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V. Работа над текстом "a Home School Family" (c. 419) (Аудирование):

Режим: Т-Р1, Р2, Рз

Do you think that a lot of students enjoy studying in American schools? In the USA not all American families

recognize the quality and excellence of school education. Just yesterday I received a sound letter from my

American pen pal, Dacia Campbell, in which she told me about an excellent opportunity for such parents,

a home school family. It was such an interesting thing that I couldn't stand bringing it to our English lesson

to let you learn some facts about your American peers.

1. Предварительное упражнение:

Let 'splay predictors. What do you think a home school family is? Look at this picture.

Remember what you said and then we 'II see who is the best predictor.

2. Снятие трудностей:

Fine! Look at the blackboard. There are some words here, which will help you to understand Dacia Campbell better,

(to feed, outside, inside, to plant, plant, band, throughout, ballet)

3. Коммуникативная задача:

Now listen to the sound letter attentively and then tell me where the children from a home school don't go during their classes?

4. Текст (+проверка понимания):

So, where do the children from a home school do not go during their classes'?

5. Повторное чтение:

Now I'll give you little pieces of paper with your own secret passwords. They are all written here on the black­board,

but nobody knows who gets which password. Don't show them to your classmates! I turn on the tape once more.

Everybody stands up and listens to the sound letter very attentively, catching every word and trying to recognize

his/her secret password. The moment you hear it you are say it aloud and then sit down. But even then you don't loose

your concentration! You continue catching every word and if I say some word from the black-board, but nobody sits you

say it aloud and get a score. The moment I finish reading everybody has to be sitting. Here are your passwords

(Atlanta, kitchen table, principal, desks, outside, study, planted, numbers, school bands, field trips, education).

VI. Заключительный этап урока.

Режим: T-CL; Т-Р}, Р2, Р3

6. Подведение итогов:

Well, children, I liked the way you spoke English today. Thank you for cooperation. 1 want to thank Ann. She answered

the questions brilliantly. Tanya, your pronunciation was perfect, thank you.

What did we do at the lesson today?

7. Домашнее задание:

  • And now open your record-books and write down your homework.

  • At home I want you to...

The lesson is over. One, two, three, you are free. See you on Monday.

1 Учебные стандарты школ России. Государственные стандарты общего, основного общего и среднего (полного) общего образования. Книга 1. Начальная школа. Общественно-гуманитарные дисциплины / Под. ред. В.С. Леднева, Н.Д. Никандрова, М.Н. Лазутовой. – М.: ТЦ Сфера, Прометей, 1998. – 380 с.