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2.2.4 Перевод каузативных конструкций

Каузативные конструкцииэто группа глаголов со значением «побуждение к действию».побуждать к действию можно силой, с усилием (to force, drive, enforce, make и др.), убеждением, уговором (to persuade, stimulate, inspire, influence и др.), с помощью давления (to pressure, intimidate, scare и др).

Каузативные глаголы образуют две конструкции:

- трехчлен типа глагол + дополнение + инфинитив

Трехчлен представляет собой случай, который совпадает по структуре с соответствующей русской конструкцией.

Пример: If you don’t force him to act he will never stir a finger. – Если ты не заставишь его действовать, сам он и пальцем не шевельнет.

- предложная конструкция типа глагол +дополнение + предлог + инговая форма

Когда каузативный глагол употреблен в предложной конструкции, приходится прибегать к трансформациям (менять структуру русского предложения, заменять части речи, добавлять слова).

Пример: His behavior is driving me into a nervous breakdown. – Своим поведением он доводит меня до нервного расстройства.

Особенностью английского языка является способность некаузативных глаголов приобретать побудительное значение, когда они употребляются в предложной конструкции.

Пример: The accused say they were tortured into making confessions. – Обвиняемые утверждают, что сознаться их заставили под пытками.

Существует также ряд обычных фразовых глаголов (глагол + наречие), которые, будучи употребленными с прямым дополнением, в своем значении приобретают оттенок «побуждения».

Пример: to stare smb. down – пристальным взглядом заставить кого-либо опустить глаза

to bow smb. in – учтиво поклониться, приглашая кого-либо войти.

Для правильного понимания и перевода каузативной конструкции нужно учитывать лексические и грамматические особенности ее глагольных компонентов и контекст.

Упражнения на закрепление материала

1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод каузативных конструкций типа "to have/get smth done"

1. Italy's rap star Jovanotti had his fans worried recently, when he started to sing about the rain forest, the fight against drugs and the sorry state of Italian politics.

2. Lloyd George was believed to have had the beer deluded in pubs near centres of ammunition production during the first world war, in order to keep the wheels of the home front turning without a hiccup.

3. Mr. Herbane had got his face scratched and his finger bitten by the cat, trying to catch her for a second experience in killing and bringing to life. (Th.L Peacock)

4. The congressman from our district, General Fulgham, assured me some days ago that he would use his influence to get my book published at an early date. (O. Henry)

5. Nearly 1,600 birds died, 25 crofts had their vegetables condemned and 2,000 sheep were moved from affected grazing areas as a result of the Braer tank (oil spill) disaster in Shetland, the House of Lords was told yesterday. ("G.")

6. A technical dispute between big brewers and Customs and Excise could have beer and lager drinkers foaming at the mouth: the alcoholic strengths of many brands are to be cut while the prices — already too high for many — remain the same. ("Ind.")

7. Alan Clark, the colourful former defense minister, had his career "destroyed by woman," his wife Janice claims in a documentary to be shown at the weekend. ("T.")

8. At the Old Courthouse he was booed by a large crowd of farmers and their wives. "Have those damned oafs moved on," he snarled at Sir Giles. "I will not be subject to hooliganism." (T.Sharpe)

2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод каузативных конструкций.

1. Aunt Alexandra stared him to silence.

2. She had tended them, mothered them into life.

3. Then there came a resounding knock on the door. For a short space Mary was shocked into immobility by the sudden tumult of the knock.

4. A group of 16 United Technologies Corporation employees have filed a suit charging that the company tried to intimidate them into abandoning their plan to form a union. ("Nsw.")

5. We're told one minute we may be blown up in a nuclear war unless we're taxed out of our homes to pay for bigger bombs.

6. The Welsh actor nearly drunk himself out of a career during the 1970s, after which he struggled back to sobriety and stardom. ("FT')

7. She had ricocheted through three teen-age marriages, the first at 14 or 15.

8. A small clique of powerful people run this country and swindle their way through a general election, saying anything to hang on to power. ("G.")

9. When playing chess you see a good move, the great Dr.Tarrasch advised, sit on your hands and look for a better one. That may be right for grandmaster but as every club player knows, a good move should be played quickly before you think yourself out of it. ("Ind.")

10. An electronic device used by anglers to shock worms to the soil's surface for bait is being recalled because 30 people have been electrocuted by similar instruments. ("IHT')

11. The very kindest of popes, Gregory the Great, while forbidding torture and persecution of Jews, was not above bribing them into baptism. Any Jew in Rome who converted had his rent reduced by one-third. (P.de Rosa)

12. Why do Russians have such awful taste in rock music? Hard on the heels of the news that Boris Yeltsin listened to Elvis singing "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" during the coup, comes the news that Uncle Bob Geldof is being wheeled out to hear a television concert for Russia from Paris tomorrow. If the coup leaders had thought of using Bob, they might have bored the Russian parliament into submission. ("G.")

13. In wanton disregard of its own precedents, the U.S. Supreme Court has announced that the wrongful use of a coerced confession at a criminal trial need not automatically require the reversal of a conviction. Even if the accused was clubbed into confessing, the prosecution's use of that confession can be deemed "harmless error", a minor flaw in an otherwise fair trial. ("IHT")

14. When they go to the polls next week, Norwegians are expected to vote out of office the socialist government that has presided over Norway's improving fortunes and put in its place a conservative coalition that offers little by way of substantive change. ("Nsw.")

15. The ticket touts are having a rough time. The latest plan is to starve them out of business. The burger bars, sandwich seller and tea ladies at the stadium have been asked not to serve suspicious-looking men who have a pocketful of tickets. ("T.")

16. A year ago the British Government legislated the death penalty off the statute books of Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Monserrat and Turks and Caicos Islands. ("G. ")