Fate gave me.

2.Примите во внимание оттенки модальности, передаваемые модальными глаголами, при переводе следующих предложений

1. Soames was reserved about his affairs, but he must be getting a very warm man. (J.G.)

2. But the door did not open, nor when he pulled it and turned the handle firmly. She must have locked it for some reason, and forgotten. (J.G.)

3. "Oh! And whom do you think I passed today in Richmond Park? You'll never guess – Mrs. Soames and – Mr. Bosinney, they must have been down to look at the house." (J.G.)

4. Without the incentive of Mrs. Macander's words he might never have done what he had done. (J.G.)

5. "I can't help thinking of that poor Buccaneer. He may be wandering out there now in that fog." (J.G.)

6. There was anxiety, too, as to what old Jolyon could have heard and how he had heard it. (J.G.)

7. It was an accident. It must have been. (J.G.)

8. The driver says the gentleman must have had time to see what he was about, he seemed to walk right into it. (J.G.)

9. Then he caught sight of her face so white and motionless that it seemed as though the blood must have stopped flowing in her veins. (J.G.)

10. She took hold of George Willard's shoulder and turned him about so that she could look into his eyes. A passer – by might have thought them about to embrace. (Sh.A.)

11. The American passion for getting up in the world took possession of them. It may have been that mother was responsible. She may have dreamed that I would some day rule men and cities. (Sh.A.)

12. Mother must have been doubtful from the first, but she said nothing discouraging. (Sh.A.)

13. From the moment he came into our place the Bidwell young man must have been puzzled by my father's actions. (Sh.A.)

14. She must have been a very respectable, nice girl. (Sh.A.)

3. Переведите предложения с модальными глаголами на русский язык. Установите значение (оттенок) каждого из модальных глаголов.

1. The management of the company can hardly have agreed with the demands of the workers on strike.

2. The agreement signed cannot be revised by one party only.

3. The energy crisis could lead to serious negative developments in the national economy over the rest of the year.

4. They could not possibly agree to the terms put forward during the talks.

5. They at least might have helped by sending their experts to provide technical assistance.

6. Their decision might have been caused by very urgent circum­stances.

7. The employees may not use the Internet for their personal needs unless they stay after work.

8. They might want us to take this exam again later this year.

9. The students need not photocopy the article for the seminar since it can be found in their economics text-book.

10. I think you should have joined them in their work, as it would have saved them time.

11. I can't understand why he should have made this mistake.

12. The employees on strike would not talk to the representatives of the company management without the labor unions being part of the talks to back them up.

13. He needn’t have gone that far in his efforts to bring the matter back for discussion.

14. It could be argued that this measure of overcoming the crisis is the only reasonable one.

15. The recent statistic data on households should be of great impor­tance for their conclusions.

16. Every dollar counts, and your contribution might become crucial for the whole project.