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Лысенко (Active Voice)_2001.DOC
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Exercise 1. Explain the difference between the meaning of the italicized forms in the following sets of sentences and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. a) When I came back to Moscow, my friend went to Kiev. b) When I came back to Moscow, my friend had gone to Kiev. 2. a) Ann had spoken to the teacher when Mary came to show him her work. b) Ann was speaking to the teacher when Mary came to discuss the work she had done. 3. a) When our visitors arrived, my wife was making tea. b) When our visitors arrived, my wife made tea. c) When our visitors arrived, my wife had already made the tea. 4. a) When she got home her papernt were having dinner. b) When she got home her parents had already dined and were watching TV. c) When she got home she had dinner and watched TV for two hours instead of doing her home- work. 5. a) The floor was covered with balls of wool: Mrs. Brown was knitting something. b) The floor was covered with balls of wool, obviously Mrs. Brown had been knitting something. 6. a) The meeting had begun before we got to the place. b) As soon as we got to the place, the meeting began. 7. a) The mother had cooked the lunch and was waiting for the children to come home from school. b) She cooked lunch and sat down at the window to watch the children coming back from school. c) She had been sitting at the window for quite a while before the children came. 8. a) When my friend rang me up, I was doing my homework. b) I had already done my homework when my friend rang me up. 9. Next month our English teacher will have been working at the institute for twenty-five years. b) I am sure that twenty years from now she will still be working here, as active as ever. 10. a) No sooner had the professor begun to speak than he was interrupted by the arrival of a group of students. They had been detained at the cloakroom. b) The professor had not yet begun to speak when another group of students entered the hall.

Exercise 2. Replace the time indicators by those given in brackets. Change the form of the verb accordingly and make the other necessary changes.

1. He (tell) me about it a minute ago.(just, tomorrow) 2. She often (cook) her own breakfast.(yesterday, everymorning, already) 3. She (be) here at six o’clock.(since six o’clock, never, tomorrow) 4. We (live) in the country now.(before the war, never) 5. Every month she (buy) a lot of new books.(last month, lately) 6. He (tell) me about it every time he sees me.(two days ago, this week, at this time tomorrow) 7. I (see) my friend every day.(many years ago, just, next Sunday) 8. I (not to see) him last week.(since last week, lately, after classes today) 9. My boyfriend (go) to the country every week.(last night, this evening) 10. She (borrow) new books from the library regularly.(last week, today) 11. He (tell) you about it during the lesson?(ever, often) 12. They (leave) Moscow already.( at night, next month) 13. It (rain) yesterday.(now, all day long yesterday, at his time yesterday, tomorrow, when we left home) 14. John regularly (write) letters to his parents.(seldom, the day before yester- day, tonight, when we called on him last night, at present, never) 15. Philip (stay) with his friends during the vacations.(when he was in Moscow, whenever he comes to Moscow, for the time being, still) 16. Mrs. Stuard (go) shopping today.(on Saturday, after her children returned from school, while her children had classes, often) 17. She (be) excited all day yesterday.(always, all day, at the moment) 18. The family (watch) TV when I came home.(the whole evening, from 7 till 10, after dinner, every night, still) 19. Professor Clark (give) a talk on Greek sculpture at the same time next week.(at the same time last week, last Monday, next Friday, already, when we entered the lecture hall, at this very moment, from 9 till 11 a.m., when the term is over) 20. We (not to play) tennis since last Sunday.(last Sunday, next Sunday, at this time tomorrow, when you arrived)

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into English.

А. 1. Я учу английский язык каждый день. 2. Я учил английский язык вчера. 3. Я буду учить английский язык завтра. 4. Я учу английский язык. Не мешай мне. 5. Я учил английский язык вчера в 7 часов вечера. 6. Я буду учить английский язык завтра в 6 часов вечера. 7. Я выучил слова. Проверь меня. 8. Вчера к семи часам я уже выучил все слова. 9. Завтра к 7 часам я уже выучу все слова. 10. Я изучаю английский язык уже пять лет. 11. Я учил английский язык уже час, когда вы пришли вчера. 12. На будущий год я буду изучать английский язык уже пять лет.

