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The text under the title “Bank departments and activities” is devoted to the main responsibilities of some important bank departments.

It is clear from the text that in general most banks departmentalize basic activities. Departments are necessary because the kind of work done in an organization vary widely.

It should be noted that business customers are often a financial institution’s largest source of loans and deposits.

Banks must take all possible measures to protect them selves from losses in business and commercial loans on the one hand and to create favorable term for the borrower to repay.

Besides business loans are usually short term. Large and carry risk, which must be controlled by bank.

It is common knowledge that consumer banking described for a the activities of providing financial services to individuals, how a stable source of loans and deposits for an institution.

Banks develop various kinds of products and services which allow customers to conduct financial operations at their convenient.

To sum it up a bank performance a variety of activities that are grouped into departments. The organization structure of a bank is determineted by the goods that are achieved. Moreover, banks must meet and balance three primary objectives: to meet the withdrawal demands of customers, to interest the deposits in secure investments and to generate income.


Философии финансовых институтов об организационной структуре отличаются в зависимости от различных факторов. При необходимости, отделы создаются и руководителей возложена ответственность за функции в рамках отдела. Отделы необходимы, потому что виды работ в организации отличаются друг от друга. Логических групп этих мероприятий часто называют подразделений, филиалов, подразделений, или разделы. В целом, большинство банков departmentalize основной деятельности. Как правило, чем крупнее организация, тем яснее различия между ведомствами. В небольших банках менеджер отдела могут быть ответственны за множество не связанных между собой функций.

Банки должны иметь возможность привлекать и удерживать деловых клиентов, так как они часто являются основным источником финансовых учреждений по кредитам и депозитам. Сложность современной экономики требует высококвалифицированных кредиторов для защиты банка от потерь в бизнесе и кредитов на коммерческую недвижимость. Большая часть причин распада сфере сбережений и кредитования было связано с плохой практикой кредитования и отсутствие надлежащего контроля.

Бизнес-кредиты, как правило, краткосрочные (менее 1 года) и окупаются за счет продажи товара или услуги компании. Кредиты, как правило, крупные и нести риск того, что не всегда управляемый со стороны банка или заемщика. Такие факторы, как экономика, принятие рынком и конкуренция влияет на способность заемщика погасить задолженность.

Responsibilities of Bank Employees


The text under the title “Responsibilities of bank employees” is devoted to employees of financial institutions, they responsible for perfoming their jobs in an outstanding manner. One of the most important aspects of a position in a bank is working whit customers.

It is clear from the text that customers are not only depositors and loan holders, they are also other bank employees. Employees must know their jobs well to serve customers confidently and professionally.

Financial services industry is based on customers confidence in it’s institutions and employees. Even minor deviations from established bank policies are required by law to be reported to regulatory authorities. These policies are usually stated in the bank’s code of ethics.

It is common knowledge that a code of ethics is a document adopted by top management and the board of directors to guide employee actions that might reflect on the institution.

It should be noted that a conflict of interest occurs when two interests are at cross-purposes with each other. Em­ployees should always avoid situations that could be viewed as conflicts of interest. The institu­tion's code of ethics can give employees guidance in questionable situations.

To sum it up bank employees at all levels must serve their customers professionally and confidentially.

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