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usually ['ju:ʒ(ə)lɪ] – обычно

sometimes ['sʌmtaɪmz] – иногда

enough [ɪ'nʌf] – достаточно

shower ['ʃəuə] – душ

always ['ɔ:lweɪz] – всегда

only ['əunlɪ] – только

never ['nevə] – никогда

cloakroom ['kləukrum] – гардероб

as a rule [æz ə ru:l] – как правило

canteen [kæn'ti:n] – столовая

twice [twaɪs] – дважды

team [ti:m] – команда

gymnasium [ʤɪm'neɪzɪəm] / gym [ʤɪm] – спортзал

to go round – бродить, гулять

8. Read the text. Look up the unknown words in the dictionary

My name is Olesya. My week starts on Monday. Usually I get up at 7 o’clock. I do my bed and open the window. Sometimes I do my morning exercises, but not always. Then I go to the bathroom. There I wash myself and clean my teeth. Sometimes I take a shower. After that I go to my bedroom, dress myself and brush my hair. In five minutes I am ready for breakfast. I usually have a cup of coffee and a sandwich. After breakfast I take my bag, put on my coat and go to the University.

I live not far from my University and it takes me only ten minutes to walk there. I’m never late for the first lesson because I come to the university a few minutes before the bell. I leave my coat in the cloakroom and go to the classroom. The lessons begin at eight o’clock and at half past one they are over. Sometimes after the lessons I go to the library to take some books. I usually do my home task at home. As a rule, I have no free time on my week-days.

Sometimes I have lunch at the university canteen. Twice a week I go to the swimming pool. I play volleyball in the university team and we have our training at our big gymnasium.

In the evening all the members of our family get together. We have dinner together, watch TV or read books. Reading is my hobby. I like to read detective stories or books of modern writers. I also like reading books in English.

Sometimes in the evenings I visit some museums or exhibitions with my friend. Or we just go round the centre of Tyumen. Generally I like to go round on my own. You can stop and look at the things you want to see.

At about eleven o’clock I go to bed. It’s high time to sleep.

9. Answer the questions

  1. When does Olesya usually get up?

  2. What does she do in the morning when she gets up?

  3. What does Olesya have for breakfast?

  4. How much does it take her to get to the university?

  5. Does Olesya have dinner at home or at the university canteen?

  6. When does her family have dinner?

  7. When does Olesya usually go to bed?

10. Study the diagram; add your own daily activities

11. Write about your working day

12. Study the table

Pronouns (местоимения)

Склонение личных местоимений

Формы притяжательных местоимений

Именит. падеж


(кто? что?)




(кого? что? кому? кем? чем?)

Основная форма (перед сущ.)


Абсолютная форма

(без сущ.)


I (я)

Me (меня, мне)

My (мой)

Mine (мой)

You (ты)

You (вас, вам, тебя, тебе)

Your (твой)

Yours (твой)


She (она)

It (оно, она, он) неодуш.

Him (его, ему)

Her (ее, ей)

It (его, ее, ему, ей) неодуш.

His (его)

Her (ее)

Its (его)

His (его)

Hers (ее)


We (мы)

Us (нас, нам)

Our (наш)

Ours (наш)

You (вы)

You (вас, вам)

Your (ваш)

Yours (ваш)

They (они)

Them (их, им)

Their (их)

Theirs (их)

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