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2. By the time I got to the station...

By the time I got to the station my friend had booked the tickets.

1. By the time the boss returned... 2. By the end of the month... 3. By 8 o’clock... 4. By the time I got to the lecture... 5. By the end of the lesson... 6. By the time Robert got to the bank... 7. By Friday evening... 8. By the time we got to the concert... 9. By the time the deligation arrived... 1O. By the end of the working day... 11. By the beginning of the winter exams... 12. By the time the guests came... 13. By the time I got to the meeting... 14. By that time... 15. By May 30th... 16. By the time the ambulance arrived...

Exercise 7. Translate into English paying attention to the use of the Past Perfect Tense.

1. К концу июня они уже сдали все экзамены. 2. Когда мы вошли, фильм уже начался. 3. К пяти часам они уже вернулись домой. 4. Мы прочитали несколько книг о Чайковском, перед тем как поехали в Клин. 5. Я позвонил ему после того, как договорился о встрече с мистером Блейком. 6. Они опоздали на поезд, потому что попали в “ пробку”. 7. Вы изучали английский язык до того, как поступили в институт? 8. Когда поезд тронулся, я понял, что сел не на тот поезд. 9. Когда она пришла на собрание, мы уже обсудили первый вопрос. 10. Она получила плохую оценку на экзамене, потому что сделала очень много ошибок. 11. Где вы работали, прежде чем пришли к нам в офис. 12. Вчера я встретил моего друга, которого не видел с 1980 года. 13. К 1979 году он проработал на заводе около десяти лет. 14. В пятницу его не было на работе. Накануне он уехал в командировку. 15. Он жил три года за границей до того, как приехал в Нижний Нлвгород. 16. К концу семестра Джейн подружилась со многими русскими студентами.

Exercise 8. Comment on the use of the Past Simple and Past Perfect in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. John had scarcely introduced the newcomer when I recognized him. 2. The performance had hardly begun when the lights went out. 3. He had no sooner taken the medicine than he began to feel better. 4. He had scarcely walked for five minutes when he fell over. 5. The children had no sooner had lunch than they ran out to play in the yard. 6. Hardly had Bill Clinton become forty-four in 1992 when he was elected President of the United States. 7. James had no sooner decided to marry Christine than he met Jane. 8. I had hardly closed my eyes when the telephone rang. 9. Hardly had I arrived when I had a new problem to cope with. 10. No sooner had I closed the door than somebody started knocking on it. 11. The lecturer had hardly started to speak when the microphone went dead. 12. I had no sooner begun to talk to him than he ran out of the room.

Exercise 9. Combine the two sentences into one using the conjunctions

hardly ... when , scarcely ... when.

Model: 1. They finished speaking. Someone knocked at the door.

They had hardly finished speaking when someone knocked at the door.