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Лысенко (Active Voice)_2001.DOC
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I shall be back on Friday, shan’t I?

2) He will not write to you again.

He will not write to you again, will he?

1. We’ll have an English class at 11 next Friday. 2. Next year your brother will write his degree paper. 3. I shall not get up at 6 o’clock tomorrow. 4. Mr. Bradley will give a lecture on Hemingway next Thursday. 5. They won’t leave for Washington next Tuesday. 6. He will return in three hours. 7. There will be an interesting lecture at the institute today. 8. I’ll finish translating the story in two or three days. 9. There won’t be a meeting here today. 10. We shan’t be able to take part in this conference. 11. He will be glad to hear from us. 12. We won’t stay here long. 13. In some years there will be more faculties at the university. 14. Miss Green won’t teach French to us next year. 15. He won’t be here next month. 16. It will take us only ten minutes to get to the bus stop.

Exercise 8. Ask the speaker to repeat what he has just said.

Model: - I’ll see Alice on Tuesday.(when)

- Pardon? When will you see Alice?

1. Harry will be away for a month.(how long) 2. I’ll be back in half an hour.(when) 3. We’ll invite twenty people to the party.(how many) 4. I’ll be in Rome next week.(where) 5. I’ll have my French classes three times a week (how often) 6. The American professor will give only two lectures.(how many) 7. Victor won’t come because he’s busy.(why) 8. Mike will book the tickets. (who) 9. She will study art.(what) 10. They’ll pay him 3000 dollars a month. (how much) 11. I’ll be at the library at 4.(where) 12. I’ll marry John Smith. (who) 13. Some of the students will go to Brighton one of these days.(where) 14. We shall have dinner at home at about 6.(what) 15. He will have some free time tomorrow.(when) 16. They will pay twenty thousand dollars for the new house.(how much)

Exercise 9. Complete these sentences with “I’ll” + a suitable word.

Model: - We haven’t got any cigarettes.

- Oh, haven’t we? ... get some. I’ll go and get some.

1. I’m too tired to walk home. I think ... taxi. 2. It’s a bit cold in this room. - Is it? ... on the heating then. 3. We haven’t got any milk. - Oh, haven’t we? ... and get some. 4. It’s too late to telephone Max now. ... him in the morning. 5. Do you want me to do the washing up? - No, it’s all right. ... it. 6. I don’t know how to use this computer. - OK, ... you. 7. I feel a bit hungry. I think ... something to eat in the fridge. 8. Would you like tea or coffee? - ... coffee, please. 9. Goodbye! Have a nice holiday. - Thanks. ... you a postcard. 10. Thank you for lending me your camera. ... it back to you on Monday, OK? 11. Are you coming with us? - No, I think ... here. 12. Why haven’t you switched on the light? It’s getting dark. - Oh, yes, it is. ... it now. 13. Did you write that letter to Jack? - Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me. .... it now. 14. Why haven’t you packed your things? We’re leaving in a minute. - Don’t worry. ... in a moment. 15. There’s someone at the door. - Is there? Oh, ... who it is. 16. I’m going out shopping. - Oh, are you? ... with you, then. I need to get some things myself.

Exercise 10. Translate into English using the Future Simple.

1. В воскресенье я пойду на выставку. 2. Сколько вам понадобится времени, чтобы закончить перевод? 3. В пятницу будет собрание, не так ли? 4. Боюсь, что Петр не будет играть в теннис в следующую субботу. Он болен. 5. Вы достанете билеты на концерт? 6. Мы встретимся на концерте, не так ли? 7. В нашей группе будут две новые студентки. 8. Я не буду вас ждать после занятий. 9. Почему ваш друг не придет к нам на вечер? 10. Следующая лекция будет в четверг в 10 часов. 11. Какие предметы вы будете изучать в будущем году? 12. Как долго он пробудет в нашем городе? 13. Завтра у второй группы не будет первой лекции. 14. Когда они вернутся из Нью-Йорка? - На следующей неделе. 15. Принести вам завтра новый учебник? - Да, пожалуйста. 16. Мы сделаем это завтра утром. 17. Они вернутся к десяти часам вечера? 18. В будущем году мы начнем изучать французский язык. 19. Я не пойду на концерт в следующий вторник. У меня нет времени. 20. Завт- ра воскресенье, и в парке будет очень много народу.

