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Unit V the european union and its principal institutions

Task 1. Make sure you know the meaning of the words and their definitions below


intensify or increase in power, quality, etc.


a person or thing that precede another/ant. successor/

customs union

an association of nations which promotes free trade within the Union and establishes common tariffs


hesitate, waver


discussion, polemics

subject under consideration.

topic being currently discussed

adhere to

to stick to or hold fast


acceptance, assent




affirm, maintain

draft budget

budget plan

conform with

comply with, obey


replace, to take the place of

be eligible for

fit, worthy, qualified for



Task 2. Read and translate the text

The European Union (EU) is an intergovernmental and supranational union of 27 democratic member states from the European continent founded to enhance political, economic and social cooperation.

The European Union was established under that name in 1992 by the Treaty on European Union (The Maastricht Treaty). However, many aspects of the Union existed before that date through a series of predecessor relationships, dating back to 1951.

The European Union nowadays has a common single market consisting of a customs union, a single currency managed by the European Central Bank, a Common Agricultural Policy, a common trade policy, and a Common Fisheries Policy. A Common Foreign and Security Policy was also established as the second of the three pillars of the European Union. The Schengen Agreement abolished passport control, and customs checks were also abolished at many of the EU’s internal boundaries, creating a single space of mobility for EU citizens to live, travel, work and invest.

The European Union‘s activities cover all areas of public policy, from health and economic policy to foreign affairs and defense.

On October 29, 2004 EU member state heads of government and state signed the Treaty establishing the Constitution for Europe. This has been ratified by 13 member states. However, this process faltered on May 29, 2005 when the majority of French voters rejected the constitution in a referendum. The French rejection was followed three days later by a Dutch one on July 1 when in the Netherlands 61,6% of voters refused the constitution as well. The current and future status

of the European Union therefore continues to be subject of political controversy, with widely differing views both within and between member states.

The functioning of the European Union is supported by several institutions.

The major governing institutions of the European Union are : 1) the European Parliament, 2) the Council of the European Union, 3), the European Commission 4) the European Court of Justice(incorporating the Court of First Instance) and 5) the Court of Auditors.

The institutions are an expression of the will to create a “closer union of the peoples of Europe” based on the following share of political responsibilities: The European Commission proposes, The European Parliament advises, The Council of the European Union decides, and the Court of Justice rules.

The European Parliament is made up of 732 members (MEPs) who are directly elected by the citizens of the European Union. The original Parliament used to have only few powers. Its functions were advisory and supervisory but its right to participate in EU decision making was extended by the later treaties.

The most important powers of the European Parliament fall into three categories:

1) legislative power ( depending on the legislation and the area, the legislative power of Parliament extends to consultation over the Commission, amendment of proposed legislation, co-decision with the Council and Parliamentary assent).

The Parliament has played an increasingly important part in the legislative process.

2)  power over the budget (the European Parliament approves the Union’s budget each year. It has the final say over certain aspects of the budget and it has the power to reject it).

3) supervision over the executive power (the executive power in the Union is shared between the Commission and the Council of Ministers. Their representatives appear regularly before Parliament.)

The Council of the European Union (also known as the Council of Ministers) consists of 27 members - representatives of the member states.

It is primary decision-making authority of the EU and is the most important and powerful EU body. The Council of the European Union adopts proposals and issues instructions to the European Commission.

The Council does not have a permanent membership – in each meeting the members, one from each country, are chosen according to the subject under consideration. Each member state sends its government minister who is most familiar with the topic at hand.

The Council of the European Union should not be confused with the European Council, which is formed by Heads of States or Government, who formally meet twice a year in the form of summit meetings to discuss important Union matters and have the same powers as the Council of the European Union, though the two are technically separate.

The European Commission has been described as ‘the guardian of the Treaties’. The Commission initiates, implements and supervises policy. It is also responsible for the general financial management of the European Union, and for ensuring that member states adhere to the European Union decisions.

It is the highest administrative body in the European Union. It is composed of members called Commissioners who are appointed by the member states with the approval of the European Parliament for 5 years. Britain, France, Italy, Germany and Spain each appoint two commissioners; the other countries appoint one each. However, the Commissioners do not represent their own countries: they are independent, and their role is to represent the interests of the EU overall.

