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IV. Введение глагола to get в разных значениях (с. 149):

Режим: T-Cl; T-Pi, Р2, рз

2. Ориентирующее замечание учителя:

Children, do you know, what is one of the most beloved places on campus of any American school? It's the Chat. What do you think this place is provided for? It's the most social place. Here the students meet, study, and, of course, chat. In their slang they use a lot of phrasal verbs. What is a phrasal verb? (a combination of verb and one or more adverbial or prepositional particles) What is so special about phrasal verbs? (they often have an idiomatic meaning that could not be predicted from the meanings of the individual parts) Some of English phrasal verbs you've already learned. Do you remember them? (look at/after/in/up/out/for, put offlaside/on/away/down/out/up with, come across/along/back/off/on) You've forgotten... What is the English for... ? And today we are going to get acquainted with a new phrasal verb - to get.

3. Семантизация новой лексики:

What does this verb mean? And now you are going to witness a miracle. I'll add different particles to the verb "get" and it will change its meaning! Look at the pictures and try to guess what I mean.. .I'm going to tell you a story about an American student Tom.

One day Tom got up very early. It was only 6 a.m., but the boy couldn't stay in bed any longer. (Do you understand me? What did Tom do at 6 a.m.? Try to explain the meaning of the phrasal verb "get up" in English). He was lying in his bed for some weeks. The point was that he had broken his leg when he was getting off the school bus. He slipped on the stairs and fell down. (Do you follow the storyline? When did Tom brake his leg?) It took him 4 weeks to get over. Finally his leg didn't hurt him any more and he was full of energy. (Do you understand what I'm talking about? Why did Tom feel so good?) Nevertheless he tried to make as little noise as he could: he didn't want to wake his roommate up. The boys got along very well and practically never quarreled. (What can you say about the relationships of the boys? What does "get along" mean?) When Ron got up the friends took their textbooks and went to the Chat, were all the students got together to study, interact and discuss the latest events on campus. (What do the students do in the Chat?)

4. Автоматизация новой лексики:

Имитативное упражнение: Yesterday when Тот phoned home his parents were out, so he spoke to his old grandmother. Now Tom's parents want to know whether Tom is well, but Mrs. Hampton is really very old. She has already forgotten everything and besides she is deaf. Let's have pity for the old lady and tell her what her grandchild did yesterday.

Repeat after me, please:

  1. Tom got up very early. One, two. Say it! Ann, Pete...

  2. He broke his leg when he was getting off the school bus. Altogether!

  3. It took him 4 weeks to get over. Repeat after me!

  4. The boys got along very well. ,

  5. In the Chat the students got together to study, interact and discuss the latest events on campus.

5. Систематизация новой лексики:

So what phrasal verb helped me to tell you about Tom's morning? ...

Open your textbooks on page 149. Ann, will you read the words? ... Thank you! Repeat after Ann!

At home I want you to put the new phrasal verb down into your vocabulary where you collect all the phrasal verbs we come across.