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Лысенко (Active Voice)_2001.DOC
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2. Mrs. Green was happy to see her neighbour.

a) Mrs. Green was not happy to see her neighbour.

b) Was Mrs. Green happy to see her neighbour?

1. After classes the students played volley-ball. 2. I was very tired after the lesson. 3. The boss went away on business on Monday. 4. Helen lost her umbrella yesterday. 5. Fortunately I caught the 6 o’clock train. 6. We were at home yesterday evening. 7. I heard a very sweet melody yesterday. 8. Tom made a lot of mistakes in his dictation. 9. Mary and Steve were late for work on Tuesday. 10. Peter did well at maths at school. 11. I read a lot during my holidays. 12. Mr. Smith was at the car race on Sunday. 13. I ran for the bus this morning. 14. The sun rose at 6 a.m. yesterday. 15. Charles bought a new car last month. 16. Mike was at the football match yesterday. 17. We studied grammar at the lesson yesterday. 18. My parents gave me a watch for my birthday. 19. We had a meal at a restaurant yesterday. 20. Somebody stole our car last week.

Exercise 7. Turn the follwing from affirmative to negative and from negative to affirmative.

1. Helen bought a beautiful ring some days ago. 2. I did my home-

work this morning. 3. She didn’t come in time for dinner. 4. We had breakfast at 9 today. 5. Mike didn’t stay late at work on Friday. 6. I didn’t tell Peter the news yesterday. 7. We sold our car a month ago. 8. They didn’t invite Mary to the party. 9. At the party Jucy played the piano. 10. After the lesson Peter put the book into the bookcase. 11. John didn’t wait for his friend. 12. Somebody stole Peter’s bicycle the day before yesterday. 13. The sercretary typed only two letters yesterday. 14. I drove 50 miles yesterday. 15. We didn’t go to the cinema on Saturday. 16. Mr. Robinson flew to Mexico last month. 17. Nick didn’t collect stamps in his youth. 18. We pais a lot for this house. 19. Bob didn’t ask us for help yesterday. 20. Some days ago my brother broke his arm.

Exercise 8. Add tag questions to the following sentences.

1. John began to work at 6. 2. Bernard Shaw was born in 1856. 3. Pete didn’t go to the library yesterday. 4. The hotel wasn’t very expensive. 5. James slipped on the ice. 6. Hugh didn’t receive a master’s degree last year. 7. Jean spent two week in Florida. 8. The doctor didn’t take his temperature. 9. The play began half an hour ago. 10. The girl smiled at Peter. 11. I drove 50 miles yesterday. 12. Lucy received an invitation to a party. 13. We didn’t play cards yesterday evening. 14. It didn’t rain much last autumn. 15. Mr. Cooper took a taxi to the hotel. 16. He had dinner rather late yesterday. 17. I lost my gloves some days ago. 18. We spent our day off in town. 19. Mr. Smith didn’t come to the office till 10 o’clock. 2O. He slept till 7 today.

Exercise 9. Make alternative questions from the following sentences. Use the words in brackets.

Model: You listened to music.(play the piano)

Did you listen to music or play the piano?

1. We began to work early.(late) 2. Shiela went to the movies.(to a dance) 3. You borrowed some money from Alice.(lend her money)

4. Mary was late for her classes again.(her work) 5. She spoke French at the reception. (English) 6. They got there by bus.(car) 7. Jane bought a ready-made dress. (made a dress herself) 8. Frank drover a taxi.(a truck) 9. I forgot Mary’s address.(telephone number) 10. The Franklins went to Belgium.(Holland). 11. We went to see an interesting movie.(a play) 12. David gave me all the necessary information.(John) 13. We went on a picnic at the weekend.(to the country) 14. Phil broke his Ford last week.(his bicycle) 15. Betty invited all her friends to her wedding.(her birthday) 16. I made an appointment with the dentist for Friday afternoon.(Monday morning) 17. We spent a lot of money at the supermarket.(at a new dress-shop). 18. We met many Germans during the holidays.(Spaniads) 19. I spoke to Mr. Johnson on the phone.(his secretary) 20. They eat bananas for dessert.(oranges)

Exercise 10. Ask questions to the following sentences. Use the interrogative words given in brackets.

1. They met during the mid-day meal.(when) 2. It took him hafl an hour to get to the Institute when he lived in the centre.(how long) 3. Most of the time he lived in the counntry.(where) 4. Mrs. Brown taught foreign languages at the university.(what foreign languages) 5. He came home late at night. (when) 6. I gave up smoking last week.(when) 7. I paid a lot for this computer.(how much) 8. We often went to the cinema last month.(how often) 9. Mary took somebody’s book by mistake.(whose) 1O. Alice bought some perfume. (what) 11. I met George at the library.(who) 12. Mike left early.(what time). 13. They arrived at the airport an hour ago.(where) 14. The tourists went to the British Museum.(where) 15. I last met Peter in January.(whom) 16. Mrs. Hill’s children played in the yard all morning.(whose) 17. Barbara rewrote her composition.(what) 18. Mrs. Miller agreed to look after our children.(who) 19.The boss read all his letters in the morning.(when). 20. He didn’t go to the University on Monday.(why)

Exercise 11. Complete the text about James Dean. Use the verbs in the Past Simple.

die, grow up, study, start, appear, act, see, like, offer, star,

become, cause

American actor James Dean was born in 1931, Dean’s mother ... when Dean was only 8 years old and he ... on his aunt and uncle’s farm. He ... acting for two years. Then he ... a career in films and the theatre. He also ... in some TV commercials, including one for Pepsi-Cola. In 1954, he ... in a play called The Immoralist in a new York theatre. Bosses from a Hollywood film studio ... the play. They ... Dean and ... him a film contract. Dean ... in three films, East of Eden (1955), Rebel without a Cause (1955) and Giant (1956). During his short career, he ... extremely popular with teenagers. His death in a car crash in 1957 ... great sadness in young people all over the world.

