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Моя академия.doc
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13. Прочитайте текст о правилах составления резюме.

Now the graduates of higher institutions are not send to any enterprises, they are searching for a job themselves. The indispensable part of the process is preparing a resume. Without a proper resume you won’t get a high-level job. Your resume should reflect your professional experience; you should point what is your objective; what kind of position do you want; what abilities qualify you for this job. You should tell about your strengths and experiences, which will let you do that job. Your strengths should be given more space. Other information could be left out. Sometimes it is rather difficult to decide what to stress and what to leave out. An employer’s main interest is in what you can do for the company. Include information that shows that you are the right kind of person for the job. Leave out everything that might give an employer reason for passing you by.

Напишите свое (или воображаемое) резюме по образцу (см. приложение).

14. Прочитайте и переведите текст об истории академии.

At the time of its foundation the institute had only two departments: Road Construction and Automobiles with the total number of students of 280 people. Later, in August 1931 two faculties were established: the Road Construction Faculty with 10 chairs and the Automobile Transport Faculty with 8 chairs. The first rector of the institute was Nikita Gerassimovitch Gladkov.

During World War II about 300 students and instructors took part in the military actions. The teaching staff and the students of the institute raised enough money to build a battle plane and a tank, and to buy warm clothes for the soldiers. During the War they also worked 12 hours every other day at one of Omsk factories.

Many outstanding scientists – professors, doctors of sciences worked at this institute. Among them are Bykov, Rybyev, Ulyanov, Anokhin, Golovin, Alexeyeva, Tolmachev, Artemyev, Kudryavtchev and others. Their works are translated into many languages of the world.

At present Professor V. A. Salnikov is the Rector of the Academy.

15. Дайте рекламу вашей академии.

16. Прочитайте текст и попробуйте объяснить, что вы понимаете под терминами “engineering”, “engineer”.

The term engineering is a modern one. The New Marriam-Webster Dictionary gives the explanation of the word engineering as the practical application of scientific and mathematical principles. Nowadays the term “engineering” means, as a rule, the art of designing, constructing, or using engines. But this word is now applied in a more extended sense. Engineering is divided into many branches. The most important of them are: mechanical, electrical, nuclear, civil, mining, military, marine, and sanitary engineering.

17. Расскажите о вузе, в котором вы учитесь, и его факультетах.



1. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What information about the automobile transport faculty did you get from the first text?

2. Is it interesting to study here?

3. What general-educational and specialized subjects do the students study?

4. What qualifications are there at your faculty?

5. What qualification will you get after graduation?