The functions of the Commission are threefold:

  1. initiating proposals for legislation. It acts as initiator or ‘motor’ of Community action.

  1. guarding the Treaties the Commission is responsible for, ensuring that member

states uphold EC law, and has powers to investigate breaches by member states and, where necessary, bring them before the Court of Justice. It acts as the Community


  1. managing and executing the Union policies and international trade relationships (the Commission is responsible for negotiating trade agreements and the accession of new members, and draws up the annual draft budget for the EU).

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) is the judicial arm of the European Union. Each member country appoints one judge to the court.

The ECJ is responsible for the law that the European Union established for itself and its member states.

It ensures that other European Union institutions and member states conform with the provisions of the European Union treaties and legislation.

The court has no direct links with the national courts and no control over how they apply and interpret national law, but it has established that European Union law supersedes national law.

It is composed of 27 judges and advocates general, appointed by agreement among member states for a period of six years. Both judges and advocates are chosen from those who are eligible for the highest judicial positions in their own countries.

The court decides cases brought by the member states, by the Union institutions, by individuals and companies. It ensures uniform interpretation of Union law throughout the Union.

The Court of Justice worked alone until 1989 when the Council attached the Court of First Instance to it in order to improve the judicial protection of individual interests and to enable the Court of Justice to concentrate on its fundamental task of ensuring uniform interpretation of Union Law.

The Court of First Instance now has jurisdiction to deal with all actions brought by individuals and companies against decisions of Union institutions. Its decisions may be appealed to the Court of Justice but only on points of law.

The Court of Auditors oversees the finances of the European Union and ensures that all financial transactions are carried out according to the European Union budget and laws. The court of Auditors issues the annual report to the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament detailing its findings.

Task 3. Answer the following questions using the information of the text.

  1. What kind of international organization is the EU?

  2. How many countries belong to the EU?

  3. What role did the Maastricht Treaty play in the development of the EC?

  4. What are the characteristics of the contemporary EU?

  5. How was a single space of mobility for EU citizens provided?

  6. What areas do the EU’s activities cover?

  7. Why wasn’t the Constitution for Europe adopted?

  8. Is the current and future status of the EU clearly defined?

  9. What institutions support the proper functioning of the EU?

  10. What is the share of political responsibilities between the EU institutions?

  11. What are the most important powers of the European Parliament?

  12. What institution of the EU is the primary decision-making authority?

  13. Does the Council have a permanent membership?

  14. What institution has been described as “the guardian of the Treaties”?

  15. What are the main functions of the Commission?

  16. What organization is the judicial arm of the EU?

  17. Why was the Court of First Instance attached to the European Court of Justice?

  18. What jurisdiction does the Court of First Instance have?

  19. What are the responsibilities of the Court of Auditors?

Task 4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

assent adhere to customs checks at hand faltered passport control rejected under consideration making extended space of mobility controversy made up of draft budget provisions supersedes eligible oversees adopts co-decision issues overall uphold conform with points of law findings threefold predecessor enhance final say breaches customs union amendment

  1. The European Union is an intergovernmental and supranational union of 27 democratic member states from the European continent founded to_______ political, economic and social cooperation.

  2. Many aspects of the Union existed before that date through a series of ______ relationships, dating back to 1951.

  3. The European Union nowadays has a common single market consisting of a______ a single currency managed by the European Central Bank, a Common Agricultural Policy, a common trade policy, and a Common Fisheries Policy.

  4. The Schengen Agreement abolished _______, and _______ were also abolished at many of the EU’s internal boundaries, creating a single _______ for EU citizens to live, travel, work and invest.

  5. The ratification of the Constitution for Europe was _____ on May 29, 2005 when the majority of French voters _______ the constitution in a referendum.

  6. The current and future status of the European Union therefore continues to be subject of political _______.

  7. The European Parliament is _______ of 732 members (MEPs) who are directly elected by the citizens of the European Union.

  8. Its functions were advisory and supervisory but its right to participate in EU decision ______ was _______ by the later treaties.

  9. Depending on the legislation and the area , the legislative power of Parliament extends to consultation over the Commission, ________ of proposed legislation, ______ with the Council and Parliamentary _______ .