Exercise 13. What did Simon and Sally do yesterday? Complete the conversation. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple.

Sally: What you (do) yesterday? You (go) to the Sports Centre?

Simon: Yes, I (go) there with Andrew.

Sally: You (play) tennis?

Simon: Yes, we (do).

Sally: Andrew is good, isn’t he? He (win) the game?

Simon: Yes, he (win) easily.

Sally: What you (do) in the evening? You (stay) at home?

Simon: Yes, I (stay) in and (watch) TV.

Sally: What you (watch)?

Simon: A film of a rock comcert. It (be) really good. What about you? You (meet) Peter yesterday?

Sally: Yes, I (meet) him in town. We (go) shopping. Peter (want) to look for some new clothes.

Simon: He (buy) anything?

Sally: Yes, he (buy) a pair of jeans in Kings.

Simon: Kings? That’s a really expensive shop, isn’t it. How much he (pay)?

Sally: 42 pounds.

Exercise 14. Translate into Russian.

1. Две недели назад мы с женой были в опере. Опера нам очень понравилась. 2. Мой сын окончил школу три года назад. 3. В воскресенье мы не ездили на дачу. Мы навестили своих родителей. 4. В каком году вы окончили институт? 5. Вчера мы не обедали дома, мы ходили в ресторан. 6. Билл научился говорить по-французски в детстве, когда он жил с родителями во Франции. 7. Мистер Браун послушал новости и затем выклю- чил радио. 8. В прошлом году мы сдавали экзамены в июне. 9. Сколько вам понадобилось времени, чтобы закончить перевод? 10. Когда он уехал в командировку? 11. Ты был дома в понедельник утром, не так ли? - Нет, я был на работе. 12. Ты вчера опоздал на лекцию? - Нет, я пришел вовремя. 13. Какой язык ты изучал в школе? - Немецкий. 14. Вчера я проснулся в 7 часов. Я умылся, позавтракал и пошел в институт. 15. Николай не был вчера в институте. У него болела голова. 16. Почему ты мне не позвонил вчера? - Извини, но я вернулся домой очень поздно. 17. Где он купил словарь? - Я не знаю, где он его купил. 18. В прошлом году я обычно рано вставал. 19. Вчера у нас было собрание. Мой начальник выступил с докладом. Его доклад всем понравился. 20. Кто помог тебе перевести статью? - Я перевел ее сам.

Exercise 15. Comment on the use of used to in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I used to smoke cigarettes, now I smoke a pipe. 2. Kate used to go swimming a lot, but she never goes swimming now. 3. Robert used to be very slim when he was young. 4. She used not to like Tom, but she quite likes him now. 5. I didn’t use to like opera, but now I’m getting interested. 6. Did you use to play cricket at school? 7. I’ve started drinking coffee recently. I never used to like it before. 8. Did you use to eat a lot of sweets when you were a child. 9. This building is now a funiture shop. It used to be a cinema. 10. Fred used to play football when he was young, but he stopped playing twenty years ago.

Exercise 16. Paraphrase these sentences using used to .

Model: When we were children we often visited the circus.

When we were chidren we used to visit the circus.

1. As a child I drew and painted pictures. 2. My father told me and my younger brother bedtime stories almost every night. 3. Robert got to the univer- sity by metro when he studied in Moscow. 4. When my daughter was a child, she thought peple on television couls see her. 5. That is the house my family lived in . 6. Uncle Paul had a car before the war. 7. Mr. Fraser smoked thirty cigarettes a day before the operation. 8. Before her departure Mrs. Rand came every day to see us. 9. People thought that the earth was a disk. 1O. There was a hotel there two years ago. 11. Harry often played baseball before his marriage. 12. John drove a sports car in his youth. 13. There was a theatre here before the catastrophe. 14. Travelling was slower but more enjoyable then. 15. I wrote home twice a month when I lived in England. 16. A hundred years ago many people went around on horseback. 17. He went to work by bus before the new metro station opened. 18. He taught English at college. 19. She walked to her office in any weather. 20. In her childhood Mary drank a glass of milk every morning.

Exercise 17. Make the following sentences a) negative and b) interrogative.

Model: They used to live in that house.

a) They didn’t use to live in that house.

b) Did they use to live in that house?

1. I always used to be afraid of dogs. 2. He used to play cards a lot. 3. When we were children we used to go skating every winter. 4. I used to have an old Rolls Royce. 5. Mother used to take you to the tennis court when you were small. 6. David used to be fond of watching figure-skating ten years ago. 7. I used to be as thin as you. 8. She used to have a good figure. 9. Mary used to collect stamps in her childhood. 10. Mrs. Green used to spend afternoons sitting about the park. 11. He used to spend the mornings lying about the beach. 12. Wrestling used to be one of the oldest forms of sport. 13. I used to play hockey at school. 14. They used to serve good beer here. 15. He used to be very nervous when he was young. 16. We used to go camping for our holidays.

Exercise 18. Add tag questions to the following sentences.

Model: 1. You didn’t use to talk like that.

You didn’t use to talk like that, did you?