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10. Kinds and ways of translating

Translation- the action or process of expression the meaning of a source language. Translation is done in written form and interpretation-in orally. In translation we deal with 2 languages (2 codes) and to verify the information they give us about the extra linguistic object. We should consider background information.

Ways of translating

  1. Literal translating (буквенний), which is used when dealing with separate words whose surface form and structure, as well as their lexical meaning in the source language and in the target language, fully coincide.

E.g. administrator, director, region, hotel.

It is to notice that in some words thus translated not only the morphemic, but also the syllabic structure can sometimes be fully coincide.

There are expression which only partly coincide:

E.g. anti-alcoholic, music, constitution, chemical process

There are false friends of translation which fully coincide in ST and TT:

E.g. artist-митець, magazine-журнал, replica-точна копія, cod-тріска, mandarin-діалект китайської мови

  1. Verbal translating (словесний). Unlike literal translating it never conveys the orthographic or the sounding form of the source language units, but their denotative meaning only.

E.g. fearful-страшний, fearless-безстрашний, helpless-безпорадний, incorrect-неправильний

All the words above are practically translated at the lexico-morphological level, as their lexical meanings and morphological stems are identical to those of the English words.

Verbal translating does not and can not provide a faithful conveying of sense/content at other than word level.

E.g. to take measure-вживати заходи, to grow strong-ставати дужим, first night-премєра, never say die- не падай духом

  1. Word-for word translation. It presents a consecutive verbal translation though at the level of word-groups and sentences. This way of translation is often employed both consciously and subconsciously by the students in the process of translating alien grammatical constructions/word forms.

E.g. You are right to begin with.- Почнемо з того, що ви маєте рацію.

  1. The interlinear way of translating. Its kind of translation with the strictly faithful rendering of sense expressed by word-groups and sentences at the level of some text. Interlinear translation always provides a completely faithful conveying only of content, which is often achieved through various transformations of structure of many sense units.

E.g. Who took my book?-Хто взяв мою книжку? (У кого моя книжка?)

  1. Literary translating represents the highest level oh the translator’s activity.

There are 2 kinds of literary translation:

  1. literary artistic (художня література)

  2. literary proper (наукова література)

Kinds of Translating and Interpreting

  1. The written from a written matter translating, which represents a literary, artistic or other faithful sense to sense translation from or into a foreign language. It may also be a free interpreting perform in writing. All kinds of text can be the matter under translation.

  2. The oral from an oral matter interpreting, which is regular oral sense to sense rendering a speech, radio or TV interview or recording which can proceed either in succession (after the hole matter or a part of it is heard) or simultaneously (синхронно) with its sounding. Translation in succession (послідовний) also can be named consecutive.

The consecutive interpreting is a piecemeal (порція) performance and the interpreter can make the use of time why the speed is proceeding for grasping its content and selected the necessary means of expression for some language units of the original matter. There is also a possibility to interrupt/stop the speaker in order to clarify some things. As a result, consecutive interpreting can take more or little less time than the source language last.

Simultaneously interpreting is performed with in the same time limit takes the same amounts of time or a little less than the source matter lasts.

  1. The oral from a written matter interpreting is nothing else that interpreting at sight. It can also proceed either simultaneously with the process that getting equated with the written matter or in successing after each part of it is read and than translated.

  2. The written translating from an orally represented is a rare occurrence (рідке явище). This is because a natural speech flow is too fast for putting it down in the target language.