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10. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Президент США має право відхилити проект. 2. Я почув, як суддя говорив латиною. 3. Ви сподіваєтеся, присяжні повірять, що ви невинний? 4. Він вимагав, щоб йому надали можливість відшкодувати збитки. 5. Вважали, що дівчині потрібна допомога. 6. Вона сподівалася, що другий свідок підтвердить її версію. 7. Здається, вона багато знає про цивільне право. 8. Ви колись чули, щоб він порушував закон?

The Gerund

1. Rewrite the following sentences as in the example:

Example: It is important to have good friends. – Having good friends is very important.

1. It’s easy to learn how to read. 2. It’s important to become computer literate. 3. Is it difficult to study Criminal Law? 4. It’s important to have professional awareness. 5. It is interesting to learn about Contract Law. 6. It’s important to maintain legality. 7. It’s necessary to obtain team work skills.

2. Answer the questions using the Gerund:

1.What is the best way for training investigator skills? 2. What is the best way for gaining as much knowledge as possible in Criminal Law? 3. Maintaining public order is the task of law-enforcement bodies, isn’t it? 4. Which is more comfortable: to write or to type? 5. Which is more interesting: to play a role of an investigator or to take a role of an offender? 6. Which is more important: to know much and do nothing or to know less but try to find a way out.

3. Make a polite request using the construction stop/ start + Gerund:

Example: to make that terrible noise – Would you please stop making that terrible noise?

1. To examine the evidence; 2. to discuss the case with a judge; 3. to prepare the case for the hearing; 4. to search the place of the crime; 5. to tell about the accident. 6. to answer the inspector’s questions.

4. Express your attitude to the following using the structure to be worth + Gerund:

Example: to read the book – The book is (not) worth reading.

1. To discuss his speech at the meeting; 2. to study to become a lawyer; 3. to repeat an investigatory experiment; 4. to interrupt the speaker. 5. to follow his advice; 6. to consider the complexity of the case; 7. to change your guilty plea; 8. to tell me all the truth now.

5. Make up sentences using the structure need + Gerund:

Example: to paint the window – The window needs painting.

1. My jacket, to clean. 2. This difficult problem, to think about carefully. 3. The door, to repair. 4. The information, to check. 5. The documents, to analyze. 6. The evidence, to examine. 7. The report, to rewrite.

6. Make up sentences as in the example (use the verb to excuse):

Example: to interrupt – Excuse my interrupting.

to come late; to tell all the story to mother; to give so much trouble; to call you on Sunday; to remind of your debt; not to be present at the court hearing; to forget our arrangements to meet.

7. Complete the following sentences:

1. He is accused of… 2. I insist on telling … 3. He didn’t succeed in finding … 4. Passing a sentence must be … 5. Without considering the evidence of the accused the jury can’t … 6. After explaining the rules to the accused the judge began … 7. I am looking forward to… 8. We depend on…

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