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1 . Meeting new people

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Making introductions

Nowadays people seem to be tak­ing a more casual approach to eti­quette than in previous eras. How­ever, it is valuable to know the basic tenets of etiquette so that you know what to do in business and social settings.

Introductions are one of the things we do frequently in our work and daily life. The intention is to introduce one person to another person or persons, or to introduce sever­al people to each other. There are a few key rules to know to ensure you conduct your introductions smoothly and ac­cording to the traditions of business etiquette.


In social situations, a man is traditionally introduced to a woman. However, in the business world introductions are based on a person’s rank or position in a company. Whoev­er is the highest-ranking person is introduced to everyone else in order of their position. If you introduce two people of equal rank to each other, introduce the one you know less well to the one you know better.


The only exception to these traditions is when you are dealing with a client. In this case the client should be intro­duced first, even if you are with someone of higher rank within your company.

In making introductions, observe the following prac­tice:

One person is always introduced to another person by saying the name of the person to whom the other is being introduced. An example of how to introduce a client to a member of your company would be:

– Ms. Brown (of your company), I would like you to meet the Vice-Pres­ident of Marketing of Able Communications, Ms. Armstrong. Ms. Arm­strong, I would like to in­troduce Ms. Brown (you could also include her title).

Other tips for introduc­tions:

1. Use a friendly relaxed manner when introducing people. Remember to smile.

2. Mention both the first and last names distinctly, in­cluding titles.

3. If you are in a group and you’re making many introduc­tions it is helpful to include a bit of information about each person. This can help to facilitate further conversation. You don’t want to leave people in an uncomfortable situation by introducing them and then just walking away and leaving them in the position of not knowing what to say.

4. If you forget someone’s name, apologize briefly and wait for the person(s) involved to volunteer their name(s).

5. If you are uncertain how to pronounce someone’s name ask them for the correct pronunciation (prior to introducing them if possible).

6. If you are introduced to someone and you do not hear the name clearly, simply ask them to repeat it.


There are occasions in which you need to introduce yourself. For example if you are meeting new col­leagues, associates or clients.

To introduce yourself extend your hand and say:

– Hello, I am … I’m the … with Company ABC.

If you have previously been introduced to some­one do not assume that they will remember you. Be prepared to reintroduce yourself should it be necessary.


When you are introduced to someone you should always stand and shake hands and make eye contact. A handshake is the physical greet­ing that accompanies the verbal introduction. Not shak­ing hands could be perceived as a sign of rejection and could be very insulting to the other person. If you are wearing gloves you should remove them before shak­ing hands.

Some of the situations in which you should shake hands:

– when meeting a person for the first time or when say­ing good-bye;

– when renewing acquaintances;

– when greeting a host or hostess or being introduced to someone;

– when ending a transaction or leaving a business or social event.


If name tags are worn, they should be placed on the right shoulder. The reason for this is that most people are right handed and when people shake hands, using their right hand, this is where the eye can best see the name tag and the name of the person.


Always have a handful with you to present to potential clients or other business associates, even on the week­ends. Make sure they are clean and crisp with no frayed edges or pen marks.

It doesn’t take a large convention to bring customers and business owners together. Informal meetings are one of the best times to network and exchange business cards. If the person you are speaking with seems interested in your product or service you represent, offer that person a business card.

Most people, when they are handed a business card simply slip it into their pocket or folder without looking at it. When handed a business card, take the time to read it. Say the name of the person out loud to check that you have the correct pronunciation. If you are uncertain of the pronunci­ation ask them to pronounce it for you.

Present your business card face up and turned so that the person you are giving it to can read it. Make note of the company name and the title and if possible comment on previous experience you have had with the company or ask something about the person’s company or position there to show your interest.

Answer questions to the text.

  1. Who is introduced to whom in social situations? ____________________________


  1. How should you introduce a client? ______________________________________


  1. How would you introduce a client to a member of your company? ______________


  1. What are other introduction tips? _________________________________________


  1. What is it helpful to do when you are introducing a group of people? ____________


  1. What should you do if you forget someone’s name? __________________________


  1. What should you do if you aren’t sure how to pronounce someone’s name correctly? ___________________________________________________________________________

  2. H ow would you intro­duce yourself? ______________________________________


  1. How to shake hands properly? ___________________________________________


  1. In what situations do people shake hands? _________________________________


  1. If name tags are worn where should they be placed? _________________________


  1. W hy is it so important to be introduced to people and introduce people properly? ___________________________________________________________________________

  1. Why is it important to have plenty of business cards with you? _________________


  1. When should you offer a business card? ___________________________________


  1. How many business cards should you give to your new contact? __________ ___________________________________________________________________________

  2. I f you give two or three business cards to one person what impression may it make? ___________________________________________________________________________

  3. How should you present your business card? _______________________________


  1. What should you do when you are handed a business card? ____________________


  1. W ill, in your opinion, all these tips help you to make a good first impression on people you’re dealing with? ____________________________________________________