В. 1. Я смотрю телевизор по вечерам. 2. Где твой брат? - Он в гостиной смотрит телевизор. 3. Вчера я не смотрела телевизор, так как была занята. 4. Я только что посмотрела эту программу. 5. Я смотрела телевизор, когда вошла мать. 6. Я уже посмотрела этот фильм, когда пришел отец. 7. Я посмотрю фильм к тому времени, когда придет мой друг. 8. Завтра по телевизору интересная передача. Я буду обязательно ее смотреть. 9. Завтра в полдень я буду смотреть интересный фильм по телевизору. 10. Ты смотришь телевизор уже 4 часа подряд. 11. Я понял, что смотрел телевизор слишком долго. 12. Пока ты придешь, я в течение часа буду смотреть телевизор.

С. 1. Он читает газеты каждое утро. 2. Сейчас он читает утреннюю газету. Не мешайте ему. 3. Он читает газету ужу полчаса. 4. Он читает газеты два часа каждый день. 5. Каждый день с девяти до десяти он читает газеты. 6. Он читает газету с семи часов. Он все еще ее читает. 7. Он будет готовить уроки вечером. 8. Она будет готовить свои уроки, когда ты придешь. 9. Она будет готовить уроки в пять часов. 10. Она будет делать домашнее задание с пяти до семи, а потом пойдет в кино. 11. Она сказала, что будет готовить домашнее задание вечером. 12. Она сделает домашнее задание к тому времени, как ты придешь. 13. Она будет делать домашнее задание в течение двух часов, к тому времени как ты придешь. 14. Я перевел эту статью. Она готова. 15. Я переводил эту статью в течение трех часов. Она готова. 16. Я перевел статью на этой недели. Она готова. 17. Я переводил статью вчера. Вы не можете ее взять. Я еще не кончил. 18. Я переводил эту статью вчера в пять часов вечера. 19. Я переводил эту статью вчера с двух до пяти. 20. Я все еще переводил эту статью, когда он пришел. 21. Я переводил эту статью в течение двух часов, когда он пришел. 22. Я еще не первел статью, когда он пришел. 23. Я перевел статью к пяти часам. Почему ты за ней не пришел?

Exercise 4. Correct these sentences.

A. 1. I work for IBM. In fact, I work for them for twenty years. 2. I have worked for Glaxo for ten years and then I got a job at BMS. 3. Our present chairman was chairman for ten years. 4. I have joined the company in 1989. 5. The company is based in Swindon since 1085. 6. I have worked in research since ten years. 7. Please don’t make so much noise. I study. 8. Are you believing in God? 9. Can you hear those people? Who do they talk about? 10. I am thinking it would be a good idea to change the method. 11. I am usually going to work by car. 12. She stays with her sister at the moment until she finds somewhere to live. 13. What is your father doing? - He is a teacher, but he doesn’t work now. 14. The Titanic travelled to New Your when it hit an iceberg and sank in the Atlantic. 15. The jumper was shrinking when I washed it. 16. I was breaking my toe when I tripped over the dog. 17. The mouse was having a heart attack when the cat jumped down from the chair. 18. The footballer ran towards the goal when he fell over. 19. How long have you been knowing your friend? 20. I can’t come out with you on Saturday. I meet a friend.

B. 1. James Dean drove a sports car when he was dying. 2. I live in Brighton. I lived here for ten years. 3. Tolstoy has written ‘War and peace’. 4. Oh, no! Look! Someone stole my car radio! 5. Who has discovered America? 6. We’ve played tennis yesterday afternoon. 7. When have you passed your driving test? 8. I never eat Chinese food in my life. 9. Look at Mike! He grew a beard! 10. Carlo lives in Rome since three years. 11. How long are you studying English? 12. Where are you going with that ladder? - I’ll repair the roof. 13. Do you think Sarah is passing her exams this summer? 14. I think England are winning the soccer match tonight. 15. It was late and I was working since early in the morning, so I was very tired. 16. We were waiting for an hour when our train finally arrived yesterday.

Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the most suitable form.

