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12. Translate into English

1. Мы живем на четвертом этаже. 2. В комнате десять стульев. 3. Эта книга третья на полке. 4. Два стула, диван и столик стоят в гостиной. 5. Магазин – на первом этаже нашего дома. 6. Деканат института математики и компьютерных наук находится на втором этаже.

13. Draw a plan of your house or flat. Draw the items from Exercise 2 on your plan, and any other things you have (a cd player, a computer, a tv, a video). Tell your partner about your house or flat

Example: In my flat there are three bedrooms. There's a TV in the kitchen. We don't have a garden. We have two bathrooms.

14. Study the table

Форма всех типов предложений с оборотом THERE + TO BE



Present Ind.

There is/are

There is/are not

(isn’t / aren’t)

Is/Are there …

Past Ind.

There was/were

There was/were not

(wasn’t / weren’t)

Was/were there …

Future Ind.

There will be

There will not be

(won’t be)

Will there be …

Example: There is a car in the garage. – В гараже стоит машина.

There were not many chairs in the sitting-room. – В гостиной было немного стульев.

Will there be much snow in the winter? – Зимой будет много снега?

15. Fill in the gaps with suitable noun-phrases

a dean’s office; a computer; a lot of students; English-Russian dictionaries; a lot of snow; a few exams; many historical places; a meeting; old houses; a library; not much furniture; modern conveniences; journals; English classes

1. There is ___ on the second floor. 2. There are ___ in the corridor. 3. There is ___ in the classroom. 4. There are ___ in the bookcase. 5. There are ___ in our town. 6. There are ___ in the library. 7. There was ___ on the ground last winter. 8. There were ___ last week. 9. There was ___ at our University. 10. There will be ___ this spring. 11. There were ___ in this street. 12. There is ___ in the room. 13. There are all ___ in our house. 14. There is ___ on the first floor of this building.

16. Ask questions to get information. Use the words in brackets

Example: There are (were) many churches in this town (your town).

Are –

there many churches in your town?

Were –

A: 1. There are (were) a lot of bridges over the Thames (the Tura). 2. There are (were) a lot of monuments in Tobolsk (in your town). 3. There is (was) a computer class on the ground floor (a dean’s office). 4. There are (were) fifteen departments at our University (at our Institute). 5. There are (were) a lot of English-Russian dictionaries in our library (in the reading-hall).

Example: There will be a lecture on Mathematical analysis.

Will there be a lecture on Mathematical analysis?

B: 1. There will be five exams this spring (next term). 2. There will be many dictionaries in our library (our reading-hall). 3. There will be many students at the lecture (at the seminar). 4. There will be a seminar next week (in a week). 5. There will be a meeting in this room (in the hall).

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