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IV. Give an explicit answer to the questions:

  1. What was special about the post on the next day after the Flying Class?

  2. How was the stadium arranged?

  3. What were Quidditch rules? (number of players, their responsibilities, Quidditch equipment, scoring etc.)

  4. What was students’ task in Charms on Hallowe’en morning and how were they coping with it?

  5. How did it happen that Hermione got offended?

  6. What happened at the Hallowe’en feast?

  7. How were Ron and Harry fighting with troll? (tell about everything they did)

  8. Who of the teachers came to rescue Hermione, Harry and Ron?

V. Mind Pictures:

The author uses descriptive words to create the mind picture she wants the reader to see. Use the most descriptive words possible to create a mind picture for your reader. More than one word can go on a line.

The long hallway was as dark as __________. Professor Snape crept cautiously along the corridor reaching out to find his way with hands that were __________. A faint light from the very end of the hall cast shadows of __________ before him. Professor Snape stopped, afraid of what he would find around the corner. Slowly, slowly he stretched his __________ neck until his eyes locked in horror on a __________. It was guarding the door that led to the room where the Sorcerer's Stone lay. The creature sensed a foreign presence and let out an eerie __________ that made the hairs on the Professor's neck stand on end. And then the creature saw Snape! With a terrible __________ the creature __________. Snape reacted quickly and __________leaving the monster __________ and the stone untouched.

Harry potter and philosopher´s stone



I. Vocabulary to the chapter:

moleskin ['mqVl"skIn] n – кротовый мех

foul [faVl] n – столкновение

through foul and fair – в беде и в радости

conjure ['kAndZq] v – колдовать, заниматься магией

limp [lImp] v – хромать, прихрамывать

speck [spek] n – пятнышко

loop-the-loop ["lu:pDq'lu:p] n – ав. петля Нестерова, мёртвая петля

lurch [lE:tS] n – крен

jinx [dZINks] v – разг. заколдовать, сглазить

chappie ['tSxpI] n – разг. паренёк, парнишка

II. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:

  1. a secret weapon

  2. to leak out

  3. to create a diversion

  4. to snore loudly

  5. to chatter

  6. to wheedle something out of someone

  7. a changing-room

  8. to glare at someone

  9. blast on a whistle

  10. to fight one’s way

III. The meaning of Harry Potter character names:

  1. Angelina Johnson: Angelina is Spanish for "angelic". Johnson means "son of John".

  2. Marcus Flint: Marcus means "brave" or "warlike". A flint is a hard, fine-grained type of quartz that when struck by steel, produces sparks to start fires.

  3. Alicia Spinnet: Alicia is related to Alice and ultimately the German Adalheid, meaning "noble type (of person)". The last name really exists and is often spelled Spinnett. A spinet a small upright piano. Alicia's name also may be a variation of spinner or spinney, a small grove of trees.

  4. Oliver Wood: The olive branch often is a symbol of peace. The olive tree's symbolism also includes a great harvest and long life. Wood is a place name (like Brooks or Field) and suggests ancestors who lived near or in a forest, or who were woodcutters.

  5. Katie Bell: Katie is a nickname for Katherine, often defined as "pure". According to Behind the Names, it may actually mean "one of the two" or "my blessing of your name". Bell is an English name with various meanings: (1) a person who lived by a town or church bell; (2) a bell-ringer, as in a church; (3) beautiful or handsome, derived from the French belle (same meaning); from Isobel, shortening of a name.

  6. Terrence Higgs: Terentius was a Roman family name. It may mean "tender" or "gracious", which doesn't sound like a Slytherin. Higgs is variation of Hicks, from old English Hicke, a nickname for the Norman French name Richard. The early English substituted an "H" because they had trouble saying the letter "R".

  7. Dean Thomas: Dean means "head" or "leader" and is often the title of a department chief at a college or university. Thomas means "twin".

  8. Fluffy: Fluff is down, the soft feathers on a bird, or fuzz. Fluffy in turn means "soft" or "light". Rowling gave this ironic name given to the huge three-headed dog as a humorous device -- Hagrid loves those dangerous animals and gives them such gentle-sounding names!

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