1. Mr. Sharp never (smile), but he (smile) today because he (win) a car in the lottery. 2. Why Mrs. Watson (write) to her son? - She (want) to wish him ‘Happy Birthday’. 3. How Bob (get) a black eye? - He (get) a black eye while he (fight) with his brother. 4. If you (eat) too many cookies after diner tonight, you (get) a stomachache. 5. I know that he (work) at this problem all his life. By the end of the next year he (work) at it for nearly 30 years. 6. They (write) a book at present and they (hope) that they (complete) their work by May. 7. I (start) learning French but I (not to learn) very much yet. 8. How long it (take) you to drive to London last night? How long it usually (take)? 9. You (see) Jenny recently? - No, but we probably (see) her when we (go) to Leeds. 10. I already (see) that film and I (not to want) to see it again. 11. Hello! I (try) to telephone you all week. Where you (be)? 12. I wonder when they (be) back. 13. While they (play) their new records, I (read) the papers. 14. I (be) twenty tomorrow. 15. Our teacher (speak) with the director now. 16. I (explain) the rule to him twice, but he still (make) mistakes. 17. Do you know at what time Lizzy (arrive) tomorrow? 18. I (buy) a new dress. I (show) it to you tomorrow. 19. Don’t touch the cat. He (eat), and he (be) angry if you (touch) him. 20. The newspaper (come)? - Yes, Ann (read) it.

Exercise 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the most suitable form.

1. Why don’t you call Billy before dinner? - No, I (not to want) to dis- turb him. I’m sure he (practise) the piano. He always (practise) the piano before dinner. 2. How much longer you (take) a bath? - I (take) a bath for a few more minutes. 3. I’m afraid my wife (not to like) my new haircut. 4. No wonder she (have) no money. She (shop) all week. 5. I’m having a wonderful time. I (listen) to music all morning. I (listen) already to all my favourite records. 6. He (know) her for a long time before he finally (get) married to her. 7. I always (have) trouble with my engine these days. 8. What you (do) when I (ring) you up? 9. I (work) very hard lately. 10. The play just (begin). You’re a little late. 11. Wait a minute. I (listen) to the news. 12. My daughter (work) in a restaurant for the summer, but she (not to like) it very much. 13. This is Mary. I don’t think you (meet). - Oh yes. We (know) each other well. We (be) at school together. 14. You (decide) how to spend the prize money? - Well, I think we (buy) a new car, but we really (not to decide) yet. 15. They never (quarrel) like this before. 16. I always (go) out on Saturdays. 17. The president (meet) the Prime Minister before flying back home. 18. When I (find) that I (leave) my purse at home, I (be) very angry with myself. 19. Your aunt (visit) us already five times this year! Last year, she (visit) us only twice. How many times she (visit) us next year. 20. By the time Anita (get) to the church, the wedding already (begin).

Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the most suitable form.

1. George could not answer the phone, he (have) a bath when it (ring). 2. We (use) this classroom today because the window in the other room is broken. 3. I’m sure he (find) his way easily, although he never (visit) this house before. 4. Jane says she (not to lend) me the book because I never (give) books back in time. 5. Ted isn’t going to wear his black suit today. He already (wear) his black suit this week. He (wear) it on Saturday. 6. How long you (have) problems with your landlord? - I (have) problems with him since February. 7. We (leave) the discotheque, when we (see) our English teacher. 8. You ever (be) late for an important appointment? - Yes, I ... . I (be) 30 minutes late for my wedding. Would you believe it! 9. I (find) this photograph last night when I (look) through some old papers. 10. Why you (look) at me like that? I (look) funny? 11. When at last I reach her house, Ann just (leave) and therefore we only (have) time for a few words. 12. When I (reach) her house, Ann (go) away at once, that is why I (have) no time to speak to her. 13. When I (hear) his knock, I (go) to the door and (open) it but I (not to recognize) him at first because I (not to wear) my glasses. 14. We (watch) TV from eight to nine, then a friend of mine (come) to see me and we (switch) off the set. 15. We (know) the Coopers for only a short while. 16. Hardly had he (leave) the building when the bomb (go) off. 17. He (watch) TV all day, so it’s no wonder he (have) a headache now. 18. She (finish) typing the letter by one o’clock. 19. I (be) in a hurry. My friends (wait) for me now. 20. You (read) today’s newspaper? A famous actor (come) to our town two days ago.

Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the most suitable form.

1. We always (consult) a dictionary when we (translate) texts from English into Russian. 2. I (not to laugh) at you. 3. She (sing) over the radio at 5 o’clock tomorrow. 4. He just (reject) our proposal. 5. You (come) back before the new term (begin)? 6. Don’t leave until we (discuss) our plan in detail. 7. He (study) at the Law Department now. 8. Who else (go) with you to Bulgaria? 9. I would like to know why you (walk) out of the room while I (talk) to you. 10.I (hurry) to the station. My friend (come). 11. When I (be) 18. I (take part) in the elections. 12. I’m afraid we (be) late and they (sell) all the tickets by the time we arrive. 13. You always (smile) when you (see) him? 14. Those who (write) the test may leave the classroom. 15. Andy always (want) to be an astronaut? - Oh, no. He (want) to be an austronaut since last September. Before that, he (want) to be a policeman. 16. Tomorrow at this time we (discuss) your report. 17. You (pack) your things? - Not yet, I still (pack) them. It’s not at all easy. It always (take) me long to pack my suitcase. 18. What you (do) under the table, Mary? - I (look) for my ring. I (leave) it on the table and now it (not to be) there. - You’re so careless! When you (see) it last? - I (take) it off when I (wash) my hands before dinner. Oh, here it is, in the bathroom! It (lie) there all the time. 19. He (know) anything about our plans? 20. Who (take) care of your children when you (go) to St. Petersburg?

Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the most suitable form.

1. How often you (see) your parents? 2. Would you like a cigarette? - No, thanks, I (not to smoke). 3. What you (do)? - I (try) to mend my bicycle. Would you like to help? 4. My brother (have) a fight with his neighbour last week. 5. I often (dream) of having a million dollars. 6. You (know) Canada? - No, I never (be) there. 7. When he (meet) those clients in Cairo? - Next week. 8. What you (do) if you (lose) your job? - I probably (start) my own business. 9. What time the office (close)? - At 5.30 p.m., usually. 10. While I (have) din- ner with Alice she (tell) me that she (want) to change her job. 11. How Martin (burn) himslef? - He (burn) himself while he (iron) his clothes. 12. Peggy (be) busy tomorrow morning? - Yes, she (wash) her clothes all morning. 13. How long you (be) interested in computer technology? - I (be) interested in computer technology since last year. 14. I (be) nervous. I (be) nervous since I (get) married a few hours ago. 15. Harry (not to like) rock and roll music anymore. He (like) it when he (be) in high school, but now he (like) jazz. He (like) jazz for many years. 16. No wonder you have a sore throat. You (talk) all day. 17. Do- nald (look) terrible when I (see) him. His clothess (be) dirty, and he (grow) a beard. 18. George and Eleanor (get) married last week. - I don’t believe it! They (go) together for only a month. 19. Mr and Mrs Martin (not to go) on their vacation because they (get) sick. They (be) sorry because they (plan) their trip for months. 20. He already (park) the car when I (arrive).

Exercise 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the most suitable form.

1. Tell me if you (finish) your article in May and when exactly you (finish) it. 2. By the time you (get) back I (finish) all my correspondence and then (can) help you with yours. 3. What do you think you (do) at this time next year? 4. The party (start) half an hour ago. Some music (begin) just. Soon everyone (dance) to the music. 5. At what time you (be) here tomorrow? - I (be) here at 10 o’clock. 6. She (try) on a raincoat and (buy) it. 7. Hello! I’m glad you (have) lunch here. I (want) to talk to you. 8. The sun (shine) by day and the moon by night. 9. When you last (go) to the Tretyakov Gallery? 10. How foolish and quarrelsome he is! He always (argue) and (protest) against whatever suggestion you make. 11. George (be) in town for about two weeks now. You (see) him? 12. What you (do) in your spare time? You (have) any hobbies? 13. Mary usually (phone) me on Fridays but she (not to phone) me last Friday. 14. When I first (tell) Tom the news, he (not to believe) me. He (think) that I (joke). 15. I need a new job. I (do) the same job for too long. 16. You (be) to the United States? - No, never, but I (go) to Canada a few years ago. 17. Jill is an experienced teacher. She (teach) for 15 years. 18. She had no sooner (turn) the corner than the car (hit) her. 19. You ever (see) a Flying Saucer? 20. She always (leave) the front door open.

