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Моя академия.doc
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7. Прочитайте предложения и выпишите глаголы в настоящем простом времени (Present Simple), определив их залог: действительный (Active Voice) или страдательный (Passive Voice).

1. Now there are six faculties at the academy.

2. The students of all faculties study general–educational and specialized subjects.

3. Specialized subjects are studied by the third and fourth-year students, depending on their speciality.

4. The Academy also has a Postgraduate Department, Research Centre, Centre of Arts, Scientific Library, Publishing Department, experimental school 149, Sanatorium, Sport and Recreation Camp, and four hostels.

5. Every year scientific conferences are held here.

8. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму.

1. All higher schools (to give) an all-round education.

2. Each faculty (to train) specialists with profound knowledge.

3. The institute (to found) in 1930 and (to have) very interesting history.

4. In the academy (there be) 6 faculties.

5. Each faculty (to train) the students of several qualifications.

6. The students of senior courses (to study) specialized subjects.

7. The curriculum of each faculty (to include) a lot of various subjects.

9. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Why is it interesting to study at the Academy?

2. When was our academy formed?

3. How many faculties were there at the beginning?

4. How many faculties are there now at the academy?

5. What are these faculties?

6. What general-educational subjects do our students study?

7. What specialized subject do the students study?

8. Do you cope with all subjects?

9. What is your favorite subject and why?

10. What subject is the most difficult, why?

11. What other departments, besides faculties, are there at the academy?

10. Прочитайте и переведите фразы.

To be a full-time student; to get marks; to submit graduation paper; to enter the institution; to take (hold) exams; to pass exams; to fill in an exam; to attend lectures; to miss lectures; to be interested in …; to pass entrance exams; to get education; to finish secondary school; to get opportunity; to take part in…; to carry on scientific work; research work; post-graduate courses; scientific degree; to attain a degree; free of charge; to pay for studying; to get scholarship.

Защищать дипломный проект; получать возможность; пропускать лекции; бесплатный; быть студентом дневного отделения; сдавать экзамены; интересоваться чем-л.; сдавать вступительные экзамены; получать отметки; принимать участие в чем-л.; поступать в вуз; научная степень; платить за обучение; получать образование; выполнять экзаменационное задание (писать тест, решать задачу и т.п.); сдать экзамены; вести научную работу; посещать лекции; получать стипендию; окончить среднюю школу; занятия в аспирантуре; исследовательская работа; получать (научную) степень.

11. Составьте диалог, используя вопросы из упр. 9 и фразы из упр. 10.

12. Составьте диалог-беседу по плану. Обратите внимание на порядок слов в вопросительном предложении: вопросительное слово – вспомогательный глагол – подлежащее – основной глагол – остальные члены предложения.

  1. Ask your friend where he/she studies.

  2. Say that you study at the Siberian Automobile and Highway Academy.

  1. Tell him/her that you know something about it: it is one of the oldest higher institutions in Omsk and has 6 faculties.

  2. Agree. Name the date your academy was founded and enumerate its faculties.

  1. Ask him/her what faculty he/she studies at.

  2. Answer. Tell your friend what is interesting at your faculty.

  1. Show that you are surprised because you also want to study at this faculty. Ask what general-educational and specialised subjects are studied at this faculty.

  2. Answer your friend’s question. Tell him/her about your favourite subjects and subjects that you don’t like very much. Give reasons.

А. Say that it was very interesting to get some information about the Siberian Automobile and Highway Academy.

B. Say you hope that your friend will also get a chance to study here.