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  1. Listen and fill in the spaces:

Men are naturally funnier than women. This _____________________ UK male professor, Sam Shuster. He conducted research on 400 different people as he unicycled around his town. He observed _____________________ and discovered that men made more jokes _____________________, and that men’s jokes were more aggressive. He said three-quarters of male “jokers” mocked _____________________ comments, while most women tended to tease him with a smile. He said: "The difference between the men and women _____________________ and consistent." Professor Shuster believes the male hormone testosterone _____________________ being funnier. He found that teenage boys were aggressive in their humor and this aggression changed with older _____________________ of joking.

Earlier research suggests women and men _____________________. One study said women _____________________ jokes than men and male comedians outnumber female ones. Another showed men look more for a punch line. Men also use people they _____________________ their jokes, often in a negative way. Married men seem to like hearing and making jokes _____________________. British comedian John Moloney disagreed with Professor Shuster’s findings. He said that in his _____________________, he had never noticed that men were funnier than women. He stated: "The difference is that if a group of women were together _____________________, they don't automatically start telling jokes, which men do. It then becomes a bit of a competition, but _____________________ men are funnier."

  1. Listen to the recording once again and reproduce how the words below were used in the article:

  1. naturally

  2. observed

  3. three-quarters

  4. absolutely

  5. cause

  6. form

  7. differently

  8. outnumber

  9. subject

  10. career

  11. lulls

  12. bit

  1. Write five GOOD questions about comedy in the table. When you have finished, interview other students. Write down their answers:










  1. Now return to your original partner and share and talk about what you found out. Make mini-presentations to other groups on your findings.


  1. Discuss in pairs:

  1. What did you think when you were listening to the article?

  2. What kind of comedy do you prefer?

  3. How do you think men and women use humour differently?

  4. Do you think men are funnier than women?

  5. Do you really think women tell fewer jokes than men?

  6. Are your favourite comedians men or women?

  7. Are the subjects of men and women’s jokes different in your country?

  8. Do you agree that men have a “who can tell the best joke” competition – more so than women?

  9. What do you think of the unicycling scientist’s research?

  10. Do you think humour is genetic and the male hormone testosterone causes men to be funnier?

  11. What questions would you like to ask Professor Sam Shuster?

  12. What do you think are the differences between male and female humour?

  13. Do you have a good sense of humour?

  14. Do you understand the humour of other nationalities?

  15. Do you laugh at jokes told English?

  16. Are you good at telling jokes?


  1. Write a letter to professor Sam Shuster. Give him three suggestions on what he should do to find out more about whether men or women are funnier. Give him three other research projects that look into differences between men and women. Read your letter to your partner(s) the next lesson. Your partner(s) will answer your questions.

    Unit 10. Childhood