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  1. Talk with your partner(s) about these e-mail problems. Agree on the three biggest and smallest. Change partners and share your findings:

  • spam

  • English spelling

  • time taken to send mail

  • personal information

  • file size

  • phishing

  • connection speed

  • losing mails

  • viruses

  • other

  1. Student A strongly believes that sending spam e-mails isn’t a criminal offence; Student B strongly believes sending spam e-mails is a serious crime. Share all pros and cons of the statements with your partner.

  1. Match the following synonyms from the article “Top Spam e-mail Sender Stays in Prison” you are going to listen to:

  1. mass

  1. reversed

  1. originally

  1. fools

  1. overturned

  1. wealth

  1. clogs

  1. large-scale

  1. prosperity

  1. imitation

  1. aliases

  1. initially

  1. fake

  1. forecast

  1. anonymously

  1. blocks

  1. predict

  1. false names

  1. tricks

  1. secretly

  1. Match the phrases from the article “Top Spam e-mail Sender Stays in Prison” you are going to listen to. Sometimes more than one choice is possible. Listen and check if you were right:

  1. sent a strong warning to anyone who

  1. laws of free speech

  1. mass distribution

  1. sentence overturned

  1. trying to get his prison

  1. false Internet addresses

  1. his rights of

  1. of junk e-mail

  1. the online revolution that is so critical

  1. be one of the top ten

  1. thought to

  1. sends spam e-mail

  1. He used aliases and

  1. world’s e-mail is junk

  1. not protected under America’s

  1. to economic prosperity

  1. anyone who sent out bulk mail

  1. free speech

  1. Experts predict that up to 90% of the

  1. anonymously

  1. Listen to the article “Top Spam e-mail Sender Stays in Prison”. Decide if the statements below are true (t) or false (f):

  1. A US court ruled a big-time e-mail spammer must stay in jail.

  2. The spammer will be released from prison in 2013.

  3. Forty three judges decided to keep the spammer in prison.

  4. Spam mail has a negative effect on the economy.

  5. The spammer used his own name in all of the mails he sent.

  6. The spammer sent as many as 10,000,000 mails every day.

  7. It could be that up to 90 per cent of all e-mails is spam.

  8. Spammers never try to get personal information and bank details.

  1. Listen to the recording once again and reproduce how the words below were used in the article:

  1. strong

  2. originally

  3. overturned

  4. judges

  5. historic

  6. critical

  7. false

  8. earned

  9. protected

  10. dangerous

  11. fight

  12. tricks

  1. After listening write five GOOD questions about e-mail in the table. When you have finished, interview other students. Write down their answers:










9.Now return to your original partner and share and talk about what you found out. Make mini-presentations to other groups on your findings.


  1. Discuss in pairs:

  1. What did you think when you read the headline?

  2. What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘spam’?

  3. How do you feel when you see junk mail in your inbox?

  4. What would you like to do to people who send you junk mail?

  5. Do you think the authorities could and should do more to stop spammers sending junk mail?

  6. Did you like reading this article?

  7. Has a junk mail ever successfully tricked you?

  8. Do you think nine years in prison is a suitable sentence for Jeremy Jaynes?

  9. Do you think junk mail will be a problem for many years or will someone find a solution to stop spamming?

  10. Do you prefer e-mail or writing letters with a pen and mailing them in an envelope?

  11. What do you do to avoid spam?

  12. Are you worried that the Internet will become more and more dangerous?

  13. What do you think about what Jaynes’ lawyer said about the decision?

  14. Did you like this discussion?


  1. Make a poster about all different dangers and annoyances of the Internet – from spam to phishing to identity theft. Show your work to your classmates the next lesson. Did you all have similar things?

  1. Write a magazine article about a spammer who became very rich by sending bulk spam mail and then ended up in prison. Include imaginary interviews with the spammer and someone who lost a lot of money after buying fake goods from one of the spammer’s mails. Read what you wrote to your classmates the next lesson. Write down new words and expressions.

  1. Write a letter to the head teacher of cybercrime fighting unit. Ask her/him three questions about cybercrime. Give her/him three suggestions on what (s)he should do to stop it. Read your letter to your partner(s) in your next lesson. Your partner(s) will answer your questions.

    Unit 8. JOURNEY