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II. Give Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:

  1. to hit with force

  2. to swing off the hinges

  3. to flat on the floor

  4. to hold out an enormous hand

  5. to sink into a hot bath

  6. to sag under weight

  7. a poker

  8. chipped mug

  9. slightly burnt sausages

  10. to fidget

  11. to take a gulp of tea

  12. to shrink back into the shadows

  13. to leap to one’s feet

  14. to growl at someone

  15. he was about to explode

  16. when he spoke, his every syllable trembled with rage

  17. to give a gasp of horror

  18. to clench fists

  19. beam at someone

  20. to give in without a fight

  21. upside-down

  22. to draw a deep breath

  23. to ask urgently

  24. to slam the door

III. Are the statements true or false? (chapters 3-4)

  1. The escape of the Brazilian boa constrictor earned Harry a light penalty.

  2. Harry was going to attend a local comprehensive school.

  3. Aunt Petunia burst into tears when she realized her Dudley would go to Smeltings soon.

  4. Mrs Dursley dyed some of Dudley’s old things which were supposed to be Harry’s school uniform.

  5. Harry went to get the post and discovered there was a thick letter for him.

  6. When Harry’s got his second letter, uncle Vernon gave up and allowed Harry to open it.

  7. Harry moved to Dudley’s second bedroom, because Dursleys thought they were being watched and were afraid of being punished due to bad attitude to him.

  8. Uncle Vernon was angry with the fact someone was writing his nephew.

  9. Uncle Vernon nailed up a letter-box so that Harry couldn’t get a letter from the stranger.

  10. Dudley had a tantrum because he didn’t want Harry to stay with him in his bedroom.

  11. On Sunday morning Mr Dursley was in a good mood because he knew there would be no letters this day.

  12. Uncle Vernon decided to take them out of the town, because he feared to face with difficulties while explaining Harry what was going on.

  13. Dursleys were happy to see Hagrid in the hut because he was their old acquaintance.

  14. Harry couldn’t believe his aunt and uncle were Muggles.

  15. Hagrid drove wild when he got to know Harry had lived ten years in the dark about his world.

  16. With the letter Harry has got a list of necessary books and equipment.

  17. It was prohibited to Hagrid to use his magic power and to speak about the Potters.

  18. Hagrid was going to help Harry to get ready to school.

  19. Mr Dursley was ready to pay for Harry’s education at Hogwarts if only he could spare difficulties.

  20. Hagrid turned Dudley into a pig just to make fun of him.

IV. Talking points:

  1. Explain why Hagrid got so mad at the Dursleys.

  2. Harry’s thoughts according to what Hagrid had told him.

  3. Explain Dursley’s behavior.

V. Writing prompts: Living with Dursleys

What would it be like to be a Wizard in a Muggle home? More than that, what would it be like to live with the dreaded Dursleys? This is Harry’s burden: relatives that despise him, and no where else to go. What would you do in his shoes? Use these writing activities to explore your feelings about Harry’s predicament.

Writing Prompt # 1

Harry Potter was forced to live under the stairs of his Uncle’s house in the equivalent of a modern day dungeon. Dust would fall on him when Dudley stomped down the stairs and spiders were his companions. Write a passage about what it would be like to be forced to live under the stairs in your house.

Writing Prompt # 2

Harry’s uncle, aunt and cousin were cruel, horrible people that abuse Harry daily. He is locked away, not fed, and generally ignored. What do you think should have been done to the Dursleys to punish them for how they treated Harry?

Writing Prompt # 3

Why do you think that Harry’s Uncle tried so hard to keep Harry from leaving for Hogwarts, when they disliked him so much? Put yourself in Uncle Vernon’s shoes and write a passage about what he was thinking.

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