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6. Find in the text international words and make your own sentences with them.

7. Speaking practice.

Discuss the topics with your partner using the vocabulary of the lesson. The definition below may help you in the discussion.

1. What is a wholesale business? a retail business?

2. How do you understand the word combination “mall shop”?

3. Do you agree with the definition from The New Merriam-Webster Dictionary

(America’s #1 Paperback Dictionary):

Mall is an urban shopping area featuring a variety of shops surrounding a

concourse.” ?

8. Word formation (Different ways to construct the words or new notions)

8.1 Translate the following words having in mind that the meaning of the prefix re- is заново, снова, еще раз

re-examine, refocus, reform, re-establish, refuel, reformation, rehear, rejoin, reinsure, reprint., remake, restructure, recover, rediscovery, reconstruct.

8.2 Translate the given words keeping in mind that the prefix non- means отрицание или отсутствие чего-л.

non-effective, non-inflammable, non-aggressive, nonresistance, non-productive, non-alcoholic, nonreturnable, nonforgiving, non-military, nonsense.

Essential grammar (essential Grammar Appendix )


9. State the function of the Infinitive. Translate the sentences

1.You are given the best tools to examine your industry.

2.You will have the information necessary to compile your Industry analysis.

3. Naturally, you will need to do some research to get this information.

4. Do you want to focus on a description of your industry?

5. Your business may belong to more than one sector.

6. It’s useful to note your sector’s patterns.

7. A customer begins to recognize the need for this product.

10. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Infinitive

1. To do so, you want to convey your own sense of optimism about your


2. Investors have an excellent chance to get their money back.

3. Your plan is likely to end up in the hands of someone else.

4. The tone of the synopsis Summary tends to be rather dry.

5. Your goal in the Executive Summary is to motivate and entice the reader.

6. Bullet points can also be used effectively in the Summary.

11. Translate the sentences with split infinitive

1. How to painlessly deal with numbers and financial forms.

2. To fully appreciate the advantages of this book you must read it up to the end. 3. Your Business Plan must be carefully and thoughtfully developed.

4. In order to fully appreciate the advantages of this book, you must read it up to the end.

5. You need to realistically project the period of time by which new competitors will break these barriers.

6. You must keep emotions from clouding your ability to properly examine your financial reports.

7. It should be large enough to profitably sustain your business.

11. Translate the sentences with the for- phrases

1. The students were waiting for the professor to explain some aspects of the

economical theory.

2. It is for you to choose which of the four methods to use.

3. It was for her to decide whether to repeat that experiment or not.

4. It is also good for businesses to have one dominant element.

5. Nearly a month is required for the Moon to cycle the Earth.

6. It is very good for the students to repeat the material before the exam.

7. This is a good possibility for us to utilize the electronic equipment for

speeding up the process of calculation.