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11. Прочитайте и переведите текст об истории дорожной разметки. Обратите внимание на незнакомую лексику.


longitudinal – продольный

reputedly – как известно, как предполагается

substantial – существенный, важный

delineate – очерчивать

roadway transitions – переходы

obstructions – затруднения, препятствия

pertinent – уместный

inclusion – включение

bead – капля, шарик, бусина

Among the earliest pavement markings was the longitudinal center stripe which reputedly appeared first in Wayne County, Michigan, in 1911. The most common design of the stripe has 15-ft dashes separated by 25-ft spaces. Other dash-space combinations range from 9-15 to 70-70. A few agencies employ continuous lines. Width of line usually is 4in., although 3-6-in. stripes appear. Colour generally is recommended white, but some agencies use yellow. Patterns and colour for pavement markings differ among highway agencies, but there is substantial progress toward uniformity.

Today painted or built-in pavement markings are one of the most helpful instruments for traffic direction and control. Stripes are employed to delineate roadway center lines, lane boundaries, no-passing zones, pavement edges, roadway transitions, and the approach of obstructions, streetcar clearances, turns, stop lines, crosswalks, railroad crossings, and parking-space limits. Symbols, words, or numbers convey pertinent information such as that about speed limits and the nearness of schools.

Most agencies employ specialized mechanical equipment and trained crews for pavement striping. Some units are capable of covering 60 to 70 miles per day. Hand painting by spray or brush is necessary in tight quarters. Paints are fast drying, but almost all states use signs or protective devices to prevent vehicles from tracking them. In 15 states, motorists crossing newly painted lines are subject to arrest. Normal service life of stripes is 6 to 9 months.

A variety of paint mixtures are employed for striping. Worthy of particular notice is the strong trend toward the inclusion of glass beads to increase night visibility. In 1950 more than half of paint applied was beaded.

12. А) Найдите в тексте 4 предложения, содержащие глаголы в форме страдательного залога. Переведите их, определите время, число, лицо глагола;

б) Перестройте данные предложения в Passive Voice, сохраняя время глагола.

1. A few agencies employ continuous lines. 2. Most agencies employ specialized mechanical equipment and trained crews for pavement striping. 3. Almost all states use signs or protective devices to prevent vehicles from tracking them. 4. In 15 states, motorists crossing newly painted lines are subject to arrest.

13. Прочитайте, переведите и прореферируйте текст о некоторых правилах дорожного движения в нашей стране.

1. A car driver must possess a driving licence and a registration card of a car.

2. It is forbidden to drive in the left-hand lane if the right-hand lane is free.

3. The driver is responsible for the condition of his car; and in particular the reliability of his brakes; the steering; the tyres and the lights and indicators on his car.

4. While driving in traffic, the driver must observe and strictly adhere to road signs, signals and traffic lights.

5. Before making a left or right turn, a complete turn; accelerating, stopping, or making any other maneuvers which may alter his position in the lane, the driver must give warnings; by signaling not less than 5 seconds before he starts the particular maneuver.

6. Horn signaling may be used only outside city limits.

7. The speed of the machine is regulated by the driver according to the condition of the road, visibility; intensity of traffic and the number of pedestrians. The speed limit in cities, towns and villages is 60 km/h.

8. At non-regulated crossings, the traffic on the main street has the right of way. At street or road junctions of equal importance, the car coming from the right has the right of way.

9. At any street junctions of equal importance trams have the right of way irrespective of their direction.

10. If the traffic light contains additional lights (except those passing the pedestrians), a turn may be made only when the signal of a green arrow lit up. While waiting for this signal, the car must wait at the “stop” line.