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XV. Pronounce correctly.

[æ] [Λ] [ə:] [ŋ]

platform couple berth sleeping

carriage conductor serve dining

attitude luggage service hanging

XVI. Read the following words, paying particular attention to the pronunciation.

Pete, mete, peg, begin, restrain, bespeak, seem, wee, sweep, engineer, leer, speak, veal, seal, bread, spread, head, lead, pearl, earth, her, per, herd, terms, merry, error, here, mere, sphere, new, grew, pew, screw, money, parley.


XVII. Role play.

Imagine that you have £30,000 you want to give to charity. Who would you give the money to? How would you divide it? Think about what you would do, and then discuss your ideas with a partner.


Student A

Lesson III. Making holidays

Ask student B these questions. Make notes and ask for clarification and more details if necessary.

  1. Where do ships leave from?

  2. Do we get a chance to go ashore?

Answer B’s questions using this information. Give as much detail as possible.


No documentation or visas are required to visit Antarctica, but if your cruise stops off at other countries, visas and documentation may be required for them. A variety for passenger ships sail to Antarctica and the choice of ship can make a big difference to your journey and experiences. Antarctic cruises aren’t like other more well-known cruises to warmer climates with discos and shows.

What you will find is a number of very well informed and experienced cruise guides working on the ship who will give lectures on a regular basis about various aspects of Antarctic history and natural history.

Lesson VII. Music

Ask and answer questions to complete the information about Madonna.

Madonna was born Louise Veronica Ciccone on 16th August, 1958 (When?), in Bay City, Michigan. She was the oldest of eight children. Her mother died of _____ (What?) when she was six years old. She was brought up by _______(Who … by?), who was an engineer. He remarried, and Madonna’s stepmother was called Joan. She started singing and dancing when she was _______(How old?), participating in school shows, and being a cheerleader. She also had piano and ballet lessons.

She went to University of Michigan, where she studied _______ (What?), but she put aside her studies after two years and went to New York, because ________ (Why?).

She had no money, so she worked in shops and as a model. She decided to start singing, and found work as a backing vocalist. She wrote songs, and preformed at local discos. She signed a contract with ________ (Who …. with?) in 1982, and with immediately her career took off. She had her first number one hit in 1984 with Like a Virgin. In 1985 she appeared as the lead in the film Desperately Seeking Susan.

Around this time she married _______ (Who?). Unfortunately the marriage only lasted for four years. In 1992 she founded her own record company called Maverick. In 1996 she starred in the film ___________ (Which?), and she was awarded the Golden Globe for Best Actress. In the same years she had her first child, Lourdes Maria. The father was ________ (Who?). She currently lives in London with __________ (Who ….. with?), with whom she had a second child, a boy called Rocco. She has had eleven number one hits- more than any other female artist.

Lesson VIII. Family relations

According to the will of your distant relative you are an heir (heiress) to a great estate in Australia. You have never seen your relative. The agent question you to find out whether you are the person they are looking for. You tell your biography in detail. The agent is suspicious at first. You show them your family album. The agent studies it carefully and find the picture of your relative.

Lesson IX. Shopping for clothes

You're buying a trouser-suit (a dress) for yourself. You don't know exactly your size. You are being shown several trouser-suits (dresses), one of them is too big, another one is very dark. You have chosen light brown suit (dress), ask for a discount and pay cash.

Student B

Lesson III. Making holidays

Answer student A questions using this information. Give as much details as possible.

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