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Новая методичка по фонетике 1 курс.doc
36.68 Mб

1) Read the recipes. Translate them into English.

2) Present recipes of the dishes that are popular in your family.

3) Cook something and accompany the dish with the recipe.


Приготовить этот салат очень просто. Вам понадобятся свежие огурцы, помидоры, лук, перец. Все овощи моете, режете на разделочной доске, перемешиваете. Добавляете соль и сметану, снова мешаете и подаете на стол.

Это обычный салат летом.


Этот салат очень любят все члены моей семьи. Готовить его очень просто. Вам понадобятся 3 яйца, 3 яблока, 2 луковицы, сыр и майонез.

Яйца варите вкрутую и режете.

Яблоки чистите от кожуры и трете на терке (to grate)

Чистите лук, мелко режете, ошпариваете кипятком.

На большую тарелку выкладываете яйца, потом слой майонеза (a mayonnaise layer), кладете лук и майонез снова, слой яблок и майонез. Сверху насыпайте потертый на терке сыр.

Приятного аппетита!


Мужчины легко могут приготовить это блюдо. Вам понадобятся 3 яйца, 200 грамм ветчины или колбасы (ham or sausage). На медленном огне растопите масло в сковороде, порежьте ветчину на тонкие кусочки и положите в сковородку, обжарьте. Разбейте яйца в сковороду, посолите. Через несколько минут все будет готово.


Это блюдо очень вкусное, и его легко готовить. Возьмите грудку курицы или цыпленка и порежьте на мелкие кусочки. Обжарьте на масле на медленном огне, посолите. Потом влейте в сковороду стакан кипяченой воды и держите все на сильном огне 5-7 минут. Потом добавьте в сковороду полстакана сметаны, все перемешайте. Добавьте нарезанный лук, потом чеснок и перец. Через 15-20 минут все готово. Приятного аппетита.

Listen to the song and write out all the harmful substances.

Say what you can refuse and what you cannot help eating. Can you become a vegetarian?

Food Blues

I was sitting in a Motorway Restaurant When the waiter came up and said, "What do you want?" I looked at the menu -- it looked so nice Till he said, "Let me give you some advice" He said, "Spaghetti and potatoes got too much starch, Pork chops and sausage are bad for your heart. There's hormones in chicken and beef and veal. Bowl of ravioli is a dead man's meal. Bread got preservatives, there's nitrites in ham, Artificial coloring in jellies and jam. Stay away from donuts. Run away from pie. Pepperoni pizza is a sure way to die. Sugar rots your teeth and make you put on weight. But artificial sweetener's got cyclamates. Eggs got cholesterol. There's fat in cheese. Coffee ruins your kidneys, and so does tea. Fish got mercury. Red meat is poison. Salt's gonna send your blood pressure risin'. Hot dogs and bologna got deadly red dyes. Vegetables and fruits are sprayed with pesticides." So I said, "What can I eat that's gonna make me last?" He said, "A small drink of water in a sterilized glass." And then he stopped and he thought for a minute, And said, "Never mind the water -- there's carcinogenics in it." So I got up from the table and walked out in the street Realizing there was nothing I could eat. I ain't eaten for a month, and I'm feeling fine... 'Cause he did not mention Beer, whiskey, and red red wine.

Watch video “ Food in Britain”, “Dinner for two”.

What do the British eat? What is their traditional food? How many meals are there during he day?

Script the second video.


Study the text and answer the questions after it:

What Peter Did Yesterday

In the morning Peter woke up at about seven. He jumped out of bed and went to wake up his brother Billy. Billy was still asleep. So Peter splashed cold water on him. Then he jumped out of bed and chased Peter round the room.

Father woke up and heard them and called them: "Stop that noise, both of you!" so Peter and Billy stopped the noise and Peter went to the bathroom for his bath.

Soon mother got up and went downstairs. Then peter went back to his bedroom. There he put his clothes on, combed his hair, took a clean handkerchief and went downstairs.

Mother, Father and Billy were all sitting at the table, so Peter said "Good morning!" to them and they began breakfast. They had porridge with sugar and cream first. After porridge they had bacon and eggs, toast and tea with milk.

Peter helped mother to clear breakfast away.

Then Peter got ready for the institute and Billy - for school. Peter went by bus and Billy went on foot.

Peter came back home about four. He washed and changed. Then he helped mother about the house. Father returned home soon after six. Everybody was glad to see him again and talk to him. They had dinner and after that Peter did his homework. In the evening he didn't go to the theatre or to the pictures, he stayed at home and watched TV.

1. When did Peter wake up yesterday?

2. What did he do when he woke up?

3. Why did Peter splash water on his brother?

4. Why did Father ask the boys to stop making that noise?

5. What did Mother do when she got up?

6. What did the family start breakfast with?

7. Who cleared breakfast away?

8. How did the boys get to their places of studies?

9. When did Peter come back home?

Study the speech patterns.

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