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Начало формы Конец формы Soda Tax

To combat the growing waistlines and associated health problems in America, a tax on sodas has recently been bandied about. The idea would likely decrease the amount of soda people drink, thereby decreasing the number of calories from sugary beverages. Equally important, a soda tax seems like a no-brainer because it raises money to cover the deficit of national health care. The tax could raise more than $14 billion in its first year.

Opponents believe a tax would undermine people's choice. In fact, they have been very vocal in their disagreement, with mega-corporations already spending millions in advertising to combat the very idea. Coke's CEO likened the proposal to the Soviet Union, for the government has zero right to tell people what to and what not to drink, or at least in a free and democratic society. Steep taxes on foods could cause legal hazards as well, primarily because a tax so severely affects people's purchasing patterns. What's more, a tax on sugary beverages targets only one aspect of the problem. Other unhealthy foods, such as candy bars or sweetened breakfast cereals, get left out.

Interestingly enough, 53% of Americans responded positively to a tax on soda. Many realize that it could be one tool to fight obesity in America. 41% of children between the ages of two and eleven, 62% of adolescents between the ages of twelve and seventeen, and 24% of adults drink at least one soda per day. And individuals who drink more than on sugar-sweetened beverage are 27% more likely to be overweight. Clearly something must be done.

Overall, and unfortunately so, a soda tax hasn't made any real progress in the halls of government. The chances of any progress in the near future also remain very, very dim.

Warm Up: Do you agree or disagree? Why?

1. People must eat healthier food.

2. The government should regulate the food people buy.

3. There should be taxes on all food.

4. There should be taxes on unhealthy food.

5. Obesity is a real problem in many countries these days.

Fragments: Remember how the fragments were used, and complete the sentence from today's article.

1. Equally important, a soda tax seems like a no-brainer because...

2. The tax could raise more...

3. Other unhealthy foods, such as...

4. Interestingly enough, 53% of Americans...

5. The chances of any progress in...

Post-Comprehension: Talk about the following questions in pairs/groups. Remember to support your answers!

1. Do you think a soda tax would have any effect? Why/not?

2. Were you surprised by the amount of money such a tax would raise? Does this make it a good idea?

3. What do you think of the reasons given by people opposed to the tax? Please explain.

4. Should the government be able to limit our choices, particularly regarding food? Why/not?

5. What other taxes or laws should be enacted for the overall health of people?

Google Search: Type "soda tax" into Google. Look at the websites, and/or read additional articles on this topic. Discuss or write an essay about your findings.
