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XVI. Read these word aloud.

comedy, origin, regular, federal, mineral, energy, tactful, reflect, engineer, reconstruct, pioneer, demonstration, literature, temperature, furniture, signature, find, bold, mold, behind, kind, fold, mind, blind, narrow, carry, merry, mirror, current; to extract, an increase.

Lesson II. Exploring the world

Starter activity

1. What does the sun give to our planet?

2. Why does night change to day on the earth?

3. Can you see and feel that our earth is turning all the time?

4. Is the moon a planet?

5. Is the earth a planet or a star? 1

I. Read and translate the text. Which is the Biggest Animal 1in the World?

You think it is an elephant. Yes, the elephant is a very big animal, but it is not the biggest in the world. The biggest of all is the blue whale .The blue whale is about thirty meters long and it weighs about one hundred and thirty tons. That is as much as thirty six elephants. The whale has a body like a torpedo, it is very good for swimming in the sea. But the whale is not a fish, it is a mammal. It breathes the air as we do.

The smallest animals in the world.

World's Smallest Snake: 10.1 cm (4-inch) long.

Leptotyphlops carlae is the world's smallest species of snake, four inches in length. It was found on the Caribbean island of Barbados, it is as thin as a spaghetti noodle and small enough to rest comfortably on a U.S. quarter - was discovered by Blair Hedges.

World’s Smallest Fish: 7.9 mm (0.3-inch) long.

On January 2006, the world's smallest fish was discovered on the Indonesian island of Sumatra: a member of the carp family of fish, the Paedocypris progenetica. It is the world's smallest backboned animal; only 7.9 mm long.

World’s Smallest Horse: 43.18 cm (17-inch) tall.

The little horse was born to Paul and Kay Goessling, who specialize in breeding miniature horses. The five-year-old Thumbelina is the world’s smallest horse: 60 lb and 17-inch tall.

Do you know any other small animals?

II. Read and translate the text about natural wonders of the world. Seven natural wonders1 of the world.

There are many magnificent2 places on the Earth with origins that sometimes can't be explained. The more we look around us, the more wonders we see in the world3. Here is the list of the seven natural wonders of the world:

  • Grand Canyon (Northwest Arizona, the USA).

  • Great Barrier Reef (the Coral Sea, off the coast4 of Queen island in Australia).

  • Valley5 of Geysers6 (Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia).

  • Mount Everest (on the border of Tibet and Nepal, in the central Himalayas).

  • Aurora (in both hemispheres7 of the Earth, in its upper atmosphere).

  • Paricutin volcano (Paricutin village, Mexico).

  • Victoria Falls8 (on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe).

Mount Everest.

Mount Everest is a part of the Himalayas.

It is the tallest mountain in the world - 29,028 ft. It is found in Nepal and stands on the border9 of Tibet. Many people tried to climb10 Mount Everest. The very first successf ul expedition to reach the summit11 was in 1953. Mount Everest was named after Sir George Everest, a surveyor12 from England.

Great Barrier Reef.

The Great Barrier Reef is a natural sculpture. This unique13 coral reef is the largest coral reef system in the world, with over 3000 individual coral reefs and 900 islands located14 within the Great Barrier Reef. People from all over the world come here to explore15 the coral reef, and see a lot of different biological species16 and types of vegetation17.

Victoria Falls.

The Victoria Falls is located on the Zimbabwe River in South Africa. It is 1708 meters wide18 and drops19 90 to 107 meters down. The Falls are spectacular20 throughout the year, but after the rain season, has the heaviest flow. The first person to tell the world about this natural wonder was David Livingstone, in 1860. You can find hippos21 and crocodiles in these waters.

Aurora borealis.22

Northern23 Lights is scientifically24 called Aurora borealis. The Northern lights appear in the night sky in the Northern Hemisphere, sometimes all the way to Mexico. We see these lights when a stream25 of protons and electrons, which erupts26 from the sun’s surface27 in the form of solar wind. The green, pink blue or violet colors can be seen.

Paricutin Volcano.

The Paricutin Volcano is located in Mexico, about 200 miles west of Mexico City. It stands to 1345 feet above ground and 9210 feet above sea level. The eruption that created Paricutin began in 1943 and continued to 1952. The Paricutin is part of the Volcanic Axis28, a 700-mile line of volcanoes that extends across southern29 Mexico.

Grand Canyon.

The Grand Canyon is located mainly in Arizona. It runs over 277 miles in length30 and can be from 4 to 18 miles wide depending on the area you are visiting.

Most of the Grand Canyon can be seen from points within Grand Canyon National Park, one of the first national parks in the country. The canyon is one of the most popular natural tourist sites on the planet.

Valley of Geysers.

The Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka, Russian Far East31, is one of the largest geyser fields in the world, and the only one in Eurasia. It is located in the Kronotskiy State Natural Biosphere Reserve that is a part of UNESCO World Heritage Site "Volcanoes of Kamchatka".

The Valley of Geysers was discovered in 1941 by Kronotsky reserve32 geologists Tatyana Ustinova and Anisifor Krupenin. Since then it became tourist site of Kamchatka. In 2008 the Valley of Geysers was elected33 as one of seven Wonders of Russia.

1. a wonder - чудо

2. magnificent - великолепный, изумительный

3. a world - мир

4. a coast - берег

5. a valley - долина

6. a geyser - гейзер

7. hemisphere - полушарие

8. falls - водопад

9. a border - граница

10. to climb - подниматься, взбираться

11.a summit - вершина

12. a surveyor - исследователь

13.unique - уникальный, необычный

14. located - расположенный

15. to explore - исследовать, изучать

16. species - виды

17. vegetation - растительность

18. wide – широкий

19. a drop - высота падения

20. spectacular – захватывающий

21. a hippo - гиппопотам

22. Aurora borealis - Северное полярное сияние

23. northern - северный

24. scientific - научный

25. a stream - поток

26. to erupt - извергать

27. a surface - поверхность

28. an axis - ось

29.southern - южный

30. a length - длина

31. Far East - Дальний Восток

32. a reserve - заповедник

33. to elect - выбирать

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