Exercise 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the most suitable form.

1. He (have) six accidents last year. 2. I (try) to get a loan from the bank for eighteen months now. 3. The thief (drive) off in the stolen car before the police (arrive). 4. I always (get) into trouble for driving on the right when I first (come) to England. 5. He (look) for a car for six months before he (find) one he (like). 6. He (drive) for a long time before he (discover) that one of the tyres (be) flat. 7. The police (stop) all the cars in the High Street yesterday. 8. I fear the football match (not to start) on time. 9. I don’t know whether he (come) by car or bus. 10. I never (learn) to swim although I (live) by the sea all my life. 11. You really (live) here for ten years? 12. How about your exams? You (pass)? - I (not to know). I (let) you know as soon as I (hear) the results. 13. You (come) here after you (finish) work? - No. I (meet) Joe in town and we (go) to the theatre. 14. It’s time to do your homework. You (watch) television all night. 15. Summer (follow) spring. 16. I often (see) Kate. I (see) her again only yesterday. 17. I (not to keep) pets now, but I (keep) a dog when I (be) a boy. 18. I knew she (do) the washing because the machine still (work) when I (get) in. 19. I knew she (do) the washing because when I (get) in she (be) ready to go out. 20. You can’t believe a word he says. He always (lie).

Exercise 12. Put the verbs in brackets into the most suitable form.

1. When out train (arrive) in Liverpool? 2. Tom (not to smoke) for a fortnight. He (try) to give it up. 3. Jess (be unemployed) for five months when he (manage) to get hired as a driver at a small factory. 4. You (eat) fruit every day? What’s the name of the fruit you (eat) with such pleasure? 5. You (remember) where he (work)? 6. George (collect) matchboxes ever since he (leave) school. Now he (collect) so many that he (not to know) where to put them. 7. Before we (take) Paul to the theatre, he never (see) a play on the stage before. 8. They say this firm (publish) this book next year. 9. Where you (live) before you (move) to Mexico? 10. I always (want) to visit this beautiful country. 11. The businessmen (fly) to England yesterday. 12. What you (do) last night? 13. I (lose) my keys and cannot remember where I (see) them last. 14. How’s Jack? When you (see) him? - Oh, I (not to meet) him for ages. 15. He (play) the piano since six o’clock in the morning. He only just (stop). 16. I doubt if they (make) it up. 17. I’m afraid I’m not quite ready. - Never mind. I (wait). 18. What you (laugh) at? I don’t see anything funny. 19. What medicine you (take) if you (have) a headache? 20. Your sister (do) morning exercises every morning?

Exercise 13. Translate into English using the most suitable form of the verbs.

1. Здравствуй, Николай! Не видел тебя целую вечность. - Да, мы не виделись с тех пор, как окончили школу. 2. Сколько страниц этой книги они перевели к концу прошлой недели? 3. Я буду ждать до тех пор, пока вы не позвоните. 4. С какого времени она болеет? 5. После того, как стемнело, мы включили свет. 6. С кем он там разговаривает? 7. Не успели они выехать из дома, как новый владелец занял его. 8. Завтра в это время я с товарищами буду играть в фотбол. 9. Этот хирург делает операции почти ежедневно. 10. Когда мать уезжала в командировку, дети сильно по ней скучали. 11. С каких пор вы ремонтируете свой телевизор? 12. Когда вы вернетесь, я думаю, они еще будут слушать музыку. 13. За последнее время я прочитала несколько рассказов Джека Лондона. 14. Она часто получает письма из дома. 15. Вы простудитесь, если не наденете пальто. 16. Вы его пригласите на ужин? - Я еще не решил. 17. Он редко смотрит телевизор, так как работает по вечерам. 18. Завтра в это время мы будем возвращаться домой. 19. Какую делегацию вы будете встречать завтра? 20. Его лекции всегда были интересными.

