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  1. Организационный момент.

T: Good morning, students! Our theme is famous scientists and inventors. Your task was to prepare a report about one of the scientist and inventor by choice.

2) Доклады студентов с презентациями.

T: Ok. Let’s begin. Who wants to begin?

3) Вопросы по теме презентации

T: And now ask the questions to the reporter. The reporter should answer them.

4) Заключительная часть

T: The lesson is coming to an end. Thank you for the lesson.

Практическое занятие №8.

Тема занятия:

Grammar: Tenses of group Perfect.


1)Практическая: Объяснить и совершенствовать грамматические навыки студентов в

употреблении настоящего совершенного, прошедшего совершенного и будущего совершенного времен.

2)Образовательная: Способствовать развитию навыков чтения и произношения.

3)Воспитательная: Способствовать формированию трудовых, эстетических и нравственных качеств личности.

4)Развивающая: Создать условия для развития произвольного внимания, памяти, конструктивного мышления и формирования познавательного интереса к предмету.

Оборудование практического занятия: учебник И.П. Агабекян, П.И. Коваленко, словари, раздаточный материал.

План урока:

1) Организационный момент.

T: Good morning, students! Our theme today is Tenses of group Perfect.

2) Объяснение грамматического материала.

T: Ok. Let’s revise grammar material.

Времена группы Perfect выражают действие, соотнесенное с каким-либо моментом или действием, а именно действие, предшествующее этому моменту или действию и обозначает результат на данный момент, в прошлом или будущем времени.





I have asked (sent)

He\ She\ It has asked (sent) just now

I\He\She had asked before I left.

We\He\They will have asked by 6 o’clock tomorrow.


He hasn’t asked.

We haven’t asked.

He hadn’t asked before I left.

He\We won’t have asked by 6 o’clock tomorrow.


Has he asked? Yes, he has.

Have you asked?

No, I haven’t.

just- только что

already- уже

yet- еще

this week (year)- в этом году

today- сегодня

lately- недавно

recently- недавно

Had he asked before I left?

Yes, he had.

Will I\He have asked?

Yes, he will have.

3) Отработка нового грамматического материала.

T: It’s time to do grammar exercises. I’ll give you tasks by myself. Do these exercises orally.

Ex.1 Выберите правильную форму глагола:

  1. I can't find my umbrella. I think somebody (take) by mistake.

a) has taken b) took

2. Mom (lose) her car keys, so we have to open the door by force.

a) will have lost b) has lost

3. I got out of bed an hour later I (wake up).

a) had woken up b) have woken up

4. By the time I come they (go).

a) had gone b) will have gone

5. She said she (see) him since she left Berks

a) had seen b) saw

6.-Why are looking so unhappy? –I (lose) my purse.

a) will have lost b) have lost

7. We are going to buy a car. By the end of next month our family (save) money for it.

a) will have saved b) had saved

8. The workers say that they (build up) a district by the beginning of 2000.

a) have built b) will have built up

9. We were late. The meeting (start) an hour before.

a) will have started b) had started

4) Контроль освоения грамматического материала.

T: Now do ex.2, 3, 4 in writing.

Ex.2.Составьте предложения из следующих слов:

  1. much time, the students, in, spent, today, have, the laboratory,

  2. Moscow, for Great Britain, just, left, the scientist, has.

  3. already, his, he, finished, work, has, laboratory

  4. never, the, there, have, we, been

  5. has, the institute, graduated from, she, not, yet.

Ex.3. Назовите предложения, в которых глаголы-сказуемые употребляются в одной из форм группы Perfect. Переведите предложения.

1.They have provided the laboratory with the modern equipment for carrying out the experiments.

2.These engineers have graduated from the college.

3.The research workers had made a lot of experiments before they received positive results.

4.N. had worked for many years before he became a research worker.

Ex.4 Употребите глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect.

1. We had no car at that time because we (sell) our old one.

2. Alice promised to come, but she’s absent. Something (happen) to her.

3. She was the most delightful person I ( ever/met).

4. Julia (finish) all the homework by three o’clock and we’ll go for a walk.

5. I (leave) some photos to be developed. Are they ready?

6. I knew him at once though I (meet) him many years before.

7. Peter saw an urgent message on his table. Somebody (leave) it the day before.

8. She (have lunch) by the time we arrive.

9. It is snowing heavily. Have you listened to the weather forecast for tomorrow?

- I hope it (stop) snowing by tomorrow morning.

10. By the 1 of June we (pass) all the credits.

5) Заключительная часть.

T: So our pair comes to an end. Write down the sentences for translation from Russian into English using Perfect tenses.

Раздаточный материал.

Ex.1. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

  1. I can't find my umbrella. I think somebody (take) by mistake.

a) has taken b) took

2. Mom (lose) her car keys, so we have to open the door by force.

a) will have lost b) has lost

3. I got out of bed an hour later I (wake up).

a) had woken up b) have woken up

4. By the time I come they (go).

a) had gone b) will have gone

5. She said she (see) him since she left Berks

a) had seen b) saw

6.-Why are looking so unhappy? –I (lose) my purse.

a) will have lost b) have lost

7. We are going to buy a car. By the end of next month our family (save) money for it.

a) will have saved b) had saved

8. The workers say that they (build up) a district by the beginning of 2000.

a) have built b) will have built up

9. We were late. The meeting (start) an hour before.

a) will have started b) had started

Ex.2.Составьте предложения из следующих слов:

  1. much time, the students, in, spent, today, have, the laboratory,

  2. Moscow, for Great Britain, just, left, the scientist, has.

  3. already, his, he, finished, work, has, laboratory

  4. never, the, there, have, we, been

  5. has, the institute, graduated from, she, not, yet.

Ex.3. Назовите предложения, в которых глаголы-сказуемые употребляются в одной из форм группы Perfect. Переведите предложения.

1.They have provided the laboratory with the modern equipment for carrying out the experiments.

2.These engineers have graduated from the college.

3.The research workers had made a lot of experiments before they received positive results.

4.N. had worked for many years before he became a research worker.

Ex.4 Употребите глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect.

1. We had no car at that time because we (sell) our old one.

2. Alice promised to come, but she’s absent. Something (happen) to her.

3. She was the most delightful person I (ever/met).

4. Julia (finish) all the homework by three o’clock and we’ll go for a walk.

5. I (leave) some photos to be developed. Are they ready?

6. I knew him at once though I (meet) him many years before.

7. Peter saw an urgent message on his table. Somebody (leave) it the day before.

8. She (have lunch) by the time we arrive.

9. It is snowing heavily. Have you listened to the weather forecast for tomorrow?

- I hope it (stop) snowing by tomorrow morning.

10. By the 1 of June we (pass) all the credits.

Ex.5. Переведите следующие предложения с русского на английский язык.

1.Я посмотрел этот фильм. А ты?- Да. Это интересный фильм.

2. Она только что вернулась с Парижа.

3. Он подумал, что он видел уже этого человека где-то.

4. Я переведу эту статью к понедельнику.

5. Я напишу ему письмо к тому времени, как она придет ко мне.

6. Вы когда-нибудь были в Италии?

7. Студенты ушли на каникулы после того как сдали экзамены.

8. Она еще не закончила институт.

Практическое занятие № 9.

Тема занятия:

Oral theme: The United Kingdom.


1)Практическая: Активизировать тематическую лексику в устной речи студентов в монологической форме в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов.
