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2. Explanations to the text

1. Naturally, you’ll be tempted to paint the brightest picture possible… – Ecтecтвeннo, вы иcпытaeтe иcкyшeниe нapиcoвaть как можно бoлee яpкyю кapтинy…

2. Bringing your business concept into focus. – Bыдвигaя cвoю кoнцeпцию (идeю) бизнеса.

3. Key vocabulary / expressions

be tough [ tf] – быть cтoйким, yпopным

compile [kәm´pail] – v собирать

conceive [ kәn´si:v] – v пoнимaть, пocтигaть

credence [´kredәns] – n дoвepиe

drive smb. out – изгнать, выдворить

formidable [´fo:midәbl] – adj. труднопреодолимый

get a foothold – проникнуть, протиснуться

inventory [ in´ventәri] – n товар, инвентарь

make expenditures [iks´pendit∫әz]– нести расходы

overheads – n накладные

retail [ri´teil] – v продавать(ся) в розницу

shrink [∫riηk] – v (shrank[∫ræηk], shrunk [∫rηk]) coкpaщaтьcя

tips – n свeдeния; совет; be at one’s fingertips быть в чьем-л. распоряжении

trustworthy [´trstֽwз:θi] – adj. достойный дoвepия

vastly [´v:stli] – adv. значительнo, в знaчитeльнoй cтeпeни

vulnerable [´vlnәrәbl] – adj. уязвимый

4. Phonetic drill.

[∫] sociology, special, official, financial, ancient, depreciation

[s] process, concept, perception, specific, recipient, license, medicine

5. Prepositional phrasal verbs.

Translate the sentences keeping in mind that the prepositions after the verbs change their usual meaning.


1. I hope I’m not going down with flu.

2. Are you going in for the journalistics?

3. We heard the bomb went off.

4. The meat smells as if it’s gone off.

5. How long does this concert go on?

6. What exactly has been going on?

7. The teacher went through our test papers.

8. Go through your pockets to see if you can find it.

9. That tie doesn`t go with your shirt.

10. You can’t go without water for long.

11. The speaker went for the profiteers.

________________________________________________________Lesson 12. WHAT TO DO WITH THE COLLECTED DATA

6. Word formation (Different ways to construct the words)

6.1 Translate the following words with negative suffixes and prefixes

inexperienced, inescapably, unmatched, discredited, unfamiliar, misunderstand, improperly, meaningless, unknown, careless, mislead, illegal, irregular.

6.2 Translate the following sentences with the italicized words

1. The amount of information you can garner from personal observation is


2. You need a great deal of control over your time.

3. Even a small amount of analysis can help you gauge the receptivity of a

particular market to your idea.

4. Some of the most important information you need will not be available from

any published source.

5. Some five hundred people came to the annual meeting of entrepreneurs.

6. I have some important papers on the topic.

7. Some people are used to getting up early.

8. Have you any excuse of your impolite behavior?

9. He can come any time he needs to work at the lab.

10. Have you seen anybody in the reading hall?

11. I know neither her nor her family.

12. I don’t like smoking. – Neither do I.

13. Nobody knows of his intentions.

14. No park in London is as popular as Hyde Park.

15. In London one must get used to the left-side traffic.

7. Speaking practice.

7.1 Do you agree with the definitions of some key terms used throughout the world in your profession? From the dictionary of business TERMS (barron’s business guides)

Concept* test is a research whose primary objective is to test an idea or concept that has been developed. Concept testing is done to assess effectiveness of the advertising campaign in reaching its effectiveness.

7.2 Answer the questions on Evaluating Your Business Concept worksheets

as if you are going to start your own business


*Concept is a thought, a notion, an idea.

Essential grammar

12. Translate the sentences with the OBJECTIVE INFINITIVE CONSTRUCTION

1. We know the industries don’t remain static; they may change dramatically

over time.

2. They consider the production of the soft drink to be stable, and few major

companies dominate the field.

3. The experts watched the bottled waters to be in a developing industry with lots

of competition and variation.

4. We believe the industries to have distinct attributes in different stages of


5. You must let the reader know about that.

6. We expect this scientist to be working at this scientific problem.

7. I have never heard anyone give so much information in one report.

8. I know him to carry out the research in the field of economics.

9. The operator made the students repeat the operation several times.