Exercise 14. Translate into English using the most suitable form of the verbs.

1. Мы всегда получаем много почты в понедельник. 2. Я никогда не видела такой красивой марки. 3. Сколько времени вы находитесь здесь? - Я здесь с июня и собираюсь пробыть до сентября. 4. Молодой художник нарисовал эти картины до того, как приехал в наш город. 5. Я только что услышал интересную новость. На будущей неделе в Москву приезжает группа известных французских актеров. 6. Вы можете сказать мне, когда приезжает ваша сестра? 7. Сколько английских книг вы прочитали с тех пор, как начали изучать английский язык? 8. Если вы посмотрите новую пьесу, вы получите большое удовольствие от нее. 9. По- чему вы не писали нам с 1990 года? 10. Дождь уже идет? - Нет еще, но скоро пойдет. 11. Когда я вышел из дома, шел дождь. 12. Как часто идут здесь дожди? 12. Сегодня утром еще шел дождь, а сейчас идет снег.13. На прошлой неделе часто шел снег. 14. Почему вы говорите шопотом? Мой сын не спит. 15. Вы можете почитать эти журналы, пока я буду просмат- ривать письма и телеграммы. 16. На будущей неделе мы будем готовиться к экзаменам. 17. Когда мой сын готовит уроки поздно вечером, он делает много ошибок. 18. Когда вы получили это письмо? - Вчера утром. 19. Он говорит уже больше часа. Мы все устали его слушать. 20. К началу учебного года они закончат строительство нового корпуса института.

Exercise 15. Translate into English using the most suitable form of the verbs.

1. Я думаю они будут здесь через полчаса, если поезд не опоз- дает. 2. Если вы выучите новые слова, вы легко поймете содержание статьи. 3. Дождь перестал, но дул холодный ветер. 4. На вечере мы встретили людей, которых никогда раньше невидели. 5. Я завтра встречаю моего старого школьного друга. 6. Часто ли идут дожди в октябре? 7. Весь сентябрь студенты будут работать на заводе. 8. Спроси его, увидится ли он с ней завтра. 9. Моя сестра каждое утро принимает холодный душ. - Где сейчас ваша сестра? - Она как раз принимает душ. Она принимает душ уже около десяти минут. 10. Мой сын еще школьник, но на будущий год к этому времени он уже закончит школу. 11. Они чинят дорогу с марта. 12. Через десять минут Джек вернулся и сказал, что все впорядке. 13. Мы выходим из дома через час. Не опаздывайте. 14. Давно вы учите китайс- кий язык? 15. Нора не знает, когда она вернется. 16. Когда вы обычно встаете? - Обычно я встаю в семь утра, но сегодня я встала в шесть часов. 17. Когда вы вернулись из Вашингтона? - Вчера вечером. - Сколько времени вы там пробыли? - Неделю. 18. Анн требуется сорок минут, чтобы добраться до работы. 19. Когда ваш отец обычно просматривает газеты? 20. Вы уже были на выставке в центральном парке? - Еще нет. Я собираюсь туда пойти в это воскресенье.

Exercise 16. Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable tense and form.

Last year I (have) a piece of good luck. One day I (work) in the bank as usual, when I (get) a phone call from a football pools company. They (tell) me that I (win) a large amount of money on the football pools. A few weeks later I (decide) to give up work and buy a house in the country. Now I (live) in a small village in the west of England. Since I (move) to the country I (learn) a lot about wild animals and flowers. I (not to have) time for that kind of thing when I (live) in London. I also (change) my daily routine a great deal. Now I (spend) most of my day painting. In the last few months I (paint) some quite good portraits of my neighbours, and next month I (have) an exhibition in a nearby town. Sometimes I (miss) my old life, but I (not to go) back to London for months. I (think) that most people (do) the same as me if they (have) the chance.