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IV. Post-reading discussion.

1. Are these collections common or strange?

2. What is the most unusual hobby of all hobbies discussed?

3. Do you want to have any of these hobbies? Why? /Why not? Explain.

4. Have you heard anything about famous and well-known people’s collections? What do they collect?

5. Do you know anything about the collector who established a museum, a gallery or a shop? What did they establish?

6. Have you got a hobby? What is it? Is it an expensive hobby? How much time do you spend on your hobby?

7. Is your life more interesting if you have a hobby?

9. Are you fond of making things or collecting something?

10. Do you prefer outdoor or indoor activities?

11. Are you fond of reading books? What are the benefits of reading as a hobby?

12. Do you like watching TV and play video games?

V. Do you really enjoy being a couch potato?

A husband and wife come home from work, exhausted and stressed out. They don't feel like preparing a real dinner, so they cook something in the microwave. Then they sit down on the couch for an evening in front of the TV set. Each day they continue to do the same thing: get up, go to work, come home, have a bite, then sit down and eat in front of the TV set. Does this sound like you? If so, are you satisfied with your existence? Isn't there more to life than being a couch potato?

Choose the best definition for a couch potato.

1. Someone who enjoys energetic sports and active hobbies.

2. Someone who takes little or no exercise, and who spends their free time doing very little.

3. Someone who doesn't like doing sports but is active in other ways.

4. Someone who likes indoor gardening.

VI. Read the text about active kinds of hobbies and answer the following questions:

1. What do you think are orienting and letterboxing sport games or hobbies?

2. Why are they popular nowadays?

3. Do you want to have similar hobbies?

Orienteering is a combination of map reading and cross-country skiing or running. Orienteers are given a map that shows where a set of "control points" are located. They try to follow the map and use a compass to plot their course. Each time they succeed in finding a control point, they stamp a card. Participants get a starting time and have a prescribed time period for locating all of the control points. Orienteering has become extremely popular.

Then there's letterboxing, a hobby that is like a combination of orienteering and treasure hunting. It began in England in 1854, when an English gentleman put his calling card (a little like today's business card) into a bottle and left it on the bank of a pond. Someone else found it and contacted him, and from this the hobby sprang up. People put a notebook and a rubber stamp in a bottle (the letterbox) and they provide special clues for finding the bottle. Participants have to follow the clues by hiking in certain sections of the countryside until they finally locate the letterbox and stamp their notebook.


to plot - составлять карту

prescribed time period – предписанное время

treasure hunting – охота за сокровищами

to spring up - возникать

rubber stamp – резиновая печать

a clue – ключ

VII. Look at the proverbs below, guess their meaning.

1. Art is long, life is short.

2. Every man has his hobby-horse.

3. Tastes differ.

4. The busiest man finds the most leisure.

5. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

6. There is a time for everything.

7. The one who is first to act achieves success.

VIII. конецформыначалоформыGuess the words:








IX. Fill in the prepositions.

1. конецформыначалоформыI m very interested …….. tennis. (of, in , for)

2. Where are you going……your holidays? (to, in, for)

3. I m fond …. music. (to, in, of)

4. I m keen ….. boxing. ( in, at, on)

5. I get pleasure …. computer. (from, about, in).

X. Put the adverbs in the right place.

1. (ever) Have you travelled? 2. (always) She has been a bright student. 3. (never) We have seen a flying saucer. 4. (just) They have had a walk in the park. 5. (yet) Have you finished your homework? 6. (always) I have wanted to meet your parents. 7. (yet) She hasn’t sent a telegram. 8. (lately) Have you heard from Mary? 9. (long) He has studied the subject. 10. (ever) Has your sister had any troubles with her son?

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