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Put the verb into the correct form.

1. The exhibitions ……… every day at 9 o’clock and ……… at 6 o’clock in the evening (open, close).

2. The professional actors ……… in the Opera House during the next two weeks (perform).

3. It was said that the conductor ……… to participate in concerts because the Philharmonic Society ……… some points of the contract (refuse, change).

4. Consumers usually ……… food and drink in the nearest supermarket (buy).

5. Many people nowadays actively ……… fitness classes, as it ……… very popular to keep fit recently (attend, become).

6. The works of modern artists ……… in Surikov’s Museum now (display).

7. Two hundred years ago Krasnoyarsk ……… as large as it is now (to be / not).

8. There was no up-to-date equipment in the cinema, so we ……… the film much (enjoy / not).

9. The goods in the largest shopping centre ……… very expensive, so the clothes ……… very much (to be / not, cost / not).

10. The weather was perfect, so we ……… to observe all the city in two days (manage).

11. A huge amount of fountains ……… recently (build).

12. Our guide promised that we ……… much by the ancient part of the city (impress).

Translate into English.

1. В Красноярске есть много мест, где можно провести свободное время: кинотеатры, музеи, выставки.

2. Красноярск был основан в 17 веке.

3. Сначала мы хотели пойти на симфонический оркестр, но так как билетов уже не было, мы посмотрели пьесу в театре Пушкина.

4. В городе много новых районов.

5. В городе есть музей, названный в честь выдающегося сибирского художника Сурикова.

6. В Красноярском музейном центре действует постоянная выставка произведений современного искусства.

7. Город впечатляет количеством памятников и фонтанов.

8. Индустрия развлечений в современном городе очень развита.


8. Getting connected


Translate these words and word combinations:

means of communication; call; ring up; dial a number; long distance call; pick up a receiver; call back; be on the phone; hang up; get through; dial tone; phone booth (box); place a call; area code; operator; make a collect call; free customer service; toll-free call; directory.


Find the English equivalents for the following:

позвонить; набрать номер; номер телефона; телефонный справочник; телефонная трубка; телефонная будка; взять трубку; дозвониться; номер занят; положить трубку; телефонный разговор; говорить по телефону; бесплатное обслуживание; телефонный разговор с оплатой абонентом; бесплатный телефонный разговор.


Fill in the blanks:

1. If you want to telephone (call) your friend you ...... his phone number.

2. If he is busy he may ask you to ...... later.

3. If he doesn’t want to speak to you he may .......

4. If he is on the phone (line) when you call him, his number is engaged and you can’t .......

5. When you want to place a local call, you pick up ...... and hear a ...... tone.

6. In the phone booth you deposit the coins into .......

7. When you have deposited the correct amount of change in the slot of a pay phone you’ll hear a short ...... signal.

8. If you want to make a collect call, you can ask for .......

9. The telephone numbers prefixed by 800 numbers provid ...... because many companies are interested in getting customers.

10. The calls prefixed by 800 numbers and emergency calls ...... calls.

11. In the United States pay phones have .......

12. An office worker, a clerk at a hotel or any other institution hearing a phone ring first picks up a receiver and then ...... his/her institution.