  10. The Parliament has the _______ over certain aspects of the budget and it has the power to reject it.

  11. The Council of the European Union _______ proposals and _______ instructions to the European Commission.

  12. In each meeting the members, one from each country, are chosen according to the subject_______. .

  13. Each member state sends its government minister who is most familiar with the topic ___.

  14. The Commission is also responsible for the general financial management of the European Union, and for ensuring that member states________ the European Union decisions.

  15. The Commissioners do not represent their own countries: they are independent, and their role is to represent the interests of the EU ________ .

  16. The functions of the Commission are ________ .

  17. The Commission ensures that member states _____ EC law, and it has powers to investigate _____by member states and, where necessary, bring them before the Court of Justice.

  18. The Commission draws up the annual ______ for the EU.

  19. The European Court of Justice ensues that other European Union institutions and member states ________ the________ of the European Union treaties and legislation

  20. The European Court of Justice has established that European Union law _____national law.

  21. Both judges and advocates are chosen from those who are ______ for the highest judicial positions in their own countries.

  22. The Court’s of First Instance decisions may be appealed to the Court of Justice but only on _______.

  23. The Court of Auditors issues the annual report to the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament detailing its _________.

  24. The Court of Auditors ________ the finances of the European Union and ensures that all financial transactions are carried out according to the European Union budget and laws.

Task 5. Mark the sentences as True or False

  1. The European Union is an intergovernmental and supranational union of 25 democratic member states from the European continent founded to enhance political, economic and social cooperation.

  2. The Schengen Agreement abolished passport control, and customs checks were also abolished at many of the EU’s internal boundaries, creating a single space of mobility for EU citizens to live, travel, work and invest.

  3. The European Union‘s activities cover a few areas of public policy, from health and economic policy to foreign affairs and defense.

  4. The European Commission rules, The European Parliament decides, The Council of the European Union advises, and the Court of Justice proposes.

  5. The most important powers of the European Parliament fall into two categories.

  6. The Council of the European Union is primary decision-making authority of the EU and is the most important and powerful EU body.

  7. The European Council is another name for The Council of the European Union.

  8. The Commission initiates, implements and supervises policy.

  9. The Commissioners represent their own countries: though they are independent, their role is to represent the interests of their home countries.

  10. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) is the highest administrative body of the European Union.

  11. The court has direct links with the national courts and control over how they apply and interpret national law, but it has established that European Union law supersedes national law.

  12. The court decides cases brought by the member states, by the Union institutions, by individuals and companies. It ensures uniform interpretation of Union law throughout the Union.

Task 6. Translate the following

Усиливать, predecessor, отвергать, customs union, паспортный контроль, customs checks, a single space of mobility, falter, спор, is made up of, decision making, расширяться, amendment, совместное решение, assent, последнее слово, issue, придерживаться, subject under consideration, at hand, в целом, тройной, uphold, нарушение, draft budget, conform with, положения, supersede, to be eligible, on points of law, выводы, oversee.

Task 7. Match the words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents

  1. enhance

  1. тройной, троякий

  1. predecessor

  1. поддерживать

  1. customs union

  1. согласие

  1. single space of mobility

  1. поправка

  1. falter

  1. близкий

  1. controversy

  1. надзирать, наблюдать

  1. decision making

  1. отменять, заменять собой

  1. amendment

  1. единое пространство для передвижения

  1. assent

  1. таможенный союз

  1. the final say

  1. соответствовать, следовать

  1. subject under consideration

  1. полученные данные, выводы

  1. at hand

  1. споткнуться, затормозить

  1. adhere to

  1. в целом, полностью

  1. overall

  1. придерживаться, оставаться верным

  1. threefold

  1. проект

  1. uphold

  1. предшественник

  1. draft budget

  1. усиливать, улучшать

  1. conform with

  1. последнее слово

  1. supersede

  1. принятие решений

  1. oversee

  1. спор, дискуссия

  1. findings

  1. рассматриваемый вопрос

Task 8. Complete the sentences with the endings from the text

  1. The European Union (EU) is an intergovernmental and supranational union of 27 democratic member states from the European continent founded to …

  2. The European Union was established under that name in 1992 by …

  3. The European Union nowadays has a common single market consisting of …

  4. The Schengen Agreement abolished …

  5. The European Union‘s activities cover …

  6. On October 29, 2004 EU member state heads of government and state signed the Treaty …

  7. However, this process faltered on May 29, 2005 when …

  8. The current and future status of the European Union therefore continues to be …

  9. The major governing institutions of the European Union are : …

  10. The European Parliament is made up of 732 members (MEPs) who are …

  11. The most important powers of the European Parliament fall into three categories:

1) ………………



  1. The Council of the European Union is the primary decision-making authority of the EU and is the most important and powerful EU body. It adopts proposals and ….