Exercise 11. Comment on the use of the Future Simple and be going to in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. That boat doesn’t look very safe. It’ll sink in that heavy sea. 2. Look at that boat! It’s going to sink. 3. Oh dear! I’ve split some wine on my jacket. - Don’t worry. I’ll clean it for you. 4. Why have you moved all the furniture out of this room? - I’m going to clean the carpet. 5. George is putting on weight. He’s going to be quite fat. 6. I have left my watch upstairs. - I’ll go and get it for you. 7. Let’s have a party. - That’s a great idea. We’ll invite lots of people. 8. Sue and I have decided to have a party. We’re going to invite lots of people. 9. Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain. 10. We’re going to crash! 11. I bought a good map, because I’m going to go to South America. 12. I’ll probably move abroad in five years time.

Exercise 12. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple or the

be going to form.

1. Someone told me that you’re moving from London. - That’s right. I (live) in Manchester. 2. Quick! Catch the baby! I think he (fall) off the sofa.3. I could lend you some money if you like. - Could you? I (pay) you back on Friday. 4. What’s up? - I’m late for work and my car won’t start. - Don’t worry. I (give) you a ride. 5. Why are you turning on the television? - I (watch) the news. 6. Why are you filling that bucket with water? - I (wash) the car. 7. Have you heard the news? Mrs. Green’s pregnant again. She (have) another baby. 8. I can’t play chess. - I (teach) you if you like. 9. Don’t go near that dog. It (bite) you. 10. I’ve got a headache. - Have you? Wait there and I (get) an aspirin for you. 11. Has George decided on what to do when he leaves school? - Oh yes. Everything is planned. He (have) a holiday for a few weeks and the he (start) a computer programming course. 12. That tree makes the house very dark. - Very well, I (cut) it down. 13. I haven’t bought any cigarettes because I (give) up smoking. 14. We need some bread for lunch. - Oh, do we? I (go) to the shop and get some. I feel like a walk. 15. Why are you selling your house? - We (live) in the country. 16. The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it? - No, it looks as if it (fall) down. 17. Shhh! Don’t make so much noise. You (wake) everybody up. 18. You look frozen. Sit down by the fire and I (make) you a cup of tea. 19. Oh dear, it’s already 4 o’clock. We (be) late. 20. I’ve come out without any money. - Never mind, I (lend) you some. How much do you want?

Exercise 13. Comment on the use of tenses in the following sentences.

Translate them into Russian.

1. I’ll phone you as soon as I make an appointment with Mr. Smith. 2. If the weather is fine, we’ll go boating. 3. We won’t go out until it stops rainting. 4. What do you want to be when you grow up? 5. I’ll stamp the book after you fill out the form. 6. I’ll wait here till you register your ticket. 7. You will feel better after you have something to eat. 8. It’s raining hard. We’ll get wet if we go out. 9. If I go shopping, I’ll buy some bread. 10. I’ll buy a newspaper when I go out. 11. The door won’t open unless you push it hard. 12. I’ll look after your cat while yoy are on holiday. 13. We shall play tennis this evening as long as it doesn’t rain. 14. He won’t do anything until he hears from us. 15. If you don’t move your car, I’ll call the police. 16. If you get into difficulties, I’ll come and give you a hand.

Exercise 14. Match the two parts of the sentences.

1. If you unplug the machine 1. I’ll let you go.

2. If you give me the money 2. you’ll leave the country

3. If we don’t escape 3. you’ll be able to carry on with your holiday

4. If they give you another 4. we’ll drown


5. If they replace your traveller’s 5. you won’t get s shock


6. If there’s an explosion 6. they’ll mend her broken leg

7. If she goes to hospital 7. he’ll ask everybody to leave the train

8. If the guard thinks it’s a bomb 8. there’ll be a lot of damage

9. If you touch it 9. they’ll take her to hospital

10. If you light a match 10. you’ll get a shock

11. If you catch the 9.00 train 11. it’ll cause an explosion

12. If we call an ambulance 12. I’ll scream

13. If you don’t let go 13. you’ll be ill

14. If you don’t stop eating 14. it’ll taste better

15. If they find out about it 15. you’ll arrive before lunch

16. If you add a little sugar 16. there’ll be trouble

Exercise 15. Combine these pairs of sentences using conjunctions if, when, as soon as, after, before, till, until.

Model: We’ll finish work. We’ll go to the pictures.(as soon as)

As soon as we finish work we shall go to the pictures.

