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The German dialects share a common core of words, either as the result of common original source or as the result of borrowing.

22. Психолінгвістика у криміналістичній та судовій психології. Мовне забезпечення судової справи

23. Методики діагностики неправдивої інформації

24. Phrase structure grammars and the Chomsky hierarchy.

One way of specifying a grammar is to list “productions rules”. Such grammars are called production grammars of phrase structure grammars. A phrase structure grammar has four components:

  1. A set of non-terminal symbols (N, a set of symbols needed to specify the grammar).

  2. A set of terminal symbols (T, the set of symbols (words) that form the strings that comprise the sentences of the language).

  3. A start symbol (S)

  4. A set of production rules

Chomsky has identified four classes of grammars:

  1. Unrestricted phrase-structure grammars

  2. Context-sensitive grammars

  3. Context-free grammars

  4. Regular grammars

One formalism is termed to be more “powerful” than another if it can generate a larger class of languages than the other. In the above hierarchy, the type 0, unrestricted phrase-structure grammars, are the most powerful and the regular grammars the least powerful. The regular grammars are most restricted, that is, their production rules are restricted to the basic form A->xB, where A and B are single non-terminal symbols and x is an arbitrary string of one or more terminal symbols. Context-free grammars are less restricted, but more powerful, with each production rule being of the form A->y, where A is a single non-terminal symbol and y is and arbitrary string of terminal and non-terminal symbols.