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III. Practice and experience

1. Role–play “ The International Association of Lawyers’ Seminar”

The students are suggested to choose the roles of the registering clerks, representatives of mass media, lawyers of some certain countries and a presiding officer.

The registering clerks are to meet the guests ( lawyers from different countries), to communicate with them and give them registration cards.

The representatives of mass media are to interview the participants before the seminar. They get Questionnaires.

Write down questions (3-5) you will ask the lawyers of International association before their seminar. The topic of your interview is the peculiarities of the lawyer’s profession in his or her country. Make notes, be ready to make a report of your results.

Ask about the main principles of the lawyer’s activity, membership organizations or associations, legal ethics and lawyer disciplinary agencies of their countries.





The presiding officer presents top issues on agenda.

Top Issues on Agenda

1. Institution of advocacy, its historical roots.

2. World standards of advocacy.

    1. Discussion in working groups.

Topic for discussion:

The role of the defence lawyer in modern society

(status, main tasks, functions, training of lawyers).

Look through the texts to review your knowledge on the subject under discussion. Use some additional literature and try to deliver a report on the top issues on agenda.

The guests of the seminar are suggested to discuss how the main principles of advocacy provided for by the main documents are realized in their countries. Question at least two lawyers from different countries to get precise information on the topic. Here is the list of questions:

  1. Who can become a lawyer? What demands does a person meet to become a lawyer?

  2. Does a legal system influence the functions of a lawyer? What are the rights and duties of a lawyer?

  3. Does the institution of advocacy depend upon the state? Who governs the work of the lawyers in your country?

Write the answers in the table, give a short summary of your interview.

The participants of the conference are suggested to follow the reports and to make notes in the table.

Make notes to report your boss about the seminar:

Top issues on agenda

  1. The institution of advocacy, its historical roots.

The word “advocacy”:

means_________________________________________________ .

2. World standards of the advocacy functioning.

The main documents: ________________________________________


3. The role of a lawyer in modern society.

Notes: + necessary

- not necessary




The UK






Higher legal education

Work experience/practice


Rights and duties

The controlling body

Look through the notes, summarize the results of the meeting.

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