1. We shall go out on Friday. We shall not be tired.(if) 2. He will go to the country. His exams will be over.(when) 3. She will speak to the manager. She will leave for Rome.(before) 4. He will stay here for another week. He will not settle the matter.(if) 5. We shall have to wait for Peter. He will be late.(if) 6. I shall receive visitors. We shall discuss the plan. (after) 7. You’ll go on a diet. You won’t feel okay.(until) 8. Al will go shopping. He will put some petrol in the car first.(before) 9. John will clean the car. Mary will cook the lunch.(if) 10. I’ll take my coat to the cleaner’s. I’ll come round to your place.(after) 11. He’ll be able to take pictures. The weather’ll be fine tomorrow.(if) 12. They will wait. You’ll finish translating the text.(till) 13. He will not be able to settle the matter. The manager will come back from a business trip.(till) 14. Harry’ll study hard. He’ll pass the exam.(if) 15. The company will raise prices. The demand for its products will fall.(if) 16. I shall finish the courses. I’ll become a typist.(when)

Exercise 16. Insert the missing conjunctions and comment on the use of tenses in the following sentences. (Conjunctions to be used: until, till, before, after, as soon as, while, if, when, unless)

1. He will join the game ... he finishes his work. 2. I shall believe it ... I see it. 3. You must wait ... the light changes to green. 4. He will ring up for the taxi ... you finish packing. 5. ... you take a taxi, you will be late for the train. 6. ... he goes to bed at night give him a cup of hot milk. 7. I shall tell you a secret ... my brother goes out. 8. I don’t think he will write ... he arrives. 9. I shall always remember you ... I live. 10. We shall not speak to you ... you apologize. 11. They will run ... you stop them. 12. I shall be preparing breakfast ... you are taking a shower. 13. He will stay here ... you come. 14. ... they show me their homework, I will correct it. 15. ... you come to Moscow, ring me up. 16. We shall start immediately .. you finish your dinner.

Exercise 17. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: future simple or present simple.

1. When the Queen (arrive) the audience (stand) up. 2. He (wake) up when we (turn) the lights on. 3. His father (not to give) him any more money until he (learn) not to waste it. 4. You (wait) until he (come) back? 5. If you (want) to see all these places, you (have) to stay here for a week. 7. She (not to get) this job unless she (learn) French. 8. I (buy) a new car as soon as I (have) enough money. 9. Next time Marion (come), I (take) her to see my mother. 10. Please don’t touch anything before the police (come). 11. Everyone (be) very surprised if he (pass) the examinations. 12. She (not to go) away until you (promise) to help her. 13. You (be) lonely without me while I (be) away? 14. If I (need) any help, I (ask) you. 15. The old gentleman doesn’t go out in winter. He (go) out when the weather (get) warmer. 16. I’m afraid the old woman (die) before she (see) her son. 17. He (have) a bad accident if he (not to drive) more carefully. 18. She (be) pleased when she (hear) the news. 19. I’m sure he (write) to me as soon as he (know) my new address. 20. What your father (say) when he (hear) about this accident?

Exercise 18. Translate into English.

1. Мы пойдем в кино посе того, как закончим нашу работу. 2. Я просмотрю газеты после того, как мы позавтракрем. 3. Перед тем, как он поедет в Лондон, он позвонит вам. 4. Мы не начнем обедать, пока ты не придешь. 5. Как только он вернется, я вам позвоню. 6. Пойдем ли мы купаться, если погода будет хорошей? 7. Если она не ответит на мое письмо, я не буду ей писать. 8. Подож-дите, пока не придет секретарь. 9. После того, как я закончу институт, я женюсь. 10. Мы можем опоздать, если не возьмем такси. 11. До того, как мы выедем, нам нужно будет купить подарки для друзей. 12. Если вы останетесь еще на три дня, я покажу вам все достопримечательности города. 13. Что мы будем делать, если она опоздает? 14. Где она будет работать, когда окончит универси- тет? 15. Мы поедем к морю, как только Джон сдаст последний экзамен. 16. Как только я прочитаю эту книгу, я дам ее вам. Она очень интересная. 17. Пока ты ходишь по магазинам, я соберу вещи. 18. Подумайте хорошенько, прежде чем дать ответ. 19. Вы ничего не поймете, если не прочтете книгу сами. 20. Он начнет свой бизнес, если найдет достаточно денег.

Exercise 19. Comment on the use of the Present Simple and the Future Simple in the folowing sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. If the train is not late, it will pass the town at 2.30. 2. I don’t know when she’ll be here. 3. I’ll start when I’m ready. 4. Do you know when Janet will be in town? 5. Kevin will tidy up the garden if it doesn’t rain. 6. I wonder when she’ll be back. 7. When I have news about your missing pet, I’ll let you know immediately. 8. They want to know if there’ll be any changes in the plan. 9. If you run after two hares, you will catch neither. 10. I’ll sent you a postcard when I arrive. 11. They wonder if he will go by plane. 12. Hurry up! If we don’t hurry, we’ll be late again. 13. Ask him if he’ll do it at all. 14. When I see Tom tomorrow, I’ll invite him to our party. 15. I wonder what time tomorrow she will come back from her trip. 16. I don’t know when he will ring me up.

