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8. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Нарешті вони почали ретельно вивчати питання інтелектуальної власності. 2. Проблему інформаційних технологій треба розглянути дуже ретельно. 3. З цим не слід сперечатись: клієнти шукають високо-якісних спеціалістів у галузі права. 4. Перестаньте звинувачувати усіх! 5. Вони з нетерпінням чекають на підвищення якості послуг. 6. Пробачте, що я втручаюся в розмову. 7. Вона заперечувала, що крала гроші. 8. Ці відбитки треба проаналізувати.

The Participle I

1. Rewrite the following sentences as in the example:

A. Example: The men who work in the Procurator’s Office are my colleagues. – The men working in the Procurator’s Office are my colleagues.

1. The man who steals from pockets is a pickpocket. 2. The lawyer who is announcing the sentence is a judge. 3. The criminal who was escaping from Winston prison was rather dangerous. 4. The burglar who broke into their house at night was not alone, somebody helped him. 5. The unknown man who is following us looks like a criminal. 6. The plaintiff is a party which brings an action to win compensation.

B. Example: When she heard the strange noise, she turned around. – Hearing the strange noise she turned around.

1. When an aggrived party starts criminal proceedings it usually sues for compensation. 2. When he questioned the witness he thought about his own family. 3. When they recognized his voice on the cassette, they became suspicious. 4. When they pass a law they always think if it violates the Constitution. 5. When I realized what had happened, I called the police.

C. Example: I read the article and made notes. – I read the article making notes.

1. The inspector looked at me and smiled. 2. The victim spoke and trembled. 3. The suspect spoke about his youth and showed old pictures with blood on them. 4. He turned over the pages of the criminal case and looked at the photos. 5. The man ran about and shouted.

2. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Point out Participles:

1. Numerous administrative agencies now make rules that deal with all kinds of activity, including licensing and protection of health. 2. Recently there have been continuous debates regarding the legitimacy of government intervention in matters of birth control. 3. All criminal trials in Britain are held before a judge and a jury consisting of 12 ordinary people. 4. Looking back over English legal history it is plain to see that the old local customs at and around the time of the Norman Conquest are the historical source of the common law. 5. Being the most serious offences, these cases are always tried by federal court judges. 6. The police investigating the case are looking for 3 men. 7. The suspect using the services of a famous lawyer could prove his alibi. 8. Being accused of a burglary, Mr Brown was sentences to 3 years of imprisonment.

3. Translate the following word combinations into English:

Кабінет, що складається з міністрів; люди, що голосують на виборах; партія, що керує країною; закон, що захищає права громадян; законотворчий орган; партія, що перемагає на виборах; інтелектуальна власність, яка відрізняється від інших форм власності; сторона, яка сплачує збитки позивачеві.

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