  2. The European Commission initiates …

  3. The Commission is composed of members called Commissioners who are …

  4. The functions of the Commission are threefold:

1) ………………

  1. 2)………………

  2. 3) ………………

  1. The ECJ is responsible for (1) …. It ensures that (2)…

  2. The Court decides cases brought by the member states, by …

  3. Now the Court of First Instance has jurisdiction to deal with all …

  4. The Court of Auditors oversees the finances of the European Union and ensures that …

Task 9. Choose the correct variant

  1. a) The European Union was established under that name in 1992 by the Treaty on European Union (The Maastricht Treaty).

b) The European Union was established under that name in 1992 by the Treaty on European Union (The Treaty of Rome).

  1. a) The Schengen Agreement did not abolish passport control, though customs checks were abolished at many of the EU’s internal boundaries

b) The Schengen Agreement abolished passport control, and customs checks were also abolished at many of the EU’s internal boundaries.

  1. a) On October 29, 2005 EU member state heads of government and state signed the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. This has been ratified by 15 member states.

b) On October 29, 2004 EU member state heads of government and state signed the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. This has been ratified by 13 member states.

4. a) The functioning of the European Union is supported by several institutions

b) The functioning of the European Union is supported by many institutions.

5. a) The functions of the original Parliament were advisory and supervisory but its right to participate in EU decision making was extended by the later treaties.

b) The functions of the original Parliament were advisory and supervisory but its right to participate in EU decision making was limited by the later treaties.

6. a) The Council of the European Union is primary decision-making authority and is the most important and powerful EU body. The Council of the European Union adopts proposals and issues instructions to the European Commission.

b) The Parliament is primary decision-making authority and is the most important and powerful EU body. The Parliament adopts proposals and issues instructions to the European Commission.

7. a) The Council does not have a permanent membership – in each meeting the members, one from each country, are chosen according to the subject under consideration.

b) The Council has a permanent membership – but in each meeting the members, one from each country, are chosen according to the subject under consideration.

8. a) Both judges and advocates are chosen from those who are eligible for the highest political positions in their own countries.

b) Both judges and advocates are chosen from those who are eligible for the highest judicial positions in their own countries.

Task 10. Translate into English

Необходимо иметь в виду, что традиционное для государств разделение на исполнительные, законодательные и судебные органы для ЕС не характерно. Если Суд ЕС можно смело считать судебным органом, то законодательные функции принадлежат одновременно Совету ЕС, Европейской комиссии и Европарламенту, а исполнительные – Комиссии и Совету.

Высший политический орган ЕС, состоящий из глав государств и прави-тельств стран-членов и их заместителей – министров иностранных дел. Членом Европейского Совета является также председатель Еврокомиссии. Совет определяет основные стратегические направления развития ЕС. Выработка генеральной линии политической интеграции – основная миссия Европейского совета. Наряду с Советом Министров Европейский Совет наделён политической функцией, заключающейся в изменении основополагающих договоров европейской интеграции. Его заседания проходят не менее чем дважды в год – либо в Брюсселе, либо в председательствующем государстве под председательством представителя государства-члена, возглавляющего в данное время Совет Европейского Союза. Заседания длятся два дня.

Европейский Совет следует отличать от Совета ЕС и от Совета Европы. Европейский совет – формально не входит в структуру институтов Европейского союза. В его рамках осуществляется так называемое «церемониальное» руководство, когда присутствие политиков самого высокого уровня придаёт принятому решению одновременно и значимость и высокую легитимность.

Task 11. Speak on:

1. European Parliament, its most important powers.

2. The Council of the European Union.

3. The European Commission and its functions.

4. The European Court of Justice, its jurisdiction.