Exercise 20. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Simple.

1. Ask her if she (come) to the party alone or with her sister. 2. I have no idea when I (finish) reading this book. 3. Do you happen to know when the train (leave)? 4. My friend asks me if I (go) to the library with him. 5. I’m not sure if he (get) to the village before dark. 6. Ask him when he (begin) his course of lectures. 7. I wonder when he (wake) up. 8. I don’t know if she (come) tomorrow. 9. Ask the man if it (take) him long to make a double of this key. 10. He doesn’t know when they (arrive) 11. We don’t know when we (have) a test in Grammar. 12. Do you know when he (have) a talk with her about her future job? 13. Tell me when the meeting of the first-year students (take) place. 14. Ask him when he (finish) packing. 15. I wonder if they (discuss) this question at the meeting. 16. I’m not sure if he (agree) to take part in the concert.

Exercise 21. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: future simple or future present.

1. Ask the flower-girl how much money I (have) to pay if I (take) all the flowers. 2. I don’t know if he (come) but if he (come) I (speak) to him about it. 3. He (answer) you if he (get) your letter. 4. Mary offers Chris a lift in her car. I wonder if he (refuse and walk) to work. 5. Ask the dean if we (study) according to the old time-table or a new one (be) ready when we (begin) to stu- dy . 6. I (go) to the theatre when I (buy) a ticket. 7. If they (catch) the 10.37 train, what time they (be) in Milan? 8. I don’t know if she (stay) for the week- end, but if she (stay) ask her to tell us about her trip to England. 9. I hope you (tell) me all about the holiday when you (get) back. 10. Mr. Simon has gone fishing. I wonder if he (catch) any fish. 11. I don’t know if Helen (be) here when you (phone) tomorrow morning. 12. Ask her when they (move) to their new flat. 13. We (wait) for you for some time if you (be) busy at that time tomorrow. 14. They usually spend their days off in the country. I’d like to know if they (go) there this Sunday as well. 15. You never (make) this mistake again if you (learn) things the right way. 16. When the train (arrive) in Kiev I (get) off to buy newspaper. 17. I wonder if your boss (understand) what you mean. 18. You (not to be) cold if you (wear) a warm coat. 19. If you (translate) this article into Russian I (use) it in my report. 20. I can easily understand what happened to you during your business trip. But I’d like to know if your colleagues (understand).

Exercise 22. Complete these sentences.

1. If there no return tickets ... 2. After you return from London ... 3. As soon as he finishes reading the book .. 4. You will easily catch up with the group if ... 5. They will go to the country as soon as ... 6. I don’t know when ... 7. Our teacher will let us go home if ... 8. When you see him ... 9. If he doesn’t phone me ... 10. Will they join you if ...? 11. Tell me when ... 12. The students will not be able to read difficult texts till they ... 13. Will you wait until ...? 14. They will go abroad next summer if ... 14. Ask Peter if he .... 15. Can you speak to me when ...? 16. I shall lie down and have a rest while ... 17. I don’t think anyone will be surprised if ... 18. Before we go to the exhibit-ion ... 19. Tell your group-mates when ... 20. When we arrive at the airport ...

Exercise 23. Translate into English.

1. Спросите на таможне, будут ли они осматривать наш багаж. 2. Я не знаю, когда она вернется. 3. Мы не знаем, надо ли будет брать этот учебник в библиотеке. 4. Я вам все объясню, когда мы увидимся в институте. 5. Я пойду спрошу, пойдет ли она в кино. 6. Если меня никто не встретит на вокзале, я возьму такси. 7. Хотел бы я знать, приедет ли она сегодня. 8. Когда я приеду в Москву, я дам тебе телеграмму. 9. Лабо- рантка не говорит, будем ли мы писать контрольную работу сегодня. 10. Если я не уеду в командировку, я зайду к тебе на днях. 11. Я буду слушать эту передачу по радио, когда вернусь из института. 12. Не представляю себе, когда я смогу написать этот доклад. 13. Он одолжит тебе денег, если ты объяснишь ему ситуацию. 14. Скажи, пожалуйста, студентам, когда они смогут получить стипендию. 15. Мне хотелось бы узнать, когда ваша сестра вернется из Москвы. 16. Он еще не знает, когда студенты второго курса начнут сдавать экзамены. 17. Они поедут в Саратов. когда окончат работу. 18. Он не знает, когда они закончат работу. 19. Спроси его, когда он получит эти документы. 20. Он позвонит мне по телефону, когда получит эти документы.