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11. Choose the correct variant

  1. The plane is landing / are landing now.

  2. They am standing / are standing on the passport control.

  3. The cabin crew is coming / are coming round with landing cards.

  4. He usually feels / is feeling unwell during the flight.

  5. She is liking / likes the food on board.

  6. We cruise / are cruising at an altitude of 10,000.

  7. Where is Tom? – He is hiring / hires a car at the moment.

  8. What is he doing at the check-in desk? – He weighs / is weighing his luggage.

12. Translate into Russian paying attention into the usage of Present Continuous

  1. She is going to the cinema tonight. 2. We are not moving in today. 3. I am taking my exam on Wednesday. 4. They are leaving by the eight o’clock train. 5. I am seeing my friends this Saturday. 6. He is going tomorrow. 7. My father is arriving next week.

13. Translate into Russian

  1. She is going to Moscow tonight. 2. We are not visiting relatives today. 3. I am taking my exam on Wednesday. 4. They are leaving by the eight o’clock train. 5. I am seeing my friends this Sunday. 6. He is meeting his friends tomorrow. 7. My father is arriving next week.

Unit 4. Education, science and technology

4.1. The first university in russia

1. Study the vocabulary carefully


to enter the university – поступить в университет

to pass exams – сдать экзамены

to depend on (upon) – зависеть от

to work hard – усердно работать

to be considered worthy – быть признанным достойным

in order to – для того чтобы

to inspire – вдохновлять

to be set up – основывать

according to – согласно чему-либо

to lecture – проводить лекционное занятие

to be patronized by – находиться под покровительством

to be named after – быть названным в честь

to participate in – участвовать в

to work out – разрабатывать

to be proud of – гордиться

to undergo changes – подвергаться изменениям

to enable to – давать возможность, делать возможным

to gain skills – приобретать навыки

achievements – достижения

to glorify – восхвалять, возвеличивать, славить

2. Read the following words, mind the reading rules

Entry, acquire, invite, comprise, rapid, enroll, estate, edict, celebrate, establish, foundation, permission, abroad, confirm, previously, construct, recognize, offer.

3. Match Russian and English equivalents

  1. a school-leaver

  2. entrance exams

  3. competitive exams

  4. a school-leaving certificate

  5. an applicant

  6. an educational institution

  7. the Age of Enlightenment

  8. advanced science

  9. patron saint

  10. to do research in the field of….

  11. to gain professional skills

  12. to take practical courses

  13. a graduate

  1. век Просвещения

  2. святой покровитель

  3. выпускник школы

  4. заниматься на семинарах

  5. вступительные экзамены

  6. выпускник вуза

  7. получать профессиональные навыки

  8. передовая наука

  9. учебное заведение

  10. абитуриент

  11. проводить исследования в сфере…

  12. экзамены на конкурсной основе

  